Lifting Database


Wyoming Open

Date: 04/10/2021
Sanction #: WY-2021-02
State: Wyoming
Meet Director: Bart Stricklin

Results (43 results, 37 lifters)

Placing Name YOB Team State Lot Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested    
Bench press
Male - Raw Master 2b
-105 1. Rick Trujillo 1964 WY 321 98.70 132.5 140 145 145 66.84
Female - Raw Junior
-69 1. Katelyn Sosa 1998 ID 112 67.10 122.5 132.5 137.5 65 -70 -70 150 160 167.5 370 77.88 X
Female - Raw Master 3a
84+ 1. Deann Russell 1960 WY 118 101.45 102.5 107.5 117.5 62.5 67.5 -72.5 122.5 130 142.5 327.5 58.19
Female - Raw Open
84+ 1. Mindy Lunsford 1984 CO 122 108.90 115 120 -127.5 70 77.5 82.5 125 130 135 337.5 58.95
84+ 2. Deann Russell 1960 WY 118 101.45 102.5 107.5 117.5 62.5 67.5 -72.5 122.5 130 142.5 327.5 58.19
Female - Raw Teen 2
-52 1. Erin Gardiner 2004 WY 120 50.75 47.5 50 55 30 35 37.5 72.5 75 80 172.5 44.49
-63 1. Araynne Meacham 2003 WY 121 62.45 50 57.5 65 35 40 -45 75 87.5 -92.5 192.5 42.36
Female - Raw Teen 3
-63 1. Margo Mccardell 2002 WY 116 59.60 90 97.5 -112.5 60 67.5 75 90 102.5 -115 275 62.45
Female - Raw with Wraps Open
84+ 1. Devon Houser 1986 Strick's Powerlifting Club WY 110 94.60 142.5 150 -165 70 72.5 -80 175 185 192.5 415 62.52
Female - Raw Youth 3
-69 1. Lela Payne 2007 Strick's Powerlifting Club WY 119 64.30 67.5 75 80 30 35 40 97.5 107.5 -112.5 227.5 49.13
Male - Raw Junior
-83 1. Arniel Batomalaque 1998 WY 316 82.10 215 230 235 140 150 155 262.5 280 -290 670 93.26
-93 1. Parker Jelouchan 1998 CO 314 91.10 230 245 260 112.5 117.5 125 265 277.5 -290 662.5 87.55
Male - Raw Master 1a
-120 1. Refugio Cerenil 1980 WY 320 109.60 175 200 212.5 147.5 160 -177.5 175 190 -200 562.5 68.09
Male - Raw Open
-93 1. Parker Jelouchan 1998 CO 314 91.10 230 245 260 112.5 117.5 125 265 277.5 -290 662.5 87.55
-105 1. Garrett Blevins 1988 CA 310 103.10 310 325 -335 207.5 215 -222.5 310 325 337.5 877.5 109.27 X
-120 1. Refugio Cerenil 1980 WY 320 109.60 175 200 212.5 147.5 160 -177.5 175 190 -200 562.5 68.09
120+ 1. Benjamin Ward 1990 WY 317 168.50 265 275 285 182.5 185 -190 265 275 285 755 76.84
Male - Raw Teen 1
-83 1. Bryce Boyer 2005 Strick's Powerlifting Club WY 218 78.30 135 145 152.5 100 107.5 112.5 135 145 160 425 60.60
-120 1. Asher Vail 2005 Strick's Powerlifting Club WY 215 107.50 125 135 145 65 -70 -75 130 145 155 365 44.58
Male - Raw Teen 2
-59 1. Evanston Connor 2004 WY 210 55.80 20 25 30 25 27.5 30 30 32.5 35 95 16.20
-66 1. Trapper Rasmussen 2003 UT 213 65.10 -132.5 137.5 -142.5 100 105 -107.5 -165 165 170 412.5 64.77 X
-74 1. Clayton Thomas 2004 Strick's Powerlifting Club WY 219 69.50 95 105 -115 67.5 72.5 77.5 125 140 150 332.5 50.44
-74 2. Espian Martinez 2003 WY 319 69.35 75 80 90 60 62.5 -70 127.5 135 137.5 290 44.04
-74 3. Carson McLaughlin 2003 WY 312 70.00 75 80 90 47.5 50 -55 112.5 117.5 132.5 272.5 41.18
-74 4. Nathan Dutro 2004 WY 211 72.10 77.5 82.5 -90 50 55 -60 87.5 92.5 95 232.5 34.60
-83 1. Ace Cathcart 2004 WY 221 81.80 160 -165 180 102.5 110 -115 172.5 182.5 205 495 69.03 X
-83 2. Jesse Thornton 2003 Strick's Powerlifting Club WY 212 83.00 152.5 165 175 92.5 100 112.5 165 180 205 492.5 68.18
-83 3. Caidan White 2004 CO 217 77.70 45 117.5 -135 70 87.5 107.5 145 162.5 187.5 412.5 59.05
-83 4. Ross Larrabee 2004 UT 214 79.00 127.5 132.5 137.5 -80 -82.5 82.5 167.5 172.5 182.5 402.5 57.13
-93 1. Patrick Schutz 2003 WY 318 83.50 92.5 97.5 107.5 65 70 -77.5 120 127.5 140 317.5 43.82
-105 1. Chris Pickering 2005 Strick's Powerlifting Club WY 220 93.40 115 130 140 67.5 77.5 85 127.5 150 157.5 382.5 49.93
-120 1. Carlos Enriquez 2004 Strick's Powerlifting Club WY 216 106.80 170 180 192.5 112.5 120 125 187.5 207.5 -210 525 64.31
Male - Raw Teen 3
-74 1. Espian Martinez 2003 WY 319 69.35 75 80 90 60 62.5 -70 127.5 135 137.5 290 44.04
-74 2. Carson McLaughlin 2003 WY 312 70.00 75 80 90 47.5 50 -55 112.5 117.5 132.5 272.5 41.18
-83 1. Kyler Kludy 2003 WY 313 77.00 107.5 115 127.5 75 -80 -80 157.5 170 -185 372.5 53.58
-93 1. Patrick Schutz 2003 WY 318 83.50 92.5 97.5 107.5 65 70 -77.5 120 127.5 140 317.5 43.82
-120 1. Tyler Macon 2003 WY 311 118.00 150 157.5 172.5 85 90 -97.5 157.5 170 185 447.5 52.40
Male - Raw with Wraps Master 3a
-120 1. Jeffery Nebeker 1959 ID 315 108.80 165 175 -185 135 145 150 195 200 210 535 53.82
Male - Raw Youth 1
-48 1. Jaxon Magnuson 2011 Strick's Powerlifting Club WY 111 46.80 25 32.5 37.5 15 17.5 -21.5 50 57.5 65 120 22.49
Male - Raw Youth 2
-40 1. Bear Bake 2009 Strick's Powerlifting Club WY 117 37.20 40 -45 45 22.5 25 30 62.5 70 72.5 147.5 31.25
-93 1. Cooper Wartenbee 2009 Strick's Powerlifting Club WY 113 86.25 55 62.5 70 30 35 37.5 85 92.5 100 207.5 28.17
Male - Raw Youth 3
-53 1. Brady Dibble 2009 Strick's Powerlifting Club WY 115 50.20 85 95 97.5 40 45 -47.5 102.5 112.5 117.5 260 46.93
-53 2. Geyamkhosi Gilliam 2008 Strick's Powerlifting Club WY 114 52.65 77.5 85 95 35 37.5 42.5 100 107.5 -115 245 43.10


Type Division Weightclass Discipline Lifter Weight
