Lifting Database


Maryland State Championships

Date: 11/20/2021
Sanction #: MD-2021-07
State: Maryland
Meet Director: Michael Sichelman

Results (53 results, 48 lifters)

Placing Name YOB Team State Lot Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested    
Bench press
Male - Raw Open
-120 1. B. Garrett Williams 1983 MD 223 119.00 162.5 172.5 -177.5 172.5 73.04
Female - Junior
-63 1. Emma Westerhold 2000 MD 128 62.70 -175 -175 175 92.5 100 -105 132.5 145 420 76.03
-69 1. Arielle Hudson 2001 FL 119 68.70 150 -160 -160 65 70 77.5 120 135 142.5 370 63.74
-76 1. Ivette Ayala 1999 CA 115 73.40 145 152.5 162.5 52.5 -60 -60 125 -140 -140 340 56.69
Female - Raw Junior
-57 1. Lauren McDonald 1998 MD 134 56.00 70 75 85 37.5 42.5 45 85 -95 -95 215 51.11
-69 1. Kyra Inston 2000 DC 235 65.70 122.5 -130 130 55 60 -62.5 140 150 157.5 347.5 74.07 X
Female - Raw Master 1a
-69 1. Alicia Martin 1979 MD 214 67.00 57.5 65 -72.5 42.5 45 50 82.5 87.5 92.5 207.5 43.72
Female - Raw Master 1b
-84 1. Jennifer Stimson 1975 MD 225 82.40 125 127.5 130 -67.5 67.5 -72.5 132.5 137.5 145 342.5 65.18
Female - Raw Master 2b
-76 1. Alysa Stoffregen 1963 MD 224 74.60 117.5 122.5 127.5 70 -75 -75 120 125 130 327.5 65.15
Female - Raw Master 4a
-69 1. Lenore Gelb 1950 MD 210 67.60 65 70 72.5 45 47.5 -50 110 117.5 122.5 242.5 50.83
-84 1. Linda Gorham 1951 MD 218 83.50 87.5 92.5 100 55 57.5 60 125 132.5 137.5 297.5 56.31
Female - Raw Open
-52 1. Lilian Droney 2007 MD 122 49.40 42.5 50 55 22.5 25 30 42.5 52.5 60 145 38.32
-69 1. Rachel Kiefer 1984 MD 213 67.20 120 127.5 132.5 85 90 -92.5 140 145 -150 367.5 77.29
-84 1. Jennifer Stimson 1975 MD 225 82.40 125 127.5 130 -67.5 67.5 -72.5 132.5 137.5 145 342.5 65.18
Female - Raw Teen 1
-52 1. Lilian Droney 2007 MD 122 49.40 42.5 50 55 22.5 25 30 42.5 52.5 60 145 38.32
-63 1. Leah DeMarco 2007 MD 226 61.80 65 75 82.5 30 35 42.5 65 75 85 210 46.53
-84 1. Anna O'Leary 2006 MD 219 83.40 -82.5 82.5 90 52.5 55 60 97.5 105 110 260 49.24
Female - Raw Teen 2
-63 1. Macey Nichols 2005 MD 133 60.40 77.5 85 -92.5 32.5 -37.5 37.5 105 115 120 242.5 54.56
Female - Raw with Wraps Junior
-69 1. Morgan Thayer 1999 MD 230 65.80 120 127.5 -132.5 60 65 -70 105 110 115 307.5 54.19
Female - Raw Youth 2
-52 1. Kensington Maizels 2009 MD 129 47.50 82.5 85 92.5 42.5 51 72.5 82.5 92.5 236 64.74
Female - Raw Youth 3
-63 1. Alyssa Domboski 2009 MD 132 58.90 42.5 -52.5 52.5 20 25 30 50 55 62.5 145 33.21
Female - Teen 3
-69 1. Charlotte Bourgeois 2002 WA 130 68.60 125 137.5 142.5 42.5 52.5 55 125 132.5 142.5 340 58.62
-69 2. Tenney Shaughnessy 2003 VA 127 63.90 102.5 -112.5 117.5 -60 60 67.5 117.5 125 -140 310 55.52
Male - Junior
-66 1. Lue Yang 2002 MN 135 62.00 185 -200 -200 95 102.5 -110 160 -175 180 467.5 65.54
-74 1. Michael Bronder 2001 VA 125 72.60 165 175 -200 125 132.5 -145 165 -187.5 -215 472.5 59.29
-83 1. Jacob Schwisow 1999 MD 116 82.20 242.5 257.5 -272.5 145 165 -170 207.5 -225 -225 630 73.17
-93 1. Jacob Cho 2002 TX 123 88.60 242.5 257.5 265 142.5 -152.5 -152.5 225 242.5 -260 650 72.34 X
-93 - Jameson Brodeur 2001 MD 114 89.10 247.5 267.5 277.5 175 187.5 -192.5 -247.5 -257.5 -257.5 0 0.00
-105 1. Blayne Butler 2000 WV 120 99.50 260 -280 290 177.5 187.5 200 260 -277.5 -277.5 750 78.62 X
Male - Raw Junior
-74 1. Tyler Maizels 1998 MD 229 73.00 182.5 -205 -205 92.5 100 110 200 215 -227.5 507.5 75.03
-105 1. John Warner 2001 MD 234 99.70 215 225 230 125 130 -132.5 230 240 245 605 76.54
Male - Raw Master 1a
-120 1. Nathan Gorham 1977 MD 236 117.50 290 -310 327.5 195 205 210 250 277.5 -287.5 815 95.62
Male - Raw Master 1b
-93 1. Kenneth Wright 1973 MD 217 91.40 130 140 -150 105 115 -122.5 190 200 220 475 62.67
Male - Raw Master 2b
-83 1. Paul Jeng 1964 MD 232 82.60 142.5 152.5 160 120 130 -132.5 187.5 197.5 207.5 497.5 69.04
Male - Raw Master 3a
-83 1. Alex Howe 1957 MD 233 82.00 160 165 167.5 107.5 -112.5 -112.5 205 -210 -210 480 66.85
Male - Raw Master 3b
-74 1. Oswald Singh 1956 MD 111 72.60 -127.5 -127.5 127.5 82.5 87.5 90 142.5 155 165 382.5 56.72
Male - Raw Master 4b
-66 1. IAIN BURGESS 1944 MD 118 61.30 100 110 112.5 45 50 115 120 -125 282.5 45.80
Male - Raw Open
-83 1. Scott Southworth 1989 MD 222 80.80 167.5 180 185 120 -127.5 -127.5 207.5 215 220 525 73.67
-83 2. Paul Jeng 1964 MD 232 82.60 142.5 152.5 160 120 130 -132.5 187.5 197.5 207.5 497.5 69.04
-93 1. Christopher Lane 1986 MD 215 91.20 185 195 200 127.5 135 140 -227.5 242.5 260 600 79.25
