Lifting Database


Mid Atlantic



Competition Lifter Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points
03/03/2019 Arnold - Battle of the Regions Lam Viet Khanh Tran Ho 4. R-O -93 91.5 245 260 -270 165 175 182.5 277.5 292.5 305 747.5 716.86
03/03/2019 Arnold - Battle of the Regions Michael Kuhns 1. R-O -59 58.9 180 210 227.5 117.5 130 135 157.5 177.5 187.5 550 702.94
03/03/2019 Arnold - Battle of the Regions T. Justin Cooper 1. R-O -105 102.3 280 295 -310 172.5 182.5 187.5 305 327.5 340 822.5 744.59
03/03/2019 Arnold - Battle of the Regions Tracy Moody 5. R-O -93 90.8 245 267.5 285 132.5 140 142.5 292.5 305 317.5 745 717.74
03/03/2019 Arnold - Battle of the Regions Rachel Gody 1. R-O -57 56.2 137.5 -145 -150 87.5 -92.5 -95 145 157.5 -162.5 382.5 703.32