Wyoming State Raw Records R-JR -52 Squat Brady Dibble 97.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -53 Total push-pull Brady Dibble 162.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -53 Total Brady Dibble 260 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -53 Deadlift Brady Dibble 117.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -53 Squat Brady Dibble 97.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-JR -82.5 Total push-pull Arniel Batomalaque 435 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-JR -82.5 Bench press single lift Arniel Batomalaque 155 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-JR -82.5 Total Arniel Batomalaque 670 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-JR -82.5 Deadlift Arniel Batomalaque 280 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-JR -82.5 Bench press Arniel Batomalaque 155 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-JR -82.5 Squat Arniel Batomalaque 235 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -83 Total push-pull Arniel Batomalaque 435 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -83 Bench press single lift Arniel Batomalaque 155 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -83 Total Arniel Batomalaque 670 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -83 Deadlift Arniel Batomalaque 280 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -83 Bench press Arniel Batomalaque 155 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -83 Squat Arniel Batomalaque 235 kg
Colorado State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -93 Squat Parker Jelouchan 260 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-M2A -100 Bench press single lift Rick Trujillo 145 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2A -105 Bench press single lift Rick Trujillo 145 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-M2B -100 Bench press single lift Rick Trujillo 145 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2B -105 Bench press single lift Rick Trujillo 145 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-O -82.5 Total push-pull Arniel Batomalaque 435 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-O -82.5 Bench press single lift Arniel Batomalaque 155 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-O -82.5 Total Arniel Batomalaque 670 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-O -82.5 Deadlift Arniel Batomalaque 280 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-O -82.5 Bench press Arniel Batomalaque 155 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-O -82.5 Squat Arniel Batomalaque 235 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -83 Total push-pull Arniel Batomalaque 435 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -83 Bench press single lift Arniel Batomalaque 155 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -83 Total Arniel Batomalaque 670 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -83 Deadlift Arniel Batomalaque 280 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -83 Bench press Arniel Batomalaque 155 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -83 Squat Arniel Batomalaque 235 kg
Colorado State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -93 Squat Parker Jelouchan 260 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-T1 -52 Squat Brady Dibble 97.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T1 -53 Total push-pull Brady Dibble 162.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T1 -53 Total Brady Dibble 260 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T1 -53 Deadlift Brady Dibble 117.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T1 -53 Squat Brady Dibble 97.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-T1 -82.5 Total push-pull Bryce Boyer 272.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-T1 -82.5 Bench press single lift Bryce Boyer 112.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-T1 -82.5 Total Bryce Boyer 425 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-T1 -82.5 Bench press Bryce Boyer 112.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-T1 -82.5 Squat Bryce Boyer 152.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T1 -83 Total push-pull Bryce Boyer 272.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T1 -83 Bench press single lift Bryce Boyer 112.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T1 -83 Total Bryce Boyer 425 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T1 -83 Bench press Bryce Boyer 112.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T1 -83 Squat Bryce Boyer 152.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-T2 -52 Squat Brady Dibble 97.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T2 -53 Total push-pull Brady Dibble 162.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T2 -53 Total Brady Dibble 260 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T2 -53 Deadlift Brady Dibble 117.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T2 -53 Squat Brady Dibble 97.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T2 -120 Bench press single lift Carlos Enriquez 125 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T2 -120 Bench press Carlos Enriquez 125 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-T3 -52 Squat Brady Dibble 97.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T3 -53 Total push-pull Brady Dibble 162.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T3 -53 Total Brady Dibble 260 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T3 -53 Deadlift Brady Dibble 117.