-93 2. Brandon D'Apice 1983 MD 212 91.90 187.5 195 200 120 -125 127.5 217.5 232.5 242.5 570 75.00
-93 3. Kenneth Wright 1973 MD 217 91.40 130 140 -150 105 115 -122.5 190 200 220 475 62.67
-120 1. Nathan Gorham 1977 MD 236 117.50 290 -310 327.5 195 205 210 250 277.5 -287.5 815 95.62
-120 2. Brad Veres 1984 MD 228 112.40 200 210 220 137.5 -145 -145 245 -272.5 272.5 630 75.39 X
120+ 1. WILLIAM EDMOND 1992 MD 220 159.80 237.5 250 260 165 185 -187.5 260 275 285 730 75.69
Male - Raw Teen 1
-83 1. James Choo 2006 MD 216 81.30 177.5 187.5 -200 97.5 -107.5 -107.5 -222.5 -245 245 530 74.14
-83 2. William Cogan 2006 MD 211 76.50 85 95 107.5 60 -65 -65 122.5 132.5 142.5 310 44.74
Male - Raw Teen 3
-74 1. Christopher Toboll 2003 MD 126 72.30 160 -167.5 -167.5 100 107.5 -112.5 170 187.5 190 457.5 67.98 X
-74 2. Kyle Zibell 2003 MD 124 70.50 110 120 130 87.5 92.5 -97.5 150 -160 160 382.5 57.59
-83 1. Andrew Thibodeau 2003 VA 227 82.60 190 200 210 132.5 140 145 230 242.5 255 610 84.65
-93 1. Owen Cogan 2002 MD 221 85.30 125 137.5 -145 90 -97.5 -100 165 -170 170 397.5 54.27
Male - Raw with Wraps Teen 1
-66 1. Brixton Maizels 2006 MD 121 65.70 125 130 -137.5 92.5 100 -102.5 125 135 365 49.05
Male - Teen 3
-66 1. Ryan So 2002 MD 131 63.40 185 197.5 205 130 142.5 -155 170 -187.5 -187.5 517.5 71.36


Type Division Weightclass Discipline Lifter Weight
West Virginia State Equipped Records JR -100 Total push-pull Blayne Butler 460 kg
West Virginia State Equipped Records JR -100 Bench press single lift Blayne Butler 200 kg
West Virginia State Equipped Records JR -100 Total Blayne Butler 750 kg
West Virginia State Equipped Records JR -100 Bench press Blayne Butler 200 kg
West Virginia State Equipped Records JR -100 Squat Blayne Butler 290 kg
West Virginia State Equipped Records (2015-2021) JR -105 Total push-pull Blayne Butler 460 kg
West Virginia State Equipped Records (2015-2021) JR -105 Bench press single lift Blayne Butler 200 kg
West Virginia State Equipped Records (2015-2021) JR -105 Total Blayne Butler 750 kg
West Virginia State Equipped Records (2015-2021) JR -105 Bench press Blayne Butler 200 kg
West Virginia State Equipped Records (2015-2021) JR -105 Squat Blayne Butler 290 kg
West Virginia State Equipped Records O -100 Total push-pull Blayne Butler 460 kg
West Virginia State Equipped Records O -100 Bench press single lift Blayne Butler 200 kg
West Virginia State Equipped Records O -100 Total Blayne Butler 750 kg
West Virginia State Equipped Records O -100 Bench press Blayne Butler 200 kg
West Virginia State Equipped Records O -100 Squat Blayne Butler 290 kg
West Virginia State Equipped Records (2015-2021) O -105 Total push-pull Blayne Butler 460 kg
West Virginia State Equipped Records (2015-2021) O -105 Bench press single lift Blayne Butler 200 kg
West Virginia State Equipped Records (2015-2021) O -105 Total Blayne Butler 750 kg
West Virginia State Equipped Records (2015-2021) O -105 Bench press Blayne Butler 200 kg
West Virginia State Equipped Records (2015-2021) O -105 Squat Blayne Butler 290 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M3A -74 Total push-pull Oswald Singh 255 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M3A -74 Total Oswald Singh 382.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M3A -74 Squat Oswald Singh 127.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M3A -75 Total push-pull Oswald Singh 255 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M3A -75 Total Oswald Singh 382.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M3A -75 Squat Oswald Singh 127.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M3A -82.5 Squat Alex Howe 167.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M3A -83 Squat Alex Howe 167.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M3B -74 Total push-pull Oswald Singh 255 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M3B -74 Bench press single lift Oswald Singh 90 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M3B -74 Total Oswald Singh 382.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M3B -74 Deadlift Oswald Singh 165 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M3B -74 Bench press Oswald Singh 90 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M3B -74 Squat Oswald Singh 127.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M3B -75 Total push-pull Oswald Singh 255 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M3B -75 Bench press single lift Oswald Singh 90 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M3B -75 Total Oswald Singh 382.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M3B -75 Deadlift Oswald Singh 165 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M3B -75 Bench press Oswald Singh 90 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M3B -75 Squat Oswald Singh 127.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M4B -66 Squat IAIN BURGESS 112.5 kg
