Lifting Database


Midwest Collegiate Cup

Date: 02/25/2023
Sanction #: OH-2023-05
State: Ohio
Meet Director: Jenna Wassel

Results (55 results, 55 lifters)

Placing Name YOB Team State Lot Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested    
Female - Raw Collegiate
-75 1. Alyssa Wrasman 2001 Powerlifting Club at The Ohio State University OH 101 73.10 120 127.5 137.5 80 82.5 85 127.5 132.5 137.5 360 355.47 X
-75 2. Morgan Ringer 2003 OH 135 73.95 120 127.5 130 65 70 72.5 125 130 132.5 335 328.74
-75 3. Danielle Latif 2001 Powerlifting Club at The Ohio State University VA 114 73.35 112.5 120 125 62.5 65 -67.5 125 132.5 142.5 332.5 327.71
-75 4. Eleanore McDaniel 2003 Powerlifting Club at The Ohio State University OH 117 73.15 102.5 107.5 117.5 75 -82.5 82.5 105 112.5 120 320 315.86
-75 5. Anwen Harris 2001 Powerlifting Club at The Ohio State University OH 102 68.45 105 110 115 52.5 57.5 -60 125 130 135 307.5 314.92
-75 6. Madysen Hoopingarner 2004 Powerlifting Club at The Ohio State University OH 132 71.05 92.5 97.5 105 55 60 -62.5 110 112.5 117.5 282.5 283.32
-75 7. Sage Waehler 2004 Powerlifting Club at The Ohio State University OH 140 70.85 75 85 92.5 32.5 37.5 45 75 87.5 102.5 240 241.07
-100 1. Sara Drake 2003 Powerlifting Club at The Ohio State University OH 142 97.35 130 137.5 145 -70 70 72.5 120 127.5 132.5 350 301.86
-67.5 1. Isabelle Kocz 2003 Powerlifting Club at The Ohio State University NY 119 62.40 130 137.5 145 47.5 52.5 57.5 142.5 150 160 362.5 392.16 X
-67.5 2. Christina Phuong Tran 2001 Powerlifting Club at The Ohio State University OH 111 63.70 110 122.5 132.5 60 67.5 -72.5 105 112.5 125 325 347.21
-67.5 3. Samantha Mahlman 2001 Powerlifting Club at The Ohio State University OH 141 66.25 -112.5 112.5 -115 55 60 62.5 112.5 117.5 122.5 297.5 310.49
-67.5 4. Sarah Porter 2003 Powerlifting Club at The Ohio State University OH 143 63.85 -105 -105 105 62.5 -65 65 107.5 -115 -115 277.5 296.04
-82.5 1. Morgan Rich 2001 Powerlifting Club at The Ohio State University OH 134 82.50 125 140 160 75 82.5 85 125 150 170 415 385.17
-82.5 - Brianna Foster 2003 OH 104 81.75 -132.5 -132.5 -132.5 70 -72.5 -72.5 135 140 142.5 0 0.00
Male - Raw Collegiate
-75 1. CJ Haskins 2001 Powerlifting Club at The Ohio State University VA 112 74.15 187.5 197.5 205 112.5 117.5 122.5 227.5 235 240 567.5 410.13 X
-75 2. Josh Shrock 2002 OH 127 74.55 165 175 182.5 122.5 132.5 135 215 227.5 -235 545 392.51
-90 1. Spencer Knight 2002 Powerlifting Club at The Ohio State University OH 145 89.25 217.5 237.5 -242.5 140 147.5 -155 255 272.5 282.5 667.5 433.44
-90 2. Tino kusic 2000 OH 150 89.35 200 -202.5 230 155 -165 165 -237.5 260 -280 655 425.08 X
-90 3. Konnor Gay 2001 Powerlifting Club at The Ohio State University OH 129 87.30 200 205 210 165 172.5 177.5 -260 260 -272.5 647.5 425.28
-90 4. Nicholas Ruszala 2003 Powerlifting Club at The Ohio State University NJ 136 88.95 190 205 220 135 137.5 142.5 230 -247.5 -247.5 592.5 385.40
-90 5. Quinlin Scherl 2003 Powerlifting Club at The Ohio State University OH 137 88.65 -200 200 -217.5 140 -147.5 -147.5 195 205 -212.5 545 355.12
-90 6. Bassel Nassar 2002 Powerlifting Club at The Ohio State University OH 103 88.70 -175 182.5 200 90 97.5 105 -205 210 230 535 348.50
-90 7. Colton Cybulski 2004 OH 113 88.90 -180 180 -195 95 105 -110 195 -205 480 312.31
-100 1. Terrence Fagan Jr. 2003 Powerlifting Club at The Ohio State University GA 147 99.85 222.5 235 -250 162.5 175 185 245 260 275 695 428.06
-100 2. Tyrek Mitchell 2000 Powerlifting Club at The Ohio State University OH 152 96.90 232.5 242.5 247.5 180 187.5 -195 245 257.5 -265 692.5 432.23
-100 3. Jack Tencza 2004 Powerlifting Club at The Ohio State University OH 122 98.20 230 240 252.5 127.5 -137.5 -137.5 242.5 252.5 262.5 642.5 398.63
-100 4. Charles Wendt 2002 Powerlifting Club at The Ohio State University OH 108 94.80 197.5 210 217.5 115 120 125 225 245 -255 587.5 370.41