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T3 -53 Squat Brady Dibble 97.5 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M1B -100 Total push-pull Jeffery Nebeker 360 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M1B -110 Total push-pull Jeffery Nebeker 360 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records (2015-2021) RW-M1B -120 Total push-pull Jeffery Nebeker 360 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M1B -125 Total push-pull Jeffery Nebeker 360 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M1B -140 Total push-pull Jeffery Nebeker 360 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M2A -100 Total push-pull Jeffery Nebeker 360 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M2A -110 Total push-pull Jeffery Nebeker 360 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M2A -110 Bench press single lift Jeffery Nebeker 150 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M2A -110 Total Jeffery Nebeker 535 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M2A -110 Deadlift Jeffery Nebeker 210 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M2A -110 Bench press Jeffery Nebeker 150 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M2A -110 Squat Jeffery Nebeker 175 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records (2015-2021) RW-M2A -120 Total push-pull Jeffery Nebeker 360 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records (2015-2021) RW-M2A -120 Bench press single lift Jeffery Nebeker 150 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records (2015-2021) RW-M2A -120 Total Jeffery Nebeker 535 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records (2015-2021) RW-M2A -120 Deadlift Jeffery Nebeker 210 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records (2015-2021) RW-M2A -120 Bench press Jeffery Nebeker 150 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records (2015-2021) RW-M2A -120 Squat Jeffery Nebeker 175 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M2A -125 Total push-pull Jeffery Nebeker 360 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M2A -125 Bench press single lift Jeffery Nebeker 150 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M2A -125 Total Jeffery Nebeker 535 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M2A -125 Deadlift Jeffery Nebeker 210 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M2A -125 Bench press Jeffery Nebeker 150 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M2A -125 Squat Jeffery Nebeker 175 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M2A -140 Total push-pull Jeffery Nebeker 360 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M2A -140 Bench press single lift Jeffery Nebeker 150 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M2A -140 Total Jeffery Nebeker 535 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M2A -140 Deadlift Jeffery Nebeker 210 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M2A -140 Bench press Jeffery Nebeker 150 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M2A -140 Squat Jeffery Nebeker 175 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M2B -100 Total push-pull Jeffery Nebeker 360 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M2B -110 Total push-pull Jeffery Nebeker 360 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M2B -110 Bench press single lift Jeffery Nebeker 150 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M2B -110 Total Jeffery Nebeker 535 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M2B -110 Deadlift Jeffery Nebeker 210 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M2B -110 Bench press Jeffery Nebeker 150 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M2B -110 Squat Jeffery Nebeker 175 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records (2015-2021) RW-M2B -120 Total push-pull Jeffery Nebeker 360 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records (2015-2021) RW-M2B -120 Bench press single lift Jeffery Nebeker 150 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records (2015-2021) RW-M2B -120 Total Jeffery Nebeker 535 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records (2015-2021) RW-M2B -120 Deadlift Jeffery Nebeker 210 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records (2015-2021) RW-M2B -120 Bench press Jeffery Nebeker 150 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records (2015-2021) RW-M2B -120 Squat Jeffery Nebeker 175 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M2B -125 Total push-pull Jeffery Nebeker 360 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M2B -125 Bench press single lift Jeffery Nebeker 150 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M2B -125 Total Jeffery Nebeker 535 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M2B -125 Deadlift Jeffery Nebeker 210 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M2B -125 Bench press Jeffery Nebeker 150 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M2B -125 Squat Jeffery Nebeker 175 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M2B -140 Total push-pull Jeffery Nebeker 360 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M2B -140 Bench press single lift Jeffery Nebeker 150 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M2B -140 Total Jeffery Nebeker 535 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M2B -140 Deadlift Jeffery Nebeker 210 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M2B -140 Bench press Jeffery Nebeker 150 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M2B -140 Squat Jeffery Nebeker 175 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M3A -100 Total push-pull Jeffery Nebeker 360 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M3A -110 Total push-pull Jeffery Nebeker 360 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M3A -110 Bench press single lift Jeffery Nebeker 150 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M3A -110 Total Jeffery Nebeker 535 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M3A -110 Deadlift Jeffery Nebeker 210 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M3A -110 Bench press Jeffery Nebeker 150 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M3A -110 Squat Jeffery Nebeker 175 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records (2015-2021) RW-M3A -120 Total push-pull Jeffery