Lifting Database





Competition Lifter Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points
03/13/2016 6th Annual Ryan Moore New England Open High School Championship Ross Friedman 2. R-O -74 73.3 165 175 -185 90 97.5 -102.5 210 220 -227.5 492.5 356.67
03/13/2016 6th Annual Ryan Moore New England Open High School Championship Tim Mo 10. R-O -74 67 115 125 -135 -65 72.5 77.5 165 175 180 382.5 296.67
01/16/2016 St. John's High School Classic and Worcester Open Timothy Mo 5. R-T2 -74 67.4 100 112.5 125 60 65 72.5 160 167.5 172.5 370 285.60
01/16/2016 St. John's High School Classic and Worcester Open Ross Friedman 1. R-T2 -83 78 152.5 160 170 85 90 -100 195 205 212.5 472.5 327.87