Lifting Database


eclipse Powerlifting



Competition Lifter Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points
08/03/2024 Eclipse Classic Darren Cerbone 1. R-Y1 -40 37.3 15 20 22.5 15 -17.5 17.5 35 40 -45 80 101.69
08/03/2024 Eclipse Classic Kj O'Leary 1. R-O -75 74.3 170 175 182.5 115 -120 -120 210 220 227.5 525 378.92
08/03/2024 Eclipse Classic Sarah Harding 3. R-O -67.5 66 -55 60 62.5 40 42.5 45 75 80 92.5 200 209.20
08/03/2024 Eclipse Classic Jefferson Freeman 1. R-O -140 139.4 92.5 100 110 97.5 102.5 110 137.5 147.5 160 380 208.50
08/03/2024 Eclipse Classic Kira Yaggi 2. R-Y2 -52 51.5 -20 30 35 20 25 30 50 55 62.5 127.5 156.46
08/03/2024 Eclipse Classic Cole Besherwor 1. R-Y1 -30 28.1 20 25 27.5 15 20 -22.5 40 45 47.5 95 120.76
08/03/2024 Eclipse Classic Michael Berin 1. R-M2 -82.5 75.4 85 92.5 100 -57.5 60 -62.5 95 102.5 107.5 267.5 191.26
08/03/2024 Eclipse Classic Caitlin Keusch 1. R-O -75 72.9 -122.5 130 137.5 70 72.5 -75 155 -157.5 -157.5 365 360.94
08/03/2024 Eclipse Classic Sadie Royer 1. R-Y1 -48 47.1 35 40 42.5 22.5 25 27.5 60 67.5 72.5 142.5 186.46
08/03/2024 Eclipse Classic Kim Keller 1. R-M2B -82.5 78.2 27.5 -30 30 75 80 85 115 109.61
08/03/2024 Eclipse Classic Carter Herrin 2. R-Y1 -30 26.6 17.5 22.5 25 15 20 -21 40 42.5 45 90 114.40
08/03/2024 Eclipse Classic Michael Berin 2. R-O -82.5 75.4 85 92.5 100 -57.5 60 -62.5 95 102.5 107.5 267.5 191.26
08/03/2024 Eclipse Classic Alison Wood 1. R-O -82.5 78.1 65 70 -72.5 40 45 47.5 67.5 70 72.5 190 181.21
08/03/2024 Eclipse Classic Logan Keller 1. R-Y2 -40 36.1 30 32.5 37.5 20 22.5 25 50 55 57.5 120 152.53
08/03/2024 Eclipse Classic Andrew Besherwor 1. R-O -125 120.5 217.5 240 -250 122.5 132.5 -142.5 170 180 190 562.5 322.60
08/03/2024 Eclipse Classic Thawng Hmung 1. R-O -100 90.4 232.5 247.5 -255 140 147.5 155 235 252.5 -265 655 422.58
08/03/2024 Eclipse Classic Ellasyn Herrin 1. R-Y2 -44 43.1 50 55 62.5 30 37.5 40 65 72.5 77.5 180 251.91
08/03/2024 Eclipse Classic Luke Belcher 1. R-JR -82.5 76 190 205 215 125 135 -142.5 195 210 227.5 577.5 410.85
08/03/2024 Eclipse Classic Lauren Besherwor 1. R-Y2 -52 49.3 55 62.5 70 40 42.5 47.5 82.5 87.5 92.5 210 265.80
08/03/2024 Eclipse Classic Alison Sinadinos 1. R-O -67.5 65.9 102.5 107.5 -112.5 57.5 60 62.5 137.5 140 142.5 312.5 327.17
08/03/2024 Eclipse Classic Jennifer Black 2. R-O -67.5 62.8 67.5 72.5 77.5 40 42.5 -45 85 90 95 215 231.68
08/03/2024 Eclipse Classic Luke Belcher 1. R-O -82.5 76 190 205 215 125 135 -142.5 195 210 227.5 577.5 410.85
08/03/2024 Eclipse Classic Maria Berin 1. R-M2 -75 69.8 75 -80 80 35 -40 -40 85 92.5 97.5 212.5 215.24
08/03/2024 Eclipse Classic Allison Capik 1. R-O -60 56.6 72.5 77.5 80 47.5 50 -55 70 75 80 210 241.71
08/03/2024 Eclipse Classic Nicole Hodgson 1. R-M1 -90 85.2 77.5 85 87.5 42.5 45 -47.5 77.5 82.5 87.5 220 201.08
08/03/2024 Eclipse Classic Somer Besherwor 2. R-O -75 74.7 107.5 112.5 115 65 67.5 70 -125 -125 125 310 302.57