Nebeker 360 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records (2015-2021) RW-M3A -120 Bench press single lift Jeffery Nebeker 150 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records (2015-2021) RW-M3A -120 Total Jeffery Nebeker 535 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records (2015-2021) RW-M3A -120 Deadlift Jeffery Nebeker 210 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records (2015-2021) RW-M3A -120 Bench press Jeffery Nebeker 150 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records (2015-2021) RW-M3A -120 Squat Jeffery Nebeker 175 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M3A -125 Total push-pull Jeffery Nebeker 360 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M3A -125 Bench press single lift Jeffery Nebeker 150 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M3A -125 Total Jeffery Nebeker 535 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M3A -125 Deadlift Jeffery Nebeker 210 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M3A -125 Bench press Jeffery Nebeker 150 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M3A -125 Squat Jeffery Nebeker 175 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M3A -140 Total push-pull Jeffery Nebeker 360 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M3A -140 Bench press single lift Jeffery Nebeker 150 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M3A -140 Total Jeffery Nebeker 535 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M3A -140 Deadlift Jeffery Nebeker 210 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M3A -140 Bench press Jeffery Nebeker 150 kg
Idaho State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M3A -140 Squat Jeffery Nebeker 175 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-Y1 -48 Total push-pull Jaxon Magnuson 82.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y1 -48 Total push-pull Jaxon Magnuson 82.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-Y1 -48 Bench press single lift Jaxon Magnuson 17.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y1 -48 Bench press single lift Jaxon Magnuson 17.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y1 -48 Total Jaxon Magnuson 120 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-Y1 -48 Total Jaxon Magnuson 120 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y1 -48 Deadlift Jaxon Magnuson 65 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-Y1 -48 Deadlift Jaxon Magnuson 65 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y1 -48 Bench press Jaxon Magnuson 17.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-Y1 -48 Bench press Jaxon Magnuson 17.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y1 -48 Squat Jaxon Magnuson 37.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-Y1 -48 Squat Jaxon Magnuson 37.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-Y2 -90 Total push-pull Cooper Wartenbee 137.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-Y2 -90 Bench press single lift Cooper Wartenbee 37.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-Y2 -90 Total Cooper Wartenbee 207.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-Y2 -90 Deadlift Cooper Wartenbee 100 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-Y2 -90 Bench press Cooper Wartenbee 37.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-Y2 -90 Squat Cooper Wartenbee 70 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y2 -93 Total push-pull Cooper Wartenbee 137.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y2 -93 Bench press single lift Cooper Wartenbee 37.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y2 -93 Total Cooper Wartenbee 207.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y2 -93 Deadlift Cooper Wartenbee 100 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y2 -93 Bench press Cooper Wartenbee 37.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y2 -93 Squat Cooper Wartenbee 70 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-Y3 -52 Total push-pull Brady Dibble 162.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-Y3 -52 Bench press single lift Brady Dibble 45 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-Y3 -52 Total Brady Dibble 260 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-Y3 -52 Deadlift Brady Dibble 117.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-Y3 -52 Bench press Brady Dibble 45 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-Y3 -52 Squat Brady Dibble 97.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y3 -53 Total push-pull Brady Dibble 162.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y3 -53 Bench press single lift Brady Dibble 45 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y3 -53 Total Brady Dibble 260 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y3 -53 Deadlift Brady Dibble 117.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y3 -53 Bench press Brady Dibble 45 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y3 -53 Squat Brady Dibble 97.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-JR -60 Bench press single lift Margo Mccardell 75 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-JR -60 Bench press Margo Mccardell 75 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -63 Bench press single lift Margo Mccardell 75 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -63 Bench press Margo Mccardell 75 kg
Idaho State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-JR -67.5 Total push-pull Katelyn Sosa 232.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-JR -67.5 Bench press single lift Katelyn Sosa 65 kg
