Lifting Database


Rhode Island State Championships

Date: 05/01/2022
Sanction #: RI-2022-01
State: Rhode Island
Meet Director: Eric Cordeiro

Results (63 results, 48 lifters)

Placing Name YOB Team State Lot Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested    
Female - Raw Guest Lifter
-60 1. Emily Zhu 2005 MA 215 58.00 85 -92.5 92.5 -55 57.5 -62.5 97.5 102.5 107.5 257.5 291.70
-67.5 1. Stacey Meade 1980 MA 213 66.90 85 92.5 95 67.5 72.5 77.5 100 105 110 282.5 293.16
Female - Raw Junior
-90 1. Lee VanderVeen 2000 RI 117 89.40 -115 115 127.5 47.5 55 -62.5 110 125 132.5 315 281.66
Female - Raw Master 2
-90 1. Heidi Nielsen 1968 Level Up Training Systems RI 115 87.80 -67.5 67.5 72.5 50 -55 -55 25 147.5 132.96
Female - Raw Open
-56 - Ashley Svendbye 1990 RI 113 53.30 127.5 -130 -67.5 -67.5 -67.5 127.5 -132.5 -132.5 0 0.00
-75 1. Noor Wafai 1992 RI 112 73.60 117.5 -127.5 140 62.5 -67.5 67.5 120 140 147.5 355 349.25 X
-90 1. Lee VanderVeen 2000 RI 117 89.40 -115 115 127.5 47.5 55 -62.5 110 125 132.5 315 281.66
-90 2. Heidi Nielsen 1968 Level Up Training Systems RI 115 87.80 -67.5 67.5 72.5 50 -55 -55 25 147.5 132.96
100+ 1. Sarah Cote 1994 RI 110 101.70 -75 -82.5 82.5 45 47.5 50 90 100 110 242.5 205.60
-67.5 1. Yiyi Rodriguez 1991 RI 114 60.70 -142.5 142.5 -145 75 77.5 -80 142.5 145 152.5 372.5 409.93
-67.5 2. Brenna Muschiano 1986 RI 116 65.30 122.5 132.5 -140 62.5 65 70 147.5 157.5 162.5 365 384.20 X
-67.5 3. Lily Johnson 2003 RI 118 67.10 -107.5 110 112.5 52.5 55 -57.5 115 120 125 292.5 303.02
-67.5 4. Monica De Barros 1982 RI 111 62.20 77.5 85 -92.5 52.5 55 60 107.5 115 125 270 292.67
Female - Raw Teen
-67.5 1. Lily Johnson 2003 RI 118 67.10 -107.5 110 112.5 52.5 55 -57.5 115 120 125 292.5 303.02
Male - Guest Lifter
-82.5 1. Edju Gasinowski 1972 MA 313 81.30 182.5 192.5 -117.5 117.5 127.5 192.5 202.5 212.5 532.5 363.75
Male - Raw Guest Lifter
-75 1. Joe Merchant 1994 MA 320 69.60 157.5 165 170 115 -122.5 122.5 177.5 192.5 197.5 490 369.54
-75 2. Joshua Finkel 2002 Quinnipiac University NY 212 72.80 150 160 -165 87.5 95 -97.5 170 -175 175 430 314.52
-75 3. Asher Rosenbaum 2006 VT 216 70.00 132.5 137.5 140 -92.5 92.5 95 165 -175 -175 400 300.46
-90 1. Owen Gasinowski 2006 MA 211 85.00 -137.5 137.5 -147.5 92.5 -97.5 97.5 142.5 150 155 390 259.84
-100 1. Marcus Fratarcangeli 2001 Quinnipiac University NY 321 96.90 225 237.5 245 142.5 147.5 -152.5 270 282.5 290 682.5 425.99 X
-100 2. Rajdel Francois 1994 MA 318 97.00 185 197.5 -205 142.5 145 147.5 230 235 242.5 587.5 366.52
-67.5 1. Kenny Leng 1992 MA 311 60.50 97.5 107.5 115 57.5 62.5 65 105 117.5 122.5 302.5 253.60
-67.5 - Chuck Belsito 2003 MA 317 65.70 -165 -170 -170 110 115 -120 170 175 -187.5 0 0.00
-82.5 1. Amari White 2002 MA 315 82.50 197.5 -205 -205 117.5 120 -125 240 247.5 255 572.5 387.81
-82.5 2. Daniel Raguin 1967 MA 314 81.30 170 180 182.5 127.5 135 -137.5 200 207.5 210 527.5 360.33 X
-82.5 3. Giovanni Pistilli 2003 Quinnipiac University NY 214 80.40 -150 160 167.5 -110 110 117.5 185 192.5 205 490 336.89
-82.5 4. Corey Larkin 1999 Quinnipiac University NJ 310 82.30 160 172.5 185 110 120 -127.5 175 185 -192.5 490 332.38