Men's Raw American Records (2015-2021) R-M4B -66 Squat IAIN BURGESS 112.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M4B -67.5 Squat IAIN BURGESS 112.5 kg
Men's Raw American Records R-M4B -67.5 Squat IAIN BURGESS 112.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-T1 -82.5 Total push-pull James Choo 342.5 kg
Men's Raw American Records R-T1 -82.5 Deadlift single lift James Choo 245 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-T1 -82.5 Total James Choo 530 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-T1 -82.5 Deadlift James Choo 245 kg
Men's Raw American Records R-T1 -82.5 Deadlift James Choo 245 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-T1 -82.5 Squat James Choo 187.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T1 -83 Total push-pull James Choo 342.5 kg
Men's Raw American Records (2015-2021) R-T1 -83 Deadlift single lift James Choo 245 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T1 -83 Total James Choo 530 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T1 -83 Deadlift James Choo 245 kg
Men's Raw American Records (2015-2021) R-T1 -83 Deadlift James Choo 245 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T1 -83 Squat James Choo 187.5 kg
Maryland State Raw with Wraps Records RW-JR -52 Total push-pull Brixton Maizels 235 kg
Maryland State Raw with Wraps Records RW-JR -56 Total push-pull Brixton Maizels 235 kg
Maryland State Raw with Wraps Records RW-JR -60 Total push-pull Brixton Maizels 235 kg
Maryland State Raw with Wraps Records (2015-2021) RW-JR -66 Total push-pull Brixton Maizels 235 kg
Maryland State Raw with Wraps Records RW-JR -67.5 Total push-pull Brixton Maizels 235 kg
Maryland State Raw with Wraps Records RW-T1 -52 Total push-pull Brixton Maizels 235 kg
Maryland State Raw with Wraps Records RW-T1 -56 Total push-pull Brixton Maizels 235 kg
Maryland State Raw with Wraps Records RW-T1 -60 Total push-pull Brixton Maizels 235 kg
Maryland State Raw with Wraps Records (2015-2021) RW-T1 -66 Total push-pull Brixton Maizels 235 kg
Maryland State Raw with Wraps Records RW-T1 -67.5 Total push-pull Brixton Maizels 235 kg
Maryland State Raw with Wraps Records RW-T1 -75 Total push-pull Brixton Maizels 235 kg
Maryland State Raw with Wraps Records RW-T1 -82.5 Total push-pull Brixton Maizels 235 kg
Maryland State Raw with Wraps Records RW-T2 -52 Total push-pull Brixton Maizels 235 kg
Maryland State Raw with Wraps Records RW-T2 -56 Total push-pull Brixton Maizels 235 kg
Maryland State Raw with Wraps Records RW-T2 -60 Total push-pull Brixton Maizels 235 kg
Maryland State Raw with Wraps Records (2015-2021) RW-T2 -66 Total push-pull Brixton Maizels 235 kg
Maryland State Raw with Wraps Records RW-T2 -67.5 Total push-pull Brixton Maizels 235 kg
Maryland State Raw with Wraps Records RW-T2 -75 Total push-pull Brixton Maizels 235 kg
Maryland State Raw with Wraps Records RW-T2 -82.5 Total push-pull Brixton Maizels 235 kg
Minnesota State Equipped Records (2015-2021) T3 -66 Total Lue Yang 467.5 kg
Minnesota State Equipped Records (2015-2021) T3 -66 Deadlift Lue Yang 180 kg
Minnesota State Equipped Records (2015-2021) T3 -66 Squat Lue Yang 185 kg
Maryland State Equipped Records (2015-2021) T3 -66 Total push-pull Ryan So 312.5 kg
Maryland State Equipped Records (2015-2021) T3 -66 Bench press single lift Ryan So 142.5 kg
Maryland State Equipped Records (2015-2021) T3 -66 Total Ryan So 517.5 kg
Maryland State Equipped Records (2015-2021) T3 -66 Bench press Ryan So 142.5 kg
Maryland State Equipped Records (2015-2021) T3 -66 Squat Ryan So 205 kg
Maryland State Equipped Records T3 -67.5 Total push-pull Ryan So 312.5 kg
Maryland State Equipped Records T3 -67.5 Bench press single lift Ryan So 142.5 kg
Maryland State Equipped Records T3 -67.5 Total Ryan So 517.5 kg
Maryland State Equipped Records T3 -67.5 Bench press Ryan So 142.5 kg
Maryland State Equipped Records T3 -67.5 Squat Ryan So 205 kg
Florida State Equipped Records (2015-2021) JR -69 Deadlift single lift Arielle Hudson 142.5 kg