-100 5. Jonathan Polido 2003 OH 126 96.75 202.5 215 -227.5 112.5 120 -127.5 212.5 222.5 232.5 567.5 354.46
-100 6. Virgil Michael 2001 Powerlifting Club at The Ohio State University OH 153 96.20 160 172.5 -182.5 127.5 135 -140 212.5 225 -230 532.5 333.47
-100 7. Sean Mccarthy 2003 Powerlifting Club at The Ohio State University OH 144 98.70 190 -200 200 122.5 130 -137.5 190 202.5 -215 532.5 329.64
-100 8. Judd Wandabwa 2000 Powerlifting Club at The Ohio State University OH 128 99.20 160 167.5 -175 97.5 102.5 110 200 215 227.5 505 311.92
-100 9. Srujan Jaladi 2002 Powerlifting Club at The Ohio State University OH 146 96.75 -145 155 -165 90 97.5 105 162.5 175 182.5 442.5 276.39
-100 10. John Nicolaus 2001 Powerlifting Club at The Ohio State University OH 125 91.45 140 147.5 160 90 100 -110 120 132.5 145 405 259.80
-110 1. Jack Martin 2002 Powerlifting Club at The Ohio State University OH 121 109.70 210 222.5 232.5 115 122.5 127.5 265 277.5 -287.5 637.5 377.96 X
-110 2. Ryan Khalili 2002 Powerlifting Club at The Ohio State University OH 138 107.75 222.5 232.5 242.5 130 137.5 -140 210 217.5 -227.5 597.5 356.69
-125 1. Theodore Kahn 2001 Powerlifting Club at The Ohio State University MT 148 122.65 252.5 262.5 -267.5 155 -162.5 -162.5 285 295 -300 712.5 406.27
-67.5 1. Dominic Barnes 2003 Powerlifting Club at The Ohio State University OH 116 63.25 160 167.5 172.5 115 120 127.5 185 195 205 505 408.66 X
-67.5 2. Jackson Guirnalda 2001 Powerlifting Club at The Ohio State University OH 123 66.95 155 162.5 167.5 105 110 -117.5 -192.5 197.5 205 482.5 374.10
-67.5 3. Thomas Lynch 2001 OH 149 65.70 165 175 180 95 100 172.5 182.5 195 475 373.44
-67.5 4. Jack Chan 2002 Powerlifting Club at The Ohio State University OH 120 67.10 145 155 167.5 92.5 100 107.5 180 190 200 475 367.69
-67.5 5. Christian Weseloh 2000 Powerlifting Club at The Ohio State University OH 110 66.80 -140 -140 145 97.5 102.5 105 167.5 175 182.5 432.5 335.88
-67.5 6. Vittorio Hayek 2002 Powerlifting Club at The Ohio State University OH 154 64.55 135 142.5 150 87.5 95 -100 170 180 -182.5 425 338.59
-82.5 1. Zachary Isaacman 2004 Powerlifting Club at The Ohio State University CA 155 80.85 220 230 -237.5 107.5 115 -120 220 -232.5 -232.5 565 387.19
-82.5 2. Ryder Kemper 2002 Powerlifting Club at The Ohio State University OH 139 79.70 177.5 185 190 115 122.5 -130 217.5 227.5 -240 540 373.18
-82.5 3. Lukas George 2001 Powerlifting Club at The Ohio State University OH 131 81.45 162.5 172.5 185 105 112.5 -117.5 207.5 217.5 227.5 525 358.24
-82.5 4. Derek Sheehan 2001 Powerlifting Club at The Ohio State University OH 115 79.30 190 200 210 -105 112.5 -120 177.5 190 200 522.5 362.17
-82.5 5. Michael Myers 2002 Powerlifting Club at The Ohio State University OH 133 81.90 -177.5 190 195 87.5 95 -102.5 227.5 -245 -245 517.5 352.01
-82.5 6. Christian Cadas 2004 Powerlifting Club at The Ohio State University OH 109 82.50 175 185 195 105 112.5 -117.5 -185 185 195 502.5 340.39
-82.5 7. Byron Justice 2002 Powerlifting Club at The Ohio State University OH 105 77.50 155 160 -165 95 100 -102.5 202.5 212.5 -217.5 472.5 332.09
-82.5 8. Caden Pfendler 2000 Powerlifting Club at The Ohio State University OH 106 80.20 162.5 170 175 97.5 102.5 107.5 165 175 -185 457.5 315.00
-82.5 9. Camden Estep 2004 OH 107 79.25 142.5 152.5 160 95 102.5 110 162.5 175 182.5 452.5 313.77
-82.5 10. Gauruv Gupta 2002 Powerlifting Club at The Ohio State University OH 118 79.60 135 145 155 -82.5 90 97.5 170 180 190 442.5 306.03
-82.5 11. Jagteshwar Singh 2001 Powerlifting Club at The Ohio State University OH 124 81.60 -145 145 -152.5 95 -100 -100 155 162.5 172.5 412.5 281.18
-82.5 12. Tucker Fewell 2003 Powerlifting Club at The Ohio State University OH 151 75.40 120 -127.5 -130 87.5 95 97.5 142.5 152.5 162.5 380 271.70
Male - Raw Special Olympian
-82.5 - Alan Bach 2003 Powerlifting Club at The Ohio State University OH 100 81.70 -102.5 -102.5 102.5 -82.5 82.5 92.5 107.5 115 120 0 0.00 Membership error