Idaho State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-JR -67.5 Total Katelyn Sosa 370 kg
Idaho State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-JR -67.5 Deadlift Katelyn Sosa 167.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-JR -67.5 Squat Katelyn Sosa 137.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-JR -67.5 Bench press single lift Lela Payne 40 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-JR -67.5 Bench press Lela Payne 40 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-JR -67.5 Squat Lela Payne 80 kg
Idaho State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -69 Total push-pull Katelyn Sosa 232.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -69 Bench press single lift Katelyn Sosa 65 kg
Idaho State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -69 Total Katelyn Sosa 370 kg
Idaho State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -69 Deadlift Katelyn Sosa 167.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -69 Bench press Katelyn Sosa 65 kg
Idaho State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -69 Squat Katelyn Sosa 137.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -69 Total push-pull Lela Payne 147.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -69 Bench press single lift Lela Payne 40 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -69 Total Lela Payne 227.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -69 Deadlift Lela Payne 107.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -69 Bench press Lela Payne 40 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -69 Squat Lela Payne 80 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-M1B 100+ Total push-pull Deann Russell 210 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1B 84+ Total push-pull Deann Russell 210 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1B 84+ Bench press single lift Deann Russell 67.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-M1B 100+ Bench press single lift Deann Russell 67.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1B 84+ Total Deann Russell 327.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-M1B 100+ Total Deann Russell 327.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-M1B 100+ Deadlift Deann Russell 142.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1B 84+ Deadlift Deann Russell 142.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1B 84+ Bench press Deann Russell 67.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-M1B 100+ Bench press Deann Russell 67.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1B 84+ Squat Deann Russell 117.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-M1B 100+ Squat Deann Russell 117.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-M2A 100+ Total push-pull Deann Russell 210 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2A 84+ Total push-pull Deann Russell 210 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2A 84+ Bench press single lift Deann Russell 67.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-M2A 100+ Bench press single lift Deann Russell 67.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2A 84+ Total Deann Russell 327.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-M2A 100+ Total Deann Russell 327.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-M2A 100+ Deadlift Deann Russell 142.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2A 84+ Deadlift Deann Russell 142.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-M2A 100+ Bench press Deann Russell 67.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2A 84+ Bench press Deann Russell 67.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2A 84+ Squat Deann Russell 117.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-M2A 100+ Squat Deann Russell 117.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-M2B 100+ Total push-pull Deann Russell 210 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2B 84+ Total push-pull Deann Russell 210 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2B 84+ Bench press single lift Deann Russell 67.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-M2B 100+ Bench press single lift Deann Russell 67.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2B 84+ Total Deann Russell 327.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-M2B 100+ Total Deann Russell 327.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-M2B 100+ Deadlift Deann Russell 142.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2B 84+ Deadlift Deann Russell 142.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-M2B 100+ Bench press Deann Russell 67.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2B 84+ Bench press Deann Russell 67.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2B 84+ Squat Deann Russell 117.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-M2B 100+ Squat Deann Russell 117.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-M3A 100+ Total push-pull Deann Russell 210 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M3A 84+ Total push-pull Deann Russell 210 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-M3A 100+ Bench press single lift Deann Russell 67.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M3A 84+ Bench press single lift Deann Russell 67.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M3A 84+ Total Deann Russell 327.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-M3A 100+ Total Deann Russell 327.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M3A 84+ Deadlift Deann Russell 142.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-M3A 100+ Deadlift Deann Russell 142.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-M3A 100+ Bench press Deann Russell 67.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M3A 84+ Bench press Deann Russell 67.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M3A 84+ Squat Deann Russell 117.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-M3A 100+ Squat Deann Russell 117.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-O -67.5 Total push-pull Katelyn Sosa 232.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-O -67.5 Bench press single lift Katelyn Sosa 65 kg
