Lifting Database


Viking Summer Raid

Date: 07/09/2022
Sanction #: WV-2022-02
State: West Virginia
Meet Director: Jerry Handley

Results (20 results, 19 lifters)

Placing Name YOB Team State Lot Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested    
Female - Raw Open
-75 1. Emily Echols 2002 OH 113 75.00 107.5 -112.5 112.5 55 60 -65 122.5 130 -135 302.5 294.63
-75 2. Catherine Chappell 1988 ME 118 71.30 -95 -97.5 97.5 45 52.5 -57.5 112.5 122.5 135 285 285.27
100+ 1. Samantha Davis 2006 OH 114 101.10 142.5 160 170 85 95 100 152.5 175 185 455 386.64
-67.5 1. Jennifer Norton 1997 PA 111 65.90 130 137.5 145 85 92.5 95 137.5 147.5 -160 387.5 405.68 X
-67.5 2. Alexas Slaubaugh 1993 WV 112 64.80 52.5 57.5 62.5 35 40 -47.5 85 92.5 102.5 205 216.77
-82.5 1. Megan White 1993 WV 117 81.80 82.5 100 112.5 47.5 55 62.5 112.5 137.5 -150 312.5 291.24
Female - Raw Teen 3
-75 1. Emily Echols 2002 OH 113 75.00 107.5 -112.5 112.5 55 60 -65 122.5 130 -135 302.5 294.63
Male - Raw Junior
-100 1. Jackson Thomas 2001 PA 220 96.40 240 257.5 267.5 137.5 -150 150 250 265 277.5 695 434.82 X
Male - Raw Master 1a
-100 1. Jason Cantoni 1979 WV 216 96.80 142.5 162.5 182.5 125 130 -137.5 212.5 227.5 245 557.5 348.13
Male - Raw Open
-90 1. Robert Pierce 1992 WV 222 84.70 125 -142.5 142.5 105 110 -122.5 170 185 -202.5 437.5 292.05
-100 1. Rodney Chappell 1989 ME 221 98.00 182.5 192.5 205 100 110 122.5 210 227.5 -240 555 344.66
-100 2. Briscoe Thompson 1993 MD 213 91.70 152.5 160 165 110 115 122.5 192.5 -202.5 -205 480 307.50
-140 1. Wilson Harvey 1995 WV 211 127.80 197.5 210 227.5 185 197.5 205 250 262.5 272.5 705 396.81
Male - Raw Teen 1
-82.5 1. Gavin Fluharty 2007 WV 210 80.40 80 87.5 95 45 47.5 -55 100 112.5 122.5 265 182.20
Male - Raw Teen 2
-90 1. Alex Hoy 2006 MD 215 89.00 187.5 200 -210 117.5 125 -130 195 210 220 545 354.40
-100 1. Robert Mendez 2005 WV 217 99.70 160 -172.5 -172.5 107.5 112.5 -122.5 197.5 207.5 220 492.5 303.54
Male - Raw Teen 3
-100 1. Isaih Monday 2003 WV 219 96.30 195 -205 205 97.5 110 -122.5 205 217.5 230 545 341.13
-82.5 1. Zachery Anderson 2003 WV 214 80.40 172.5 180 -182.5 107.5 -112.5 112.5 225 235 -245 527.5 362.67
Male - Raw with Wraps Open
-75 1. Jackson Bailey 2000 WV 218 73.20 137.5 -147.5 150 92.5 95 -100 -187.5 195 197.5 442.5 322.50
Push Pull
Female - Raw Master 1a
-82.5 1. Kara Fluharty 1980 WV 115 79.30 50 55 60 125 -140 140 200 189.28


