Lifting Database





Competition Lifter Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points
06/29/2024 Battle at the Burg Alexander Barnhart 1. R-JR -125 113.1 140 155 -165 100 105 -110 155 165 185 445 260.87
06/29/2024 Battle at the Burg Jeffrey Eckhoff 0. R-O -90 85.8 160 165 -170 -105 -105 -105 -195 195 -200 0 0.00
06/29/2024 Battle at the Burg Tomas Schultheis 1. R-O -110 109.1 215 225 230 135 142.5 -150 225 235 250 622.5 369.90
06/29/2024 Battle at the Burg James Martter 2. R-O -110 108.1 -165 175 -187.5 137.5 -142.5 -145 207.5 -217.5 -217.5 520 310.03