Florida State Equipped Records (2015-2021) JR -69 Bench press single lift Arielle Hudson 77.5 kg
Florida State Equipped Records (2015-2021) JR -69 Total Arielle Hudson 370 kg
Florida State Equipped Records (2015-2021) JR -69 Deadlift Arielle Hudson 142.5 kg
Florida State Equipped Records (2015-2021) JR -69 Bench press Arielle Hudson 77.5 kg
Florida State Equipped Records (2015-2021) JR -69 Squat Arielle Hudson 150 kg
Washington State Equipped Records (2015-2021) JR -69 Total push-pull Charlotte Bourgeois 197.5 kg
Washington State Equipped Records (2015-2021) JR -69 Squat Charlotte Bourgeois 142.5 kg
Virginia State Equipped Records (2015-2021) JR -69 Total push-pull Tenney Shaughnessy 192.5 kg
Virginia State Equipped Records (2015-2021) JR -69 Deadlift single lift Tenney Shaughnessy 125 kg
Virginia State Equipped Records (2015-2021) JR -69 Bench press single lift Tenney Shaughnessy 67.5 kg
Virginia State Equipped Records (2015-2021) JR -69 Total Tenney Shaughnessy 310 kg
Virginia State Equipped Records (2015-2021) JR -69 Deadlift Tenney Shaughnessy 125 kg
Virginia State Equipped Records (2015-2021) JR -69 Bench press Tenney Shaughnessy 67.5 kg
Virginia State Equipped Records (2015-2021) JR -69 Squat Tenney Shaughnessy 117.5 kg
Florida State Equipped Records JR -70 Deadlift single lift Arielle Hudson 142.5 kg
Florida State Equipped Records JR -70 Bench press single lift Arielle Hudson 77.5 kg
Florida State Equipped Records JR -70 Total Arielle Hudson 370 kg
Florida State Equipped Records JR -70 Deadlift Arielle Hudson 142.5 kg
Florida State Equipped Records JR -70 Bench press Arielle Hudson 77.5 kg
Florida State Equipped Records JR -70 Squat Arielle Hudson 150 kg
Florida State Equipped Records JR -75 Deadlift single lift Arielle Hudson 142.5 kg
Florida State Equipped Records (2022-2024) JR -75 Deadlift single lift Arielle Hudson 142.5 kg
Florida State Equipped Records JR -75 Bench press single lift Arielle Hudson 77.5 kg
Florida State Equipped Records (2022-2024) JR -75 Bench press single lift Arielle Hudson 77.5 kg
Florida State Equipped Records JR -75 Total Arielle Hudson 370 kg
Florida State Equipped Records (2022-2024) JR -75 Total Arielle Hudson 370 kg
Florida State Equipped Records (2022-2024) JR -75 Deadlift Arielle Hudson 142.5 kg
Florida State Equipped Records JR -75 Deadlift Arielle Hudson 142.5 kg
Florida State Equipped Records (2022-2024) JR -75 Bench press Arielle Hudson 77.5 kg
Florida State Equipped Records JR -75 Bench press Arielle Hudson 77.5 kg
Florida State Equipped Records JR -75 Squat Arielle Hudson 150 kg
Florida State Equipped Records (2022-2024) JR -75 Squat Arielle Hudson 150 kg
California State Equipped Records JR -75 Deadlift push-pull Ivette Ayala 125 kg
California State Equipped Records (2022-2024) JR -75 Deadlift push-pull Ivette Ayala 125 kg
California State Equipped Records JR -75 Squat Ivette Ayala 162.5 kg
California State Equipped Records (2022-2024) JR -75 Squat Ivette Ayala 162.5 kg
California State Equipped Records (2015-2021) JR -76 Deadlift push-pull Ivette Ayala 125 kg
California State Equipped Records (2015-2021) JR -76 Squat Ivette Ayala 162.5 kg
Florida State Equipped Records (2015-2021) O -69 Bench press single lift Arielle Hudson 77.5 kg
Virginia State Equipped Records (2015-2021) O -69 Total push-pull Tenney Shaughnessy 192.5 kg
Virginia State Equipped Records (2015-2021) O -69 Deadlift single lift Tenney Shaughnessy 125 kg
Virginia State Equipped Records (2015-2021) O -69 Bench press single lift Tenney Shaughnessy 67.5 kg
Virginia State Equipped Records (2015-2021) O -69 Total Tenney Shaughnessy 310 kg
Virginia State Equipped Records (2015-2021) O -69 Deadlift Tenney Shaughnessy 125 kg
Virginia State Equipped Records (2015-2021) O -69 Bench press Tenney Shaughnessy 67.5 kg
Virginia State Equipped Records (2015-2021) O -69 Squat Tenney Shaughnessy 117.5 kg
Florida State Equipped Records O -70 Bench press single lift Arielle Hudson 77.5 kg
Florida State Equipped Records O -75 Bench press single lift Arielle Hudson 77.5 kg
Florida State Equipped Records (2022-2024) O -75 Bench press single lift Arielle Hudson 77.5 kg
California State Equipped Records (2015-2021) O -76 Deadlift push-pull Ivette Ayala 125 kg
California State Equipped Records (2015-2021) O -76 Squat Ivette Ayala 162.5 kg
Washington DC Raw Records (2022-2024) R-JR -67.5 Total push-pull Kyra Inston 217.5 kg
Washington DC Raw Records (2022-2024) R-JR -67.5 Total Kyra Inston 347.5 kg
