Lifting Database


Back Bay Powerlifting



Competition Lifter Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points
12/11/2022 Festivus Feats of MASS Strength Melissa Anguilla 1. R-O -67.5 65.3 120 130 137.5 45 50 55 120 132.5 140 332.5 349.99
06/25/2022 Massachusetts State Championships Sean Curran 1. R-M2 -110 107.1 180 190 197.5 115 122.5 130 205 217.5 -227.5 545 326.11
06/25/2022 Massachusetts State Championships Sean Curran 6. R-O -110 107.1 180 190 197.5 115 122.5 130 205 217.5 -227.5 545 326.11
06/25/2022 Massachusetts State Championships Grace Martin 1. R-O -75 69.9 115 125 132.5 77.5 85 -90 157.5 167.5 175 392.5 397.36
06/25/2022 Massachusetts State Championships Grace Martin 1. R-T3 -75 69.9 115 125 132.5 77.5 85 -90 157.5 167.5 175 392.5 397.36
04/30/2022 Squats and Science Spring Fling Samson Yuwono 7. R-O -100 96.4 187.5 197.5 207.5 112.5 120 125 187.5 200 207.5 540 337.84