-82.5 5. Evan Klotz 2002 NY 316 76.20 142.5 152.5 157.5 -82.5 87.5 90 207.5 220 227.5 475 337.37
Male - Raw Junior
-110 1. Ben Cohen 1999 NJ 413 108.70 190 207.5 215 135 145 150 225 245 250 615 365.89
-110 2. Bryan Butera 2000 RI 415 109.60 205 217.5 227.5 165 172.5 -182.5 202.5 -220 -220 602.5 357.33
-82.5 1. Rongyu Dong 1999 RI 414 80.50 225 237.5 242.5 115 127.5 -130 220 230 235 605 415.65
Male - Raw Master 1
-90 1. Chester Saddler 1979 RI 410 87.50 205 215 220 127.5 132.5 -140 242.5 250 -255 602.5 395.25
-100 1. Brandon Diamond 1981 RI 417 96.90 -257.5 257.5 275 140 147.5 260 275 285 707.5 441.60
-100 2. Joseph Matrullo 1978 RI 411 97.90 112.5 122.5 -132.5 80 85 -92.5 135 145 157.5 365 226.77
-125 1. William Manlove 1982 RI 418 120.20 250 267.5 272.5 160 165 170 282.5 305 317.5 760 436.23
Male - Raw Open
-75 1. Tyler Kelly 2001 RI 512 74.40 180 187.5 -195 140 147.5 -150 225 -230 -230 560 403.83
-75 - Chance Fry 2002 RI 416 74.90 -220 -220 220 135 -140 -140 -242.5 -242.5 -242.5 0 0.00
-90 1. Travis Cooper 1988 The Strength Guys RI 518 86.10 230 245 257.5 145 155 162.5 235 250 265 685 453.23
-90 2. Nick Westgate 1988 NORi Powerlifting RI 517 88.40 -222.5 230 242.5 167.5 177.5 185 220 235 255 682.5 445.36
-90 3. Chester Saddler 1979 RI 410 87.50 205 215 220 127.5 132.5 -140 242.5 250 -255 602.5 395.25
-90 4. Kyle Saleh 2003 RI 419 89.90 -220 220 -230 122.5 127.5 -130 -220 220 -232.5 567.5 367.15
-90 5. Tianyi Shao 2002 RI 412 87.20 -207.5 207.5 -215 100 105 -107.5 -235 235 250 562.5 369.68
-90 6. Louis Fiorenzano 1984 RI 519 88.70 160 170 -182.5 125 -130 -130 182.5 197.5 -205 492.5 320.82
-90 7. Steven Cardello 1988 RI 521 88.30 150 165 -182.5 -115 122.5 -127.5 165 185 -202.5 472.5 308.51
-100 1. Brandon Diamond 1981 RI 417 96.90 -257.5 257.5 275 140 147.5 260 275 285 707.5 441.60
-100 2. Chris Celona 1996 RI 514 93.00 220 230 245 130 137.5 -145 -255 265 275 657.5 418.34
-100 3. Samuel Steen 2003 RI 421 95.60 225 -235 235 125 -145 -145 225 245 252.5 612.5 384.67
-100 4. Justin Berk 1988 RI 515 94.90 150 165 180 107.5 -115 -115 155 165 170 457.5 288.31
-100 5. Dillin Alexander 1992 RI 510 95.00 105 115 120 -122.5 200 220 -227.5 445 280.29
-100 6. Joseph Matrullo 1978 RI 411 97.90 112.5 122.5 -132.5 80 85 -92.5 135 145 157.5 365 226.77
-110 1. Ben Cohen 1999 NJ 413 108.70 190 207.5 215 135 145 150 225 245 250 615 365.89
-110 2. Bryan Butera 2000 RI 415 109.60 205 217.5 227.5 165 172.5 -182.5 202.5 -220 -220 602.5 357.33
-125 1. William Manlove 1982 RI 418 120.20 250 267.5 272.5 160 165 170 282.5 305 317.5 760 436.23 X
-67.5 1. Anthony Poy 1995 RI 513 64.30 147.5 155 175 102.5 110 115 182.5 205 220 510 407.51
-67.5 2. Pablo Troop 2004 TX 420 64.10 145 -152.5 -160 85 100 105 187.5 197.5 202.5 452.5 362.43
-82.5 1. Rongyu Dong 1999 RI 414 80.50 225 237.5 242.5 115 127.5 -130 220 230 235 605 415.65
-82.5 2. Zsolt Veraszto 1993 RI 520 79.10 150 162.5 172.5 115 122.5 -127.5 165 172.5 -185 467.5 324.54
Male - Raw Teen
-75 - Chance Fry 2002 RI 416 74.90 -220 -220 220 135 -140 -140 -242.5 -242.5 -242.5 0 0.00