Washington DC Raw Records (2022-2024) R-JR -67.5 Deadlift Kyra Inston 157.5 kg
Washington DC Raw Records (2022-2024) R-JR -67.5 Squat Kyra Inston 130 kg
Washington DC Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -69 Total push-pull Kyra Inston 217.5 kg
Washington DC Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -69 Bench press single lift Kyra Inston 60 kg
Washington DC Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -69 Total Kyra Inston 347.5 kg
Washington DC Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -69 Deadlift Kyra Inston 157.5 kg
Washington DC Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -69 Bench press Kyra Inston 60 kg
Washington DC Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -69 Squat Kyra Inston 130 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M1A -75 Bench press single lift Alysa Stoffregen 70 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-M1A -75 Bench press single lift Alysa Stoffregen 70 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1A -76 Bench press single lift Alysa Stoffregen 70 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1A -76 Total Alysa Stoffregen 327.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1B -76 Total push-pull Alysa Stoffregen 200 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1B -76 Total Alysa Stoffregen 327.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2A -76 Total push-pull Alysa Stoffregen 200 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2A -76 Total Alysa Stoffregen 327.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2A -76 Squat Alysa Stoffregen 127.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2B -69 Total push-pull Lenore Gelb 170 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2B -69 Bench press single lift Lenore Gelb 47.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2B -69 Total Lenore Gelb 242.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2B -69 Deadlift Lenore Gelb 122.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2B -69 Bench press Lenore Gelb 47.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2B -69 Squat Lenore Gelb 72.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M2B -75 Total push-pull Alysa Stoffregen 200 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-M2B -75 Total push-pull Alysa Stoffregen 200 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M2B -75 Bench press single lift Alysa Stoffregen 70 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-M2B -75 Bench press single lift Alysa Stoffregen 70 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M2B -75 Total Alysa Stoffregen 327.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-M2B -75 Total Alysa Stoffregen 327.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M2B -75 Deadlift Alysa Stoffregen 130 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-M2B -75 Deadlift Alysa Stoffregen 130 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-M2B -75 Bench press Alysa Stoffregen 70 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M2B -75 Bench press Alysa Stoffregen 70 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M2B -75 Squat Alysa Stoffregen 127.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-M2B -75 Squat Alysa Stoffregen 127.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2B -76 Total push-pull Alysa Stoffregen 200 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2B -76 Bench press single lift Alysa Stoffregen 70 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2B -76 Total Alysa Stoffregen 327.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2B -76 Deadlift Alysa Stoffregen 130 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2B -76 Bench press Alysa Stoffregen 70 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2B -76 Squat Alysa Stoffregen 127.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M3A -69 Total push-pull Lenore Gelb 170 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M3A -69 Bench press single lift Lenore Gelb 47.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M3A -69 Total Lenore Gelb 242.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M3A -69 Deadlift Lenore Gelb 122.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M3A -69 Bench press Lenore Gelb 47.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M3A -69 Squat Lenore Gelb 72.