Type Division Weightclass Discipline Lifter Weight
West Virginia State Raw Records R-JR -82.5 Total push-pull Zachery Anderson 347.5 kg
West Virginia State Raw Records R-JR -82.5 Deadlift single lift Zachery Anderson 235 kg
West Virginia State Raw Records R-JR -82.5 Deadlift Zachery Anderson 235 kg
West Virginia State Raw Records R-M1A -100 Total push-pull Jason Cantoni 375 kg
West Virginia State Raw Records R-M1A -100 Deadlift single lift Jason Cantoni 245 kg
West Virginia State Raw Records R-M1A -100 Total Jason Cantoni 557.5 kg
West Virginia State Raw Records R-M1A -100 Deadlift Jason Cantoni 245 kg
West Virginia State Raw Records R-O -140 Total push-pull Wilson Harvey 477.5 kg
West Virginia State Raw Records R-O -140 Bench press single lift Wilson Harvey 205 kg
West Virginia State Raw Records R-O -140 Bench press Wilson Harvey 205 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-T2 -90 Deadlift push-pull Alex Hoy 220 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-T2 -90 Bench Press push-pull Alex Hoy 125 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-T2 -90 Deadlift single lift Alex Hoy 220 kg
West Virginia State Raw Records R-T2 -100 Total push-pull Robert Mendez 332.5 kg
West Virginia State Raw Records R-T2 -100 Deadlift single lift Robert Mendez 220 kg
West Virginia State Raw Records R-T2 -100 Bench press single lift Robert Mendez 112.5 kg
West Virginia State Raw Records R-T2 -100 Total Robert Mendez 492.5 kg
West Virginia State Raw Records R-T2 -100 Deadlift Robert Mendez 220 kg
West Virginia State Raw Records R-T2 -100 Bench press Robert Mendez 112.5 kg
West Virginia State Raw Records R-T2 -100 Squat Robert Mendez 160 kg
West Virginia State Raw Records R-T3 -82.5 Total push-pull Zachery Anderson 347.5 kg
West Virginia State Raw Records R-T3 -82.5 Deadlift single lift Zachery Anderson 235 kg
West Virginia State Raw Records R-T3 -82.5 Bench press single lift Zachery Anderson 112.5 kg
West Virginia State Raw Records R-T3 -82.5 Total Zachery Anderson 527.5 kg
West Virginia State Raw Records R-T3 -82.5 Deadlift Zachery Anderson 235 kg
West Virginia State Raw Records R-T3 -82.5 Bench press Zachery Anderson 112.5 kg
West Virginia State Raw Records R-T3 -100 Total push-pull Isaih Monday 340 kg
West Virginia State Raw Records R-T3 -100 Deadlift single lift Isaih Monday 230 kg
West Virginia State Raw Records R-T3 -100 Total Isaih Monday 545 kg
West Virginia State Raw Records R-T3 -100 Deadlift Isaih Monday 230 kg
West Virginia State Raw Records R-T3 -100 Squat Isaih Monday 205 kg
West Virginia State Raw Records R-T3 -100 Bench press single lift Robert Mendez 112.5 kg
West Virginia State Raw Records R-T3 -100 Bench press Robert Mendez 112.5 kg
West Virginia State Raw with Wraps Records RW-JR -75 Total push-pull Jackson Bailey 292.5 kg
West Virginia State Raw Records R-M1A -82.5 Total push-pull Kara Fluharty 200 kg
West Virginia State Raw Records R-M1A -82.5 Deadlift single lift Kara Fluharty 140 kg
West Virginia State Raw Records R-O -82.5 Deadlift single lift Kara Fluharty 140 kg
West Virginia State Raw Records R-O -82.5 Total push-pull Megan White 200 kg
West Virginia State Raw Records R-O -82.5 Bench press single lift Megan White 62.5 kg
West Virginia State Raw Records R-O -82.5 Total Megan White 312.5 kg
West Virginia State Raw Records R-O -82.5 Deadlift Megan White 137.5 kg
West Virginia State Raw Records R-O -82.5 Bench press Megan White 62.5 kg
West Virginia State Raw Records R-O -82.5 Squat Megan White 112.5 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-T1 100+ Total push-pull Samantha Davis 285 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-T1 100+ Bench Press push-pull Samantha Davis 100 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-T1 100+ Bench press single lift Samantha Davis 100 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-T1 100+ Total Samantha Davis 455 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-T1 100+ Bench press Samantha Davis 100 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-T2 100+ Total push-pull Samantha Davis 285 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-T2 100+ Bench Press push-pull Samantha Davis 100 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-T2 100+ Bench press single lift Samantha Davis 100 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-T2 100+ Total Samantha Davis 455 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-T2 100+ Bench press Samantha Davis 100 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-T3 100+ Total push-pull Samantha Davis 285 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-T3 100+ Bench Press push-pull Samantha Davis 100 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-T3 100+ Bench press single lift Samantha Davis 100 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-T3 100+ Total Samantha Davis 455 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-T3 100+ Bench press Samantha Davis 100 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-T3 100+ Squat Samantha Davis 170 kg