-90 1. Kyle Saleh 2003 RI 419 89.90 -220 220 -230 122.5 127.5 -130 -220 220 -232.5 567.5 367.15
-90 2. Tianyi Shao 2002 RI 412 87.20 -207.5 207.5 -215 100 105 -107.5 -235 235 250 562.5 369.68
-100 1. Samuel Steen 2003 RI 421 95.60 225 -235 235 125 -145 -145 225 245 252.5 612.5 384.67
-67.5 1. Pablo Troop 2004 TX 420 64.10 145 -152.5 -160 85 100 105 187.5 197.5 202.5 452.5 362.43
Male - Raw with Wraps Open
-125 1. Joey Cribari 1994 RI 511 120.70 287.5 -307.5 307.5 125 140 -145 285 -305 307.5 755 432.77


Type Division Weightclass Discipline Lifter Weight
Massachusetts State Equipped Records M1a -82.5 Total push-pull Edju Gasinowski 340 kg
Massachusetts State Equipped Records M1a -82.5 Bench press single lift Edju Gasinowski 127.5 kg
Massachusetts State Equipped Records M1b -82.5 Total push-pull Edju Gasinowski 340 kg
Massachusetts State Equipped Records M1b -82.5 Bench press single lift Edju Gasinowski 127.5 kg
Massachusetts State Equipped Records M2a -82.5 Total push-pull Edju Gasinowski 340 kg
Massachusetts State Equipped Records M2a -82.5 Bench press single lift Edju Gasinowski 127.5 kg
Rhode Island State Raw Records R-JR -90 Bench press single lift Kyle Saleh 127.5 kg
Rhode Island State Raw Records R-M1 -90 Bench press single lift Chester Saddler 132.5 kg
Rhode Island State Raw Records R-M1 -90 Total Chester Saddler 602.5 kg
Rhode Island State Raw Records R-M1 -90 Deadlift Chester Saddler 250 kg
Rhode Island State Raw Records R-M1 -90 Bench press Chester Saddler 132.5 kg
Rhode Island State Raw Records R-M1 -90 Squat Chester Saddler 220 kg
Rhode Island State Raw Records R-M1 -100 Bench press single lift Brandon Diamond 147.5 kg
Rhode Island State Raw Records R-M1 -100 Total Brandon Diamond 707.5 kg
Rhode Island State Raw Records R-M1 -100 Deadlift Brandon Diamond 285 kg
Rhode Island State Raw Records R-M1 -100 Bench press Brandon Diamond 147.5 kg
Rhode Island State Raw Records R-M1 -100 Squat Brandon Diamond 275 kg
Rhode Island State Raw Records R-M1 -125 Bench press single lift William Manlove 170 kg
Rhode Island State Raw Records R-M1 -125 Total William Manlove 760 kg
Rhode Island State Raw Records R-M1 -125 Deadlift William Manlove 317.5 kg
Rhode Island State Raw Records R-M1 -125 Bench press William Manlove 170 kg
Rhode Island State Raw Records R-M1 -125 Squat William Manlove 272.5 kg
Massachusetts Raw State Records R-M1B -82.5 Total Daniel Raguin 527.5 kg
Massachusetts Raw State Records R-M1B -82.5 Deadlift Daniel Raguin 210 kg
Massachusetts Raw State Records R-M1B -82.5 Squat Daniel Raguin 182.5 kg
Massachusetts Raw State Records R-M2A -82.5 Deadlift Daniel Raguin 210 kg
Massachusetts Raw State Records R-M2B -82.5 Total push-pull Daniel Raguin 345 kg
Massachusetts Raw State Records R-M2B -82.5 Bench press single lift Daniel Raguin 135 kg
Massachusetts Raw State Records R-M2B -82.5 Total Daniel Raguin 527.5 kg
Massachusetts Raw State Records R-M2B -82.5 Deadlift Daniel Raguin 210 kg
Massachusetts Raw State Records R-M2B -82.5 Bench press Daniel Raguin 135 kg
Massachusetts Raw State Records R-M2B -82.5 Squat Daniel Raguin 182.5 kg
Rhode Island State Raw Records R-O -90 Bench press single lift Nick Westgate 185 kg