Idaho State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-O -67.5 Total Katelyn Sosa 370 kg
Idaho State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-O -67.5 Bench press Katelyn Sosa 65 kg
Idaho State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -69 Total push-pull Katelyn Sosa 232.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -69 Bench press single lift Katelyn Sosa 65 kg
Idaho State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -69 Total Katelyn Sosa 370 kg
Idaho State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -69 Deadlift Katelyn Sosa 167.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -69 Bench press Katelyn Sosa 65 kg
Idaho State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -69 Squat Katelyn Sosa 137.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -69 Total push-pull Lela Payne 147.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -69 Bench press single lift Lela Payne 40 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -69 Total Lela Payne 227.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -69 Deadlift Lela Payne 107.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -69 Bench press Lela Payne 40 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -69 Squat Lela Payne 80 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-T1 -67.5 Bench press single lift Lela Payne 40 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-T1 -67.5 Bench press Lela Payne 40 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-T1 -67.5 Squat Lela Payne 80 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T1 -69 Total push-pull Lela Payne 147.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T1 -69 Bench press single lift Lela Payne 40 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T1 -69 Total Lela Payne 227.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T1 -69 Deadlift Lela Payne 107.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T1 -69 Bench press Lela Payne 40 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T1 -69 Squat Lela Payne 80 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-T2 -67.5 Bench press single lift Lela Payne 40 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-T2 -67.5 Bench press Lela Payne 40 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-T2 -67.5 Squat Lela Payne 80 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T2 -69 Total push-pull Lela Payne 147.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T2 -69 Bench press single lift Lela Payne 40 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T2 -69 Total Lela Payne 227.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T2 -69 Deadlift Lela Payne 107.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T2 -69 Bench press Lela Payne 40 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T2 -69 Squat Lela Payne 80 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-T3 -60 Bench press single lift Margo Mccardell 75 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records R-T3 -60 Bench press Margo Mccardell 75 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T3 -63 Bench press single lift Margo Mccardell 75 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T3 -63 Bench press Margo Mccardell 75 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-T3 -67.5 Bench press single lift Lela Payne 40 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-T3 -67.5 Bench press Lela Payne 40 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-T3 -67.5 Squat Lela Payne 80 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T3 -69 Total push-pull Lela Payne 147.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T3 -69 Bench press single lift Lela Payne 40 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T3 -69 Total Lela Payne 227.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T3 -69 Deadlift Lela Payne 107.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T3 -69 Bench press Lela Payne 40 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T3 -69 Squat Lela Payne 80 kg
Wyoming State Raw with Wraps Records RW-O -90 Total push-pull Devon Houser 265 kg
Wyoming State Raw with Wraps Records RW-O -90 Deadlift Devon Houser 192.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw with Wraps Records RW-O -100 Total push-pull Devon Houser 265 kg
Wyoming State Raw with Wraps Records RW-O -100 Deadlift Devon Houser 192.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw with Wraps Records RW-O 100+ Total push-pull Devon Houser 265 kg
Wyoming State Raw with Wraps Records (2015-2021) RW-O 84+ Total push-pull Devon Houser 265 kg
Wyoming State Raw with Wraps Records (2015-2021) RW-O 84+ Total Devon Houser 415 kg
Wyoming State Raw with Wraps Records (2015-2021) RW-O 84+ Deadlift Devon Houser 192.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw with Wraps Records RW-O 100+ Deadlift Devon Houser 192.5 kg
Wyoming State Raw with Wraps Records (2015-2021) RW-O 84+ Squat Devon Houser 150 kg
Wyoming State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y3 -69 Total push-pull Lela Payne 147.5 kg