Lifting Database


307 Strength



Competition Lifter Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points
11/02/2024 Dia de los Deadlifts Ana Camila Little 1. R-Y2 -52 49 55 60 65 27.5 30 31 65 72.5 80 176 223.75
11/02/2024 Dia de los Deadlifts Randi Mair 1. R-T1 -67.5 61.8 67.5 75 82.5 35 40 45 75 82.5 -90 210 228.54
05/04/2024 Wyoming Ladies of Iron Celia Williams 1. R-M3 -67.5 62.2 25 30 35 32.5 35 -40 55 60 65 135 146.33
05/04/2024 Wyoming Ladies of Iron Ana Camila Little 1. R-Y2 -48 45 45 50 55 25 27.5 30 65 72.5 -80 157.5 213.24
05/04/2024 United Ladies of Iron Franki Mair 44. R-O -67.5 65.4 75 82.5 -90 50 55 57.5 95 105 115 255 268.29
05/04/2024 Wyoming Ladies of Iron Celia Williams 0. R-M3A -67.5 62.2 25 30 35 32.5 35 -40 55 60 65 135 146.33
05/04/2024 Wyoming Ladies of Iron Randi Mair 1. R-T1 -67.5 61.3 55 62.5 70 35 40 42.5 70 80 87.5 200 218.75
05/04/2024 United Ladies of Iron Ana Camila Little 1. R-Y2 -48 45 45 50 55 25 27.5 30 65 72.5 -80 157.5 213.24
05/04/2024 United Ladies of Iron Celia Williams 2. R-M3 -67.5 62.2 25 30 35 32.5 35 -40 55 60 65 135 146.33
05/04/2024 United Ladies of Iron Randi Mair 2. R-T1 -67.5 61.3 55 62.5 70 35 40 42.5 70 80 87.5 200 218.75
05/04/2024 Wyoming Ladies of Iron Ashleigh Clyne 1. R-T3 -75 73.5 125 132.5 -140 67.5 72.5 77.5 130 140 150 360 354.43
05/04/2024 Wyoming Ladies of Iron Franki Mair 2. R-O -67.5 65.4 75 82.5 -90 50 55 57.5 95 105 115 255 268.29
05/04/2024 United Ladies of Iron Ashleigh Clyne 2. R-T3 -75 73.5 125 132.5 -140 67.5 72.5 77.5 130 140 150 360 354.43
03/16/2024 Make Your Own Luck Open Maggie Jones 1. R-M1A 100+ 131.4 130 137.5 145 75 80 82.5 160 170 175 402.5 315.82
01/20/2024 BBT Winter Mayhem Solstice Heiner 1. R-T3 -67.5 62.4 25 30 35 25 30 -32.5 67.5 75 -80 140 132.99
12/10/2022 Heavy Liftmas Lexi Matthews 1. R-T2 100+ 113.3 -107.5 107.5 115 -45 50 -55 97.5 105 117.5 282.5 230.65
12/10/2022 Heavy Liftmas Kole Garfield 1. R-Y3 -40 36.1 37.5 42.5 -47.5 25 27.5 -30 57.5 62.5 67.5 137.5 174.78