Rhode Island State Raw Records R-O -90 Bench press Nick Westgate 185 kg
Rhode Island State Raw Records R-O -100 Total Brandon Diamond 707.5 kg
Rhode Island State Raw Records R-O -100 Deadlift Brandon Diamond 285 kg
Rhode Island State Raw Records R-O -100 Squat Brandon Diamond 275 kg
Rhode Island State Raw Records R-O -125 Total William Manlove 760 kg
Rhode Island State Raw Records R-O -125 Deadlift William Manlove 317.5 kg
Vermont Raw State Records R-T1 -75 Total push-pull Asher Rosenbaum 260 kg
Vermont Raw State Records R-T1 -75 Bench press single lift Asher Rosenbaum 95 kg
Vermont Raw State Records R-T1 -75 Total Asher Rosenbaum 400 kg
Vermont Raw State Records R-T1 -75 Deadlift Asher Rosenbaum 165 kg
Vermont Raw State Records R-T1 -75 Bench press Asher Rosenbaum 95 kg
Vermont Raw State Records R-T1 -75 Squat Asher Rosenbaum 140 kg
Vermont Raw State Records R-T2 -75 Total push-pull Asher Rosenbaum 260 kg
Vermont Raw State Records R-T2 -75 Bench press single lift Asher Rosenbaum 95 kg
Vermont Raw State Records R-T2 -75 Total Asher Rosenbaum 400 kg
Vermont Raw State Records R-T2 -75 Deadlift Asher Rosenbaum 165 kg
Vermont Raw State Records R-T2 -75 Bench press Asher Rosenbaum 95 kg
Vermont Raw State Records R-T2 -75 Squat Asher Rosenbaum 140 kg
Rhode Island State Raw Records R-T3 -90 Squat Kyle Saleh 220 kg
Rhode Island State Raw Records R-T3 -90 Deadlift Tianyi Shao 250 kg
Rhode Island State Raw with Wraps Records RW-O -125 Squat Joey Cribari 307.5 kg
Rhode Island State Raw Records R-JR -90 Bench press single lift Lee VanderVeen 55 kg
Rhode Island State Raw Records R-JR -90 Total Lee VanderVeen 315 kg
Rhode Island State Raw Records R-JR -90 Deadlift Lee VanderVeen 132.5 kg
Rhode Island State Raw Records R-JR -90 Bench press Lee VanderVeen 55 kg
Rhode Island State Raw Records R-JR -90 Squat Lee VanderVeen 127.5 kg
Rhode Island State Raw Records R-M1 -67.5 Bench press single lift Monica De Barros 60 kg
Rhode Island State Raw Records R-M1 -67.5 Total Monica De Barros 270 kg
Rhode Island State Raw Records R-M1 -67.5 Deadlift Monica De Barros 125 kg
Rhode Island State Raw Records R-M1 -67.5 Bench press Monica De Barros 60 kg
Rhode Island State Raw Records R-M1 -67.5 Squat Monica De Barros 85 kg
Rhode Island State Raw Records R-M1 -90 Squat Heidi Nielsen 72.5 kg
Massachusetts Raw State Records R-M1A -67.5 Bench press single lift Stacey Meade 77.5 kg
Massachusetts Raw State Records R-M1A -67.5 Bench press Stacey Meade 77.5 kg
Rhode Island State Raw Records R-M2 -90 Squat Heidi Nielsen 72.5 kg
Rhode Island State Raw Records R-O -90 Total Lee VanderVeen 315 kg
Rhode Island State Raw Records R-O -90 Deadlift Lee VanderVeen 132.5 kg
Rhode Island State Raw Records R-O -90 Squat Lee VanderVeen 127.5 kg
Rhode Island State Raw Records R-T3 -67.5 Bench press single lift Lily Johnson 55 kg
Rhode Island State Raw Records R-T3 -67.5 Total Lily Johnson 292.5 kg
Rhode Island State Raw Records R-T3 -67.5 Deadlift Lily Johnson 125 kg
Rhode Island State Raw Records R-T3 -67.5 Bench press Lily Johnson 55 kg
Rhode Island State Raw Records R-T3 -67.5 Squat Lily Johnson 112.5 kg