Type Division Weightclass Discipline Lifter Weight
Ohio State Raw Records R-C -90 Total push-pull Konnor Gay 437.5 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-C -90 Deadlift push-pull Spencer Knight 282.5 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-C -90 Deadlift single lift Spencer Knight 282.5 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-C -90 Deadlift Spencer Knight 282.5 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-C -100 Bench Press push-pull Tyrek Mitchell 187.5 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-C -100 Bench press single lift Tyrek Mitchell 187.5 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-C -100 Bench press Tyrek Mitchell 187.5 kg
Montana State Raw Records R-JR -125 Total push-pull Theodore Kahn 450 kg
Montana State Raw Records R-JR -125 Total Theodore Kahn 712.5 kg
Montana State Raw Records R-JR -125 Deadlift Theodore Kahn 295 kg
Montana State Raw Records R-JR -125 Squat Theodore Kahn 262.5 kg
Montana State Raw Records R-O -125 Total push-pull Theodore Kahn 450 kg
Montana State Raw Records R-O -125 Bench press single lift Theodore Kahn 155 kg
Montana State Raw Records R-O -125 Total Theodore Kahn 712.5 kg
Montana State Raw Records R-O -125 Deadlift Theodore Kahn 295 kg
Montana State Raw Records R-O -125 Squat Theodore Kahn 262.5 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-C -82.5 Total Morgan Rich 415 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-C -82.5 Squat Morgan Rich 160 kg
New York State Raw Records R-T3 -67.5 Squat Isabelle Kocz 145 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-T3 -100 Total push-pull Sara Drake 205 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-T3 -100 Deadlift push-pull Sara Drake 132.5 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-T3 -100 Bench Press push-pull Sara Drake 72.5 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-T3 -100 Deadlift single lift Sara Drake 132.5 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-T3 -100 Bench press single lift Sara Drake 72.5 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-T3 -100 Total Sara Drake 350 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-T3 -100 Deadlift Sara Drake 132.5 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-T3 -100 Bench press Sara Drake 72.5 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-T3 -100 Squat Sara Drake 145 kg