Lifting Database





Competition Lifter Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points
12/15/2024 Korea TITANS youngbong noh 2. R-M1A -90 89.1 177.5 187.5 -195 132.5 135 140 205 215 225 552.5 359.07
12/15/2024 Korea TITANS youngbong noh 7. R-O -90 89.1 177.5 187.5 -195 132.5 135 140 205 215 225 552.5 359.07
12/15/2024 Korea TITANS BeomJu Jeong 1. R-O -75 74.1 215 -225 230 120 -130 130 235 247.5 -255 607.5 439.16
08/24/2024 Korea Nationals Cheonsu Kim 1. R-O -67.5 67 207.5 220.5 227.5 120 127.5 130 232.5 250.5 -260.5 608 471.25
08/24/2024 Korea Nationals Sanghoon Lee 0. R-O -90 88.4 -210 -215 -215 140 147.5 155 230 237.5 -245 0 0.00
02/24/2024 The Honam Royal Rumble Mubin Park 5. R-O -90 88.7 225 245 255 140 -150 -150 200 -220 -220 595 387.54
02/24/2024 The Honam Royal Rumble BeomJu Jeong 1. R-O -75 73.7 220 230 -235 115 122.5 -127.5 -240 245 -255 597.5 433.45
02/24/2024 The Honam Royal Rumble Cheonsu Kim 1. R-O -67.5 66.6 200 210 -217.5 115 122.5 -127.5 225 -245 252.5 585 455.42
02/24/2024 The Honam Royal Rumble Sanghoon Lee 3. R-O -90 85.3 205 -212.5 215 135 145 -147.5 230 242.5 -250 602.5 400.65
02/24/2024 The Honam Royal Rumble youngbong noh 1. R-M1A -90 89.2 167.5 177.5 190 130 135 -140 192.5 205 215 540 350.75
02/24/2024 The Honam Royal Rumble youngbong noh 7. R-O -90 89.2 167.5 177.5 190 130 135 -140 192.5 205 215 540 350.75
10/28/2023 Korea Spartan Series BeomJu Jeong 3. R-O -75 73 215 225 -235 110 117.5 125 230 240 -250 590 430.93
10/28/2023 Korea Spartan Series Changhyun Jo 1. R-O -60 59.1 80 95 107.5 55 -75 -75 100 135 145 307.5 262.88
10/28/2023 Korea Spartan Series Yonghyun Kim 1. R-O -110 105.2 280 300 305 180 190 -192.5 280 -290 -305 775 467.11
10/28/2023 Korea Spartan Series Sanghoon Lee 6. R-O -82.5 81.6 -185 190 205 130 137.5 -142.5 210 227.5 240 582.5 397.00
10/28/2023 Korea Spartan Series Kwangse Oh 1. R-O -125 112.1 205 212.5 -217.5 110 120 -122.5 190 200 -210 532.5 313.22
10/28/2023 Korea Spartan Series Jihye Kwon 3. R-O -67.5 67 95 102.5 110 45 47.5 -50 110 120 -130 277.5 287.70
10/28/2023 Korea Spartan Series Geunhee Jeon 2. R-O -125 123.6 175 200 225 105 110 -120 175 185 195 530 301.44
10/28/2023 Korea Spartan Series Young jin Son 1. R-O -82.5 81.4 120 127.5 132.5 132.5 90.45
10/28/2023 Korea Spartan Series Jihye Kwon 1. R-T3 -67.5 67 95 102.5 110 45 47.5 -50 110 120 -130 277.5 287.70
10/28/2023 Korea Spartan Series Mubin Park 4. R-O -90 89.4 235 250 -255 120 130 -147.5 210 225 -240 605 392.61