Lifting Database


Barbell Babes Brigade



Competition Lifter Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points
11/25/2023 Avia Performance Open II Jennifer McIntyre 3. R-O 100+ 113.8 110 120 127.5 55 60 62.5 130 142.5 -150 332.5 271.06
11/25/2023 Avia Performance Open II Taz Matthews 5. R-O -90 83.8 100 107.5 -115 60 62.5 65 120 127.5 -132.5 300 276.36
11/18/2023 Strength Culture Cup #3 Rochene Hawley 2. R-O -60 59.1 102.5 110 112.5 55 57.5 60 140 -150 -152.5 312.5 349.76
11/04/2023 BBB Unite #2 Hannah Gregory 3. R-O -90 85.5 110 120 135 65 70 72.5 130 140 150 357.5 326.23
11/04/2023 BBB Unite #2 Caitlyn Mulligan 3. R-O 100+ 110 85 90 95 57.5 60 -62.5 102.5 112.5 117.5 272.5 224.66
11/04/2023 BBB Unite #2 Stephanie Brown 2. R-O -67.5 67.1 80 85 90 47.5 50 52.5 87.5 97.5 102.5 245 253.81
11/04/2023 BBB Unite #2 Claire Coulson 1. R-O -82.5 77.1 90 97.5 102.5 45 -47.5 -50 120 130 -140 277.5 266.50
11/04/2023 BBB Unite #2 Emma Keith 4. R-O -90 85.6 100 110 120 62.5 67.5 -72.5 115 125 140 327.5 298.69
11/04/2023 BBB Unite #2 Emily Grinsted 1. R-O -90 89.2 155 -167.5 -167.5 77.5 -82.5 -82.5 140 147.5 -152.5 380 340.12
11/04/2023 BBB Unite #2 Jessica Daniel 2. R-O -75 71 -112.5 115 120 45 47.5 -50 125 135 -142.5 302.5 303.50
11/04/2023 BBB Unite #2 Alicia Arden 5. R-O -90 83.7 70 77.5 82.5 37.5 40 42.5 92.5 97.5 -102.5 222.5 205.08
11/04/2023 BBB Unite #2 Taneal McTavish 2. R-O -82.5 78.1 85 92.5 -100 45 50 -55 110 117.5 122.5 265 252.74
11/04/2023 BBB Unite #2 jade harward 1. R-O 100+ 128 -142.5 150 157.5 85 87.5 90 145 155 165 412.5 325.55
11/04/2023 BBB Unite #2 Srilekha Ragupathy 3. R-O -82.5 81.2 80 90 -97.5 40 -42.5 -42.5 100 115 125 255 238.51
04/29/2023 Big Queen Energy #2 Marina Clarke 2. R-O -100 93.6 85 90 95 60 65 -67.5 110 122.5 130 290 254.26
04/29/2023 Big Queen Energy #2 Claire Coulson 3. R-O -75 74 85 90 92.5 42.5 45 47.5 110 117.5 122.5 262.5 257.50
04/29/2023 Big Queen Energy #2 Kristine pearton 1. R-O 100+ 119.4 135 -145 145 85 90 95 155 165 -172.5 405 325.46
04/29/2023 Big Queen Energy #2 Michelle Keyrouz 4. R-O -75 73.5 82.5 90 95 45 47.5 -50 102.5 110 117.5 260 255.98
04/29/2023 Big Queen Energy #2 Leonora Abrahams 1. R-O -100 95.7 110 120 -125 45 50 55 115 125 140 315 273.63
04/29/2023 Big Queen Energy #2 Heather Mcdonald 2. R-O -75 67.8 87.5 92.5 97.5 42.5 45 47.5 102.5 112.5 117.5 262.5 270.43
03/12/2023 Team Champs at the Fort Sevil Atheris 4. R-O -82.5 77.7 117.5 127.5 -132.5 57.5 60 62.5 130 140 150 340 325.12
03/12/2023 Team Champs at the Fort Corinne Celestina 1. R-O 100+ 107.9 160 170 175 85 -90 -90 170 -185 185 445 369.25
03/12/2023 Team Champs at the Fort Victoria Bishop 4. R-O -67.5 64.7 -82.5 85 90 40 42.5 -45 100 110 117.5 250 264.72
12/03/2022 Australia Nationals & International Open Corinne Celestina 3. R-O 100+ 110.6 160 170 -180 85 87.5 90 170 182.5 -192.5 442.5 364.09
12/03/2022 Australia Nationals & International Open Brochelle Georgeson 4. R-O 100+ 122.2 175 185 195 75 80 -82.5 150 160 165 440 351.28