Lifting Database





Competition Lifter Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points
12/15/2024 Korea TITANS Ki Hyun Yoon 1. R-O -82.5 82.5 250 260 265 140 -145 -145 260 270 -280 675 457.24
12/15/2024 Korea TITANS ji minsoo 2. R-O -100 99.7 247.5 -257.5 -260 147.5 152.5 -157.5 247.5 260 270 670 413.01
12/15/2024 Korea TITANS JinHyuk Kim 4. R-O -90 88.7 202.5 210 220 117.5 125 -127.5 210 220 227.5 572.5 372.93
12/15/2024 Korea TITANS CHANSEOK RYU 5. R-O -90 84.6 195 207.5 210 110 115 120 215 225 230 560 373.97
12/14/2024 TEAM TITANS Championship DongWan Yoo 5. R-O -90 87.2 270 285 290 155 162.5 167.5 250 -260 -260 707.5 464.97
12/14/2024 TEAM TITANS Championship Jihun Kim 0. R-O -100 98.8 270 277.5 -281 150 160 -165 -260 -260 -260 0 0.00
12/14/2024 TEAM TITANS Championship Yonghyun Kim 1. R-O -125 111.9 -300 310 -315 190 200 205 285 -295 -295 800 470.84
12/14/2024 TEAM TITANS Championship DongHyeon Kim 2. R-O -82.5 81.8 235 247.5 250 130 135 140 285 295 305 695 472.95
11/16/2024 Korea Show & Prove Unseok Ko 1. R-O -110 103.1 220 230 235 145 150 155 250 260 -270 650 394.92
11/16/2024 Korea Show & Prove DongHyeon Kim 1. R-O -82.5 81.3 260 275 285 285 194.71
11/16/2024 Korea Show & Prove Seok Woo Kang 1. R-O -100 93.6 255 262.5 -265 157.5 162.5 262.5 277.5 -287.5 702.5 445.64
10/05/2024 Korea LIMITBREAKERS Sangji Lee 1. R-O -100 99.4 232.5 -242.5 242.5 190 195 200 257.5 272.5 280 722.5 445.80
10/05/2024 Korea LIMITBREAKERS Jong Hyun Ro 1. R-O -90 89.8 220 230 -237.5 160 165 170 225 240 245 645 417.62
10/05/2024 Korea LIMITBREAKERS Dohwan Lee 3. R-O -82.5 80 200 210 -212.5 142.5 150 152.5 250 260 -265 622.5 429.24
10/05/2024 Korea LIMITBREAKERS Kyung-Jun Lee 2. R-O -90 89.3 225 232.5 -240 145 150 155 220 235 -240 622.5 404.06
10/05/2024 Korea LIMITBREAKERS CHANSEOK RYU 1. R-O -90 83.8 115 122.5 -125 122.5 82.28
08/24/2024 Korea Nationals Jihun Kim 4. R-O -100 96 275 -282.5 -282.5 -147.5 147.5 155 260 272.5 -277.5 702.5 440.35
08/24/2024 Korea Nationals DongHyeon Kim 2. R-O -82.5 81.3 232.5 247.5 257.5 127.5 132.5 137.5 285 295 -308 690 471.20
08/24/2024 Korea Nationals Seok Woo Kang 3. R-O -100 92.9 250 260 267.5 155 160 -165 260 272.5 277.5 705 448.88
08/24/2024 Korea Nationals DongWan Yoo 2. R-O -90 89 270 280 290 -152.5 160 165 265 277.5 -280 732.5 476.44
08/24/2024 Korea Nationals Sangji Lee 2. R-O -100 99.1 237.5 247.5 -255 190 198 200.5 260 272.5 -277.5 720.5 445.31
06/15/2024 DR.STRENGTH Classic Kyung-Jun Lee 5. R-O -90 88.8 -222.5 232.5 237.5 142.5 -152.5 -152.5 220 230 -237.5 610 397.17
06/15/2024 DR.STRENGTH Classic Dohwan Lee 1. R-O -75 74.3 195 207.5 -212.5 137.5 145 -147.5 -245 245 -257.5 597.5 431.25
06/15/2024 DR.STRENGTH Classic Seok Woo Kang 2. R-O -90 87.7 235 245 255 145 155 -162.5 250 265 272.5 682.5 447.15
05/25/2024 One Last Dance Junhyuk Kim 1. R-O -140 138.7 230 242.5 -245 170 -180 180 -205 205 225 647.5 355.75
04/06/2024 Iron Souls II ji minsoo 4. R-O -100 99 245 -252.5 252.5 -140 140 150 245 252.5 257.5 660 407.99
04/06/2024 Iron Souls II CHANSEOK RYU 12. R-O -82.5 81 -185 195 202.5 110 115 -122.5 210 -222.5 -222.5 527.5 361.05
04/06/2024 Iron Souls II Jaeyoung Lee 3. R-O -100 98.7 250 252.5 -255 -155 155 -157.5 270 -275 -282.5 677.5 419.40
04/06/2024 Iron Souls II DongWan Yoo 1. R-O -90 86.9 270 280 287.5 160 162.5 -167.5 265 272.5 -277.5 722.5 475.58
04/06/2024 Iron Souls II Jeong Hun Kim 2. R-O -125 124 250 257.5 262.5 167.5 175 -177.5 255 265 280 717.5 407.73
04/06/2024 Iron Souls II Ki Hyun Yoon 3. R-O -90 84.9 250 260 265 135 140 142.5 260 267.5 275 682.5 455.01
04/06/2024 Iron Souls II Kyung-Jun Lee 4. R-O -90 88.3 212.5 225 -235 142.5 150 155 212.5 225 235 615 401.64
04/06/2024 Iron Souls II DongHyeon Kim 2. R-O -82.5 81.4 -232.5 235 247.5 125 132.5 135 290 300 307.5 690 471.07
02/24/2024 The Honam Royal Rumble Unseok Ko 4. R-O -110 102.8 210 220 225 147.5 152.5 -155 -250 -250 250 627.5 381.71
02/24/2024 The Honam Royal Rumble Jaeyoung Lee 1. R-O -110 104.1 250 255 -257.5 155 -160 165 260 270 -280 690 417.59
02/24/2024 The Honam Royal Rumble DongWan Yoo 1. R-O -90 88.6 265 275 282.5 155 162.5 -167.5 -255 255 265 710 462.66
02/24/2024 The Honam Royal Rumble Sangji Lee 2. R-O -100 99.3 235 242.5 247.5 190 -200 -200 257.5 272.5 -287.5 710 438.39
02/24/2024 The Honam Royal Rumble Jihun Kim 1. R-O -100 98.3 270 280 -290 -140 150 160 252.5 267.5 282.5 722.5 447.98