08/03/2024 Eclipse Classic Maria Berin 3. R-O -75 69.8 75 -80 80 35 -40 -40 85 92.5 97.5 212.5 215.24
08/03/2024 Eclipse Classic Reece Funderburk 1. R-O -90 89.7 200 210 -217.5 130 132.5 -137.5 227.5 242.5 250 592.5 383.76
08/03/2024 Eclipse Classic Bianca Booher 1. R-O -44 40.7 70 75 80 35 37.5 40 87.5 92.5 -95 212.5 311.14
08/03/2024 Eclipse Classic Nicole Hodgson 1. R-O -90 85.2 77.5 85 87.5 42.5 45 -47.5 77.5 82.5 87.5 220 201.08
08/03/2024 Eclipse Classic Thawng Hmung 1. R-JR -100 90.4 232.5 247.5 -255 140 147.5 155 235 252.5 -265 655 422.58
05/19/2024 Rising Star Youth Qualifier Sadie Royer 1. R-Y1 -48 46.4 34 38.6 40.8 20.4 25 27.2 56.7 61.2 65.8 133.8 177.17
05/19/2024 Rising Star Youth Qualifier Chase Friedman 2. R-Y2 -35 32.7 22.7 27.2 29.5 20.4 25 29.5 45.4 49.9 56.7 115.7 147.02
05/19/2024 Rising Star Youth Qualifier Mackinlee Manson 1. R-Y1 -30 29.7 11.3 13.6 18.1 11.3 13.6 15.9 29.5 34 40.8 74.8 111.12
05/19/2024 Rising Star Youth Qualifier Carter Herrin 1. R-Y1 -30 26.6 15.9 20.4 25 13.6 15.9 -18.1 36.3 40.8 45.4 86.2 109.56
05/19/2024 Rising Star Youth Qualifier Logan Keller 1. R-Y2 -35 33.7 29.5 34 38.6 15.9 20.4 25 43.1 47.6 52.2 115.7 147.03
05/19/2024 Rising Star Youth Qualifier Aubree Belden 1. R-Y1 -35 30 29.5 34 38.6 15.9 18.1 20.4 43.1 47.6 52.2 111.1 165.01
05/19/2024 Rising Star Youth Qualifier Maelee Manson 1. R-Y2 -35 32.5 11.3 13.6 18.1 11.3 13.6 15.9 29.5 34 36.3 70.3 104.40
05/19/2024 Rising Star Youth Qualifier Amelia Smith 2. R-Y1 -35 33.8 15.9 20.4 25 11.3 13.6 15.9 29.5 34 36.3 77.1 114.51
05/19/2024 Rising Star Youth Qualifier Darren Cerbone 1. R-Y1 -40 35.6 11.3 13.6 -15.9 11.3 12.5 13.6 29.5 34 38.6 65.8 83.61
05/19/2024 Rising Star Youth Qualifier Kira Yaggi 2. R-Y2 -48 47.6 20.4 25 29.5 20.4 25 29.5 52.2 56.7 61.2 120.2 155.99
05/19/2024 Rising Star Youth Qualifier Lincoln Boucher 3. R-Y2 -35 33 11.3 13.6 15.9 11.3 12.5 -15.9 29.5 34 38.6 66.9 85.05
05/19/2024 Rising Star Youth Qualifier Agatha Ross 3. R-Y1 -35 33.6 11.3 13.6 15.9 11.3 12.5 13.6 20.4 -25 25 54.4 80.83
05/19/2024 Rising Star Youth Qualifier Lauren Besherwor 1. R-Y2 -48 48 61.2 65.8 70.3 40.8 45.4 47.6 74.8 81.7 90.7 208.7 269.31
05/19/2024 Rising Star Youth Qualifier Ellasyn Herrin 1. R-Y2 -44 42.6 49.9 56.7 61.2 29.5 34 36.3 68 72.6 77.1 174.6 246.46
11/11/2023 Fall Festival of Power Reece Funderburk 4. R-O -90 88.9 202.5 212.5 220 127.5 132.5 -137.5 217.5 235 240 592.5 385.62
07/08/2023 Indiana eclipse Classic Michael Berin 1. R-M2 -75 73.7 -65 -70 70 50 52.5 -55 87.5 92.5 97.5 220 159.62
07/08/2023 Indiana eclipse Classic Jordan Hillenburg 3. R-O 100+ 156.7 -87.5 97.5 105 55 57.5 -62.5 97.5 105 115 277.5 213.88
07/08/2023 Indiana eclipse Classic Paige Hull 1. R-T2 -82.5 76 -112.5 112.5 117.5 55 57.5 -62.5 110 117.5 120 295 285.33
07/08/2023 Indiana eclipse Classic Collin David 1. R-O -75 74.4 105 110 -117.5 67.5 70 75 157.5 162.5 167.5 352.5 254.20
07/08/2023 Indiana eclipse Classic Ziva Naugle 1. R-Y2 -44 43.7 42.5 47.5 52.5 27.5 32.5 -37.5 60 65 72.5 157.5 218.08