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M3A -75 Total push-pull Lenore Gelb 170 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-M3A -75 Total push-pull Lenore Gelb 170 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M3A -75 Bench press single lift Lenore Gelb 47.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-M3A -75 Bench press single lift Lenore Gelb 47.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M3A -75 Total Lenore Gelb 242.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-M3A -75 Total Lenore Gelb 242.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M3A -75 Deadlift Lenore Gelb 122.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-M3A -75 Deadlift Lenore Gelb 122.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-M3A -75 Bench press Lenore Gelb 47.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M3A -75 Bench press Lenore Gelb 47.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M3A -75 Squat Lenore Gelb 72.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-M3A -75 Squat Lenore Gelb 72.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M3B -69 Total push-pull Lenore Gelb 170 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M3B -69 Bench press single lift Lenore Gelb 47.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M3B -69 Total Lenore Gelb 242.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M3B -69 Deadlift Lenore Gelb 122.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M3B -69 Bench press Lenore Gelb 47.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M3B -69 Squat Lenore Gelb 72.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M3B -70 Total push-pull Lenore Gelb 170 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M3B -70 Deadlift push-pull Lenore Gelb 122.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M3B -70 Bench Press push-pull Lenore Gelb 47.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M3B -70 Deadlift single lift Lenore Gelb 122.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M3B -70 Bench press single lift Lenore Gelb 47.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M3B -70 Total Lenore Gelb 242.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M3B -70 Deadlift Lenore Gelb 122.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M3B -70 Bench press Lenore Gelb 47.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M3B -70 Squat Lenore Gelb 72.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M3B -75 Total push-pull Lenore Gelb 170 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-M3B -75 Total push-pull Lenore Gelb 170 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M3B -75 Bench press single lift Lenore Gelb 47.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-M3B -75 Bench press single lift Lenore Gelb 47.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M3B -75 Total Lenore Gelb 242.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-M3B -75 Total Lenore Gelb 242.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M3B -75 Deadlift Lenore Gelb 122.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-M3B -75 Deadlift Lenore Gelb 122.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-M3B -75 Bench press Lenore Gelb 47.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M3B -75 Bench press Lenore Gelb 47.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M3B -75 Squat Lenore Gelb 72.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-M3B -75 Squat Lenore Gelb 72.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M4A -69 Total push-pull Lenore Gelb 170 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M4A -69 Bench press single lift Lenore Gelb 47.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M4A -69 Total Lenore Gelb 242.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M4A -69 Deadlift Lenore Gelb 122.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M4A -69 Bench press Lenore Gelb 47.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M4A -69 Squat Lenore Gelb 72.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M4A -70 Total push-pull Lenore Gelb 170 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M4A -70 Deadlift push-pull Lenore Gelb 122.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M4A -70 Bench Press push-pull Lenore Gelb 47.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M4A -70 Deadlift single lift Lenore Gelb 122.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M4A -70 Bench press single lift Lenore Gelb 47.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M4A -70 Total Lenore Gelb 242.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M4A -70 Deadlift Lenore Gelb 122.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M4A -70 Bench press Lenore Gelb 47.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M4A -70 Squat Lenore Gelb 72.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M4A -75 Total push-pull Lenore Gelb 170 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-M4A -75 Total push-pull Lenore Gelb 170 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M4A -75 Bench press single lift Lenore Gelb 47.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-M4A -75 Bench press single lift Lenore Gelb 47.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M4A -75 Total Lenore Gelb 242.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-M4A -75 Total Lenore Gelb 242.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M4A -75 Deadlift Lenore Gelb 122.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-M4A -75 Deadlift Lenore Gelb 122.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-M4A -75 Bench press Lenore Gelb 47.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M4A -75 Bench press Lenore Gelb 47.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M4A -75 Squat Lenore Gelb 72.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-M4A -75 Squat Lenore Gelb 72.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M4A -84 Total push-pull Linda Gorham 197.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M4A -84 Bench press single lift Linda Gorham 60 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M4A -84 Total Linda Gorham 297.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M4A -84 Deadlift Linda Gorham 137.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M4A -84 Bench press Linda Gorham 60 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M4A -84 Squat Linda Gorham 100 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M4A -90 Total push-pull Linda Gorham 197.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M4A -90 Bench press single lift Linda Gorham 60 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M4A -90 Total Linda Gorham 297.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M4A -90 Deadlift Linda Gorham 137.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M4A -90 Bench press Linda Gorham 60 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-M4A -90 Squat Linda Gorham 100 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-T1 -48 Bench press single lift Kensington Maizels 51 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-T1 -48 Total Kensington Maizels 236 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-T1 -48 Bench press Kensington Maizels 51 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-T1 -48 Squat Kensington Maizels 92.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T1 -52 Total push-pull Kensington Maizels 143.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T1 -52 Bench press single lift Kensington Maizels 51 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T1 -52 Total Kensington Maizels 236 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T1 -52 Deadlift Kensington Maizels 92.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T1 -52 Bench press Kensington Maizels 51 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T1 -52 Squat Kensington Maizels 92.5 kg
Maryland State Raw with Wraps Records (2022-2024) RW-JR -67.5 Total push-pull Morgan Thayer 180 kg
Maryland State Raw with Wraps Records (2022-2024) RW-JR -67.5 Bench press single lift Morgan Thayer 65 kg
Maryland State Raw with Wraps Records (2022-2024) RW-JR -67.5 Squat Morgan Thayer 127.5 kg
Maryland State Raw with Wraps Records (2015-2021) RW-JR -69 Total push-pull Morgan Thayer 180 kg
Maryland State Raw with Wraps Records (2015-2021) RW-JR -69 Bench press single lift Morgan Thayer 65 kg
Maryland State Raw with Wraps Records (2015-2021) RW-JR -69 Squat Morgan Thayer 127.5 kg
Maryland State Raw with Wraps Records RW-JR -70 Squat Morgan Thayer 127.5 kg
Maryland State Raw with Wraps Records RW-JR -75 Total push-pull Morgan Thayer 180 kg
Maryland State Raw with Wraps Records (2022-2024) RW-JR -75 Total push-pull Morgan Thayer 180 kg
Maryland State Raw with Wraps Records RW-JR -82.5 Total push-pull Morgan Thayer 180 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-Y2 -48 Bench press single lift Kensington Maizels 51 kg