07/08/2023 Indiana eclipse Classic Chase Keller 2. R-JR -100 92.5 142.5 150 155 107.5 -112.5 -112.5 177.5 185 190 452.5 288.65
07/08/2023 Indiana eclipse Classic Bailei Grooms 1. R-JR -90 86.3 57.5 62.5 67.5 40 45 50 62.5 67.5 77.5 195 177.17
07/08/2023 Indiana eclipse Classic Caitlin Steele 1. R-T1 -52 49.2 -80 85 -92.5 42.5 47.5 -50 85 92.5 102.5 235 297.88
07/08/2023 Indiana eclipse Classic Maria Berin 1. R-M2 -75 69.5 62.5 -65 65 32.5 35 -37.5 87.5 92.5 95 195 197.99
07/08/2023 Indiana eclipse Classic Reece Funderburk 2. R-O -90 89.7 197.5 205 212.5 130 -132.5 -132.5 217.5 227.5 232.5 575 372.42
07/08/2023 Indiana eclipse Classic Aleck Belcher 1. R-O -90 84.2 190 207.5 217.5 130 137.5 142.5 225 245 -255 605 405.18
07/08/2023 Indiana eclipse Classic Allison Capik 1. R-JR -60 56.7 65 67.5 72.5 45 47.5 50 65 70 75 197.5 227.06
07/08/2023 Indiana eclipse Classic Markais Wise 1. R-JR -100 99.2 -117.5 117.5 -125 117.5 72.58
07/08/2023 Indiana eclipse Classic Nicole Hodgson 1. R-M1 -90 83.3 72.5 77.5 82.5 40 45 -47.5 77.5 82.5 92.5 220 203.24
07/08/2023 Indiana eclipse Classic Somer Besherwor 1. R-O -82.5 78.2 107.5 112.5 117.5 62.5 65 70 -120 120 130 317.5 302.61
07/08/2023 Indiana eclipse Classic Bianca Booher 1. R-JR -44 40.5 67.5 70 72.5 35 37.5 40 80 85 92.5 205 301.35
07/08/2023 Indiana eclipse Classic Lauren Besherwor 1. R-Y1 -44 42.9 60 67.5 70 35 -40 40 75 -80 80 190 266.87
07/08/2023 Indiana eclipse Classic Paige Jackson 1. R-T1 -60 59.7 90 95 100 57.5 -60 -60 122.5 130 -137.5 287.5 319.72
07/08/2023 Indiana eclipse Classic Bonnie Douthitt 1. R-M2 -67.5 65.8 60 65 70 40 45 -47.5 85 95 -102.5 210 220.05
07/08/2023 Indiana eclipse Classic Seth Herrin 1. R-O -140 127.9 215 230 -235 142.5 150 160 240 -245 630 354.52
07/08/2023 Indiana eclipse Classic Ellasyn Herrin 1. R-Y2 -40 37.5 55 57.5 -60 27.5 -32.5 32.5 65 72.5 77.5 167.5 248.70
07/08/2023 Indiana eclipse Classic Luke Belcher 1. R-JR -82.5 81.6 225 235 240 147.5 155 -162.5 237.5 250 257.5 652.5 444.77
07/08/2023 Indiana eclipse Classic Amelie Parrish 1. R-T2 -60 57.9 75 80 87.5 57.5 62.5 -65 95 102.5 110 260 294.86
07/08/2023 Indiana eclipse Classic Natasha Freeman 2. R-JR -67.5 65 65 67.5 70 40 -45 45 65 72.5 -82.5 187.5 197.90
07/08/2023 Indiana eclipse Classic Bonnie Douthitt 2. R-O -67.5 65.8 60 65 70 40 45 -47.5 85 95 -102.5 210 220.05
07/08/2023 Indiana eclipse Classic Alison Sinadinos 4. R-O -75 69.8 85 87.5 92.5 52.5 -55 -55 122.5 130 -137.5 275 278.54
07/08/2023 Indiana eclipse Classic Will Milne 1. R-JR -75 73.6 150 -160 160 110 117.5 125 200 -212.5 212.5 497.5 361.29
07/08/2023 Indiana eclipse Classic Luke Belcher 1. R-O -82.5 81.6 225 235 240 147.5 155 -162.5 237.5 250 257.5 652.5 444.77
04/22/2023 Upstate Classic Reece Funderburk 3. R-O -90 89.5 207.5 215 -220 122.5 127.5 130 217.5 225 -230 570 369.60
11/19/2022 Glass City Open Seth Herrin 3. R-O -125 122.8 217.5 227.5 -235 142.5 -150 -150 237.5 250 265 635 361.98