Women's Raw American Records R-Y2 -48 Bench press single lift Kensington Maizels 51 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-Y2 -48 Total Kensington Maizels 236 kg
Women's Raw American Records R-Y2 -48 Bench press Kensington Maizels 51 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-Y2 -48 Bench press Kensington Maizels 51 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-Y2 -48 Squat Kensington Maizels 92.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y2 -52 Total push-pull Kensington Maizels 143.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y2 -52 Bench press single lift Kensington Maizels 51 kg
Women's Raw American Records (2015-2021) R-Y2 -52 Bench press single lift Kensington Maizels 51 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y2 -52 Total Kensington Maizels 236 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y2 -52 Deadlift Kensington Maizels 92.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y2 -52 Bench press Kensington Maizels 51 kg
Women's Raw American Records (2015-2021) R-Y2 -52 Bench press Kensington Maizels 51 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y2 -52 Squat Kensington Maizels 92.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-Y3 -48 Bench press single lift Kensington Maizels 51 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-Y3 -48 Total Kensington Maizels 236 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-Y3 -48 Bench press Kensington Maizels 51 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-Y3 -48 Squat Kensington Maizels 92.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y3 -52 Total push-pull Kensington Maizels 143.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y3 -52 Bench press single lift Kensington Maizels 51 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y3 -52 Total Kensington Maizels 236 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y3 -52 Deadlift Kensington Maizels 92.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y3 -52 Bench press Kensington Maizels 51 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y3 -52 Squat Kensington Maizels 92.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-Y3 -60 Total push-pull Alyssa Domboski 92.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y3 -63 Total push-pull Alyssa Domboski 92.5 kg
Virginia State Equipped Records T3 -65 Total push-pull Tenney Shaughnessy 192.5 kg
Virginia State Equipped Records T3 -65 Deadlift single lift Tenney Shaughnessy 125 kg
Virginia State Equipped Records T3 -65 Bench press single lift Tenney Shaughnessy 67.5 kg
Virginia State Equipped Records T3 -65 Total Tenney Shaughnessy 310 kg
Virginia State Equipped Records T3 -65 Deadlift Tenney Shaughnessy 125 kg
Virginia State Equipped Records T3 -65 Bench press Tenney Shaughnessy 67.5 kg
Virginia State Equipped Records T3 -65 Squat Tenney Shaughnessy 117.5 kg
Washington State Equipped Records (2015-2021) T3 -69 Total push-pull Charlotte Bourgeois 197.5 kg
Washington State Equipped Records (2015-2021) T3 -69 Deadlift single lift Charlotte Bourgeois 142.5 kg
Washington State Equipped Records (2015-2021) T3 -69 Total Charlotte Bourgeois 340 kg
Washington State Equipped Records (2015-2021) T3 -69 Deadlift Charlotte Bourgeois 142.5 kg
Washington State Equipped Records (2015-2021) T3 -69 Squat Charlotte Bourgeois 142.5 kg
Virginia State Equipped Records (2015-2021) T3 -69 Total push-pull Tenney Shaughnessy 192.5 kg
Virginia State Equipped Records (2015-2021) T3 -69 Deadlift single lift Tenney Shaughnessy 125 kg
Virginia State Equipped Records (2015-2021) T3 -69 Bench press single lift Tenney Shaughnessy 67.5 kg
Virginia State Equipped Records (2015-2021) T3 -69 Total Tenney Shaughnessy 310 kg
Virginia State Equipped Records (2015-2021) T3 -69 Deadlift Tenney Shaughnessy 125 kg
Virginia State Equipped Records (2015-2021) T3 -69 Bench press Tenney Shaughnessy 67.5 kg
Virginia State Equipped Records (2015-2021) T3 -69 Squat Tenney Shaughnessy 117.5 kg
Washington State Equipped Records T3 -75 Deadlift single lift Charlotte Bourgeois 142.5 kg
Washington State Equipped Records (2022-2024) T3 -75 Deadlift single lift Charlotte Bourgeois 142.5 kg
Washington State Equipped Records T3 -75 Deadlift Charlotte Bourgeois 142.5 kg
Washington State Equipped Records (2022-2024) T3 -75 Deadlift Charlotte Bourgeois 142.5 kg