11/19/2022 Glass City Open Ellasyn Herrin 1. R-Y1 -35 34.7 47.5 52.5 55 27.5 30 -32.5 65 70 -75 155 230.14
11/19/2022 Glass City Open Meagon Herrin 3. R-O -82.5 76.5 -97.5 97.5 102.5 47.5 50 -52.5 102.5 115 122.5 275 265.17
11/05/2022 Fall Festival of Power Bianca Booher 1. R-JR -44 40.6 60 65 67.5 35 37.5 -40 65 67.5 70 175 256.74
11/05/2022 Fall Festival of Power Luke Belcher 1. R-JR -82.5 80.5 212.5 222.5 -227.5 140 147.5 152.5 225 -242.5 242.5 617.5 424.39
11/05/2022 Fall Festival of Power Reece Funderburk 3. R-O -90 88.9 207.5 217.5 -220 120 125 -130 217.5 227.5 -230 570 370.98
07/10/2022 Indiana eclipse Classic Jade Nguyen 1. R-Y1 -30 29.4 25 27.5 30 -17.5 17.5 -20 45 -50 50 97.5 144.77
07/10/2022 Indiana eclipse Classic Bianca Booher 1. R-JR -44 41 62.5 67.5 70 35 37.5 -40 70 -75 -75 177.5 258.63
07/10/2022 Indiana eclipse Classic Nicole Hodgson 1. R-M1 -82.5 76.5 50 52.5 55 35 37.5 -40 70 75 80 172.5 166.33
07/10/2022 Indiana eclipse Classic Jessica Merkel 1. R-M1 -75 73.9 -105 -105 110 62.5 65 67.5 107.5 115 117.5 295 289.69
07/10/2022 Indiana eclipse Classic Jennifer Black 2. R-O -60 57.3 50 -52.5 -52.5 30 32.5 -35 60 62.5 65 147.5 168.51
07/10/2022 Indiana eclipse Classic Markais Wise 2. R-JR -90 90 110 120 127.5 -102.5 102.5 107.5 150 170 182.5 417.5 269.96
07/10/2022 Indiana eclipse Classic Seth Herrin 1. R-O -125 120.6 185 195 205 137.5 142.5 -150 220 240 -250 587.5 336.89
07/10/2022 Indiana eclipse Classic Ellasyn Herrin 1. R-Y1 -35 33.1 42.5 45 47.5 25 27.5 30 60 62.5 65 142.5 211.58
07/10/2022 Indiana eclipse Classic Somer Besherwor 1. R-O -90 89.1 65 67.5 -70 90 92.5 95 162.5 145.56
07/10/2022 Indiana eclipse Classic Layla Mathis 1. R-Y2 -35 33.4 40 42.5 45 20 22.5 -25 55 57.5 60 127.5 189.31
07/10/2022 Indiana eclipse Classic Paige Jackson 1. R-T1 -67.5 64.2 65 72.5 75 -55 55 57.5 107.5 112.5 115 247.5 263.17
07/10/2022 Indiana eclipse Classic Lauren Besherwor 1. R-Y1 -40 39.9 57.5 60 -62.5 35 37.5 40 65 70 75 175 259.84
07/10/2022 Indiana eclipse Classic Dae'Yana Nguyen 1. R-Y3 -44 42.5 42.5 45 47.5 25 27.5 30 60 62.5 65 142.5 201.62
07/10/2022 Indiana eclipse Classic Amelie Parrish 1. R-T1 -56 55.1 62.5 67.5 70 55 -57.5 -57.5 90 92.5 95 220 257.77
07/10/2022 Indiana eclipse Classic Reece Funderburk 2. R-O -90 88.4 197.5 205 212.5 120 -125 -125 215 -222.5 225 557.5 363.79
07/10/2022 Indiana eclipse Classic Meagon Herrin 1. R-O -82.5 80.8 120 125 -130 62.5 65 -67.5 112.5 117.5 120 310 290.75
07/10/2022 Indiana eclipse Classic Will Milne 1. R-JR -75 72.7 140 147.5 -155 110 -115 -115 202.5 210 -220 467.5 342.42
07/10/2022 Indiana eclipse Classic Cecelia Merkel 1. R-Y3 -75 74.5 55 60 62.5 50 55 57.5 97.5 105 107.5 227.5 222.45
07/10/2022 Indiana eclipse Classic Caitlin Steele 1. R-Y3 -48 45 55 60 62.5 40 -42.5 -42.5 85 90 95 197.5 267.40
07/10/2022 Indiana eclipse Classic Catherine Milne 2. R-JR -60 58.3 -72.5 75 80 50 52.5 -55 95 97.5 -100 230 259.82