Lifting Database


Gainsgiving Open

Date: 11/04/2023
Sanction #: WI-2023-06
State: Wisconsin
Meet Director: Quintin Meyer

Results (107 results, 100 lifters)

Placing Name YOB Team State Lot Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested    
Bench press
Female - Raw Master 2a
-90 1. Margaret Nyland 1970 WI 115 84.85 57.5 60 62.5 62.5 57.24
Female - Open
-90 1. Molly Swanhorst 1993 WI 131 84.45 -85 85 87.5 -45 47.5 50 90 95 100 237.5 217.98
Female - Raw Junior
-56 1. Emma Ladd 2001 UWL Barbell WI 116 55.80 87.5 -95 95 52.5 57.5 60 125 135 140 295 342.75
-60 1. Madeline Literski 2000 WI 122 58.70 -100 100 107.5 70 -77.5 135 142.5 147.5 325 365.33
-75 1. Callah Dornfeld 2002 WI 315 74.45 145 155 160 75 80 85 162.5 172.5 -182.5 417.5 408.23 X
-75 2. Jade Kopff 2003 UWL Barbell WI 241 73.15 127.5 -132.5 132.5 70 75 -77.5 155 165 -172.5 372.5 367.68
-75 - Eva-Maria Antoni 2002 WI 317 68.85 -110 -130 -130 65 -75 -75 137.5 152.5 -157.5 0 0.00
-90 1. Maddie Peterson 2003 University of North Dakota Powerlifting ND 335 87.00 135 142.5 147.5 67.5 70 -75 160 170 182.5 400 362.09
-90 2. Maggie Lawrynk 2002 UWL Barbell WI 318 85.50 110 117.5 125 75 82.5 -90 125 137.5 145 352.5 321.66
-67.5 1. Margaret Kops Kuveke 2001 University of North Dakota Powerlifting NY 229 65.95 137.5 147.5 157.5 87.5 92.5 95 150 -160 170 422.5 442.13
-82.5 1. Erika Jackett 2001 WI 321 78.40 107.5 115 122.5 70 72.5 -75 137.5 142.5 150 345 328.39 X
Female - Raw Master 1a
-75 1. Lindsey Johnson 1982 MN 126 69.35 125 132.5 -137.5 70 -75 75 155 -162.5 162.5 370 376.13
Female - Raw Master 3a
-67.5 1. Molly Huisinga 1960 MN 238 61.50 62.5 -65 65 40 -42.5 -42.5 90 92.5 95 200 218.31
Female - Raw Open
-56 1. Abby Lamkins 2003 WI 121 52.85 65 70 75 42.5 -47.5 47.5 105 110 117.5 240 289.28
-75 1. Susan Meyer 1996 WI 319 74.40 135 145 -155 65 -72.5 72.5 140 152.5 160 377.5 369.25
-75 2. Lindsey Johnson 1982 MN 126 69.35 125 132.5 -137.5 70 -75 75 155 -162.5 162.5 370 376.13
-75 3. Mara Mukai 1996 MN 322 73.70 120 -130 -130 62.5 70 -72.5 122.5 130 -137.5 320 314.59
-75 - Eva-Maria Antoni 2002 WI 317 68.85 -110 -130 -130 65 -75 -75 137.5 152.5 -157.5 0 0.00
-67.5 1. Gabriel Dryden 1998 University of North Dakota Powerlifting ND 146 61.35 85 97.5 107.5 55 -65 -70 -125 137.5 145 307.5 336.16 X
-67.5 2. Bryanna Hathaway 1993 WI 114 67.50 -90 -92.5 92.5 42.5 -47.5 -52.5 135 142.5 147.5 282.5 291.65
-67.5 3. Danielle Stoll 1995 MN 111 66.85 80 -92.5 -92.5 45 -52.5 -52.5 82.5 90 -95 215 223.21
-67.5 - Lindsay Copsey 1987 WI 113 60.20 75 -92.5 -105 -45 -45 -45 -100 100 102.5 0 0.00
Female - Raw Teen 1
-56 1. Kylie Gunkel 2008 WI 138 53.85 70 80 -90 30 37.5 -47.5 70 80 90 207.5 246.92
100+ 1. Jenna Bjorge 2007 WI 327 101.10 102.5 117.5 132.5 55 70 -77.5 110 130 140 342.5 291.04
-67.5 1. Leah Dunlap 2008 WI 237 66.40 60 65 -70 35 -37.5 -37.5 80 85 87.5 187.5 195.43
Female - Raw Teen 2
-60 1. Lydia Schaal 2007 WI 120 58.70 80 85 -92.5 42.5 50 -52.5 102.5 105 107.5 242.5 272.59
-75 1. Addison Lee 2006 WI 240 70.00 100 -102.5 102.5 -55 55 -60 115 117.5 -122.5 275 278.10
-90 1. Chloe Moore 2007 WI 331 88.05 -82.5 82.5 87.5 50 55 -60 102.5 -107.5 110 252.5 227.32
Female - Raw Teen 3
-56 1. Emma Bohman 2005 WI 141 55.90 -95 95 -105 47.5 55 -60 140 147.5 155 305 353.95
-56 2. Abby Lamkins 2003 WI 121 52.85 65 70 75 42.5 -47.5 47.5 105 110 117.5 240 289.28
-60 1. Madeline Anholzer 2003 WI 139 56.85 70 77.5 -85 45 47.5 50 100 105 110 237.5 272.57
-75 1. Lauren Alberg 2004 WI 247 74.85 135 142.5 150 67.5 72.5 77.5 135 147.5 160 387.5 377.82
-67.5 1. Nellie Dunlap 2005 WI 211 66.50 105 110 120 50 55 57.5 117.5 127.5 137.5 315 328.03
-67.5 2. Maya Biese 2004 UWL Barbell WI 222 64.50 90 95 102.5 50 52.5 55 107.5 112.5 117.5 275 291.60
Female - Raw with Wraps Open
-60 1. Suzanne DeFily 1994 IL 135 59.20 112.5 -125 -125 57.5 62.5 -67.5 105 110 115 290 324.23
Female - Raw Youth 2
-40 1. Lillie Brunette 2012 WI 147 37.00 32.5 37.5 45 25 27.5 30 -57.5 57.5 -62.5 132.5 196.74
Male - Junior
-110 1. Austin Payne 2000 WI 326 103.25 250 -270 270 125 155 -160 282.5 300 -317.5 725 440.25
Male - Open
-110 1. Dennis Mahony 1999 WI 328 106.80 227.5 240 250 175 185 195 210 227.5 -240 672.5 402.85 X
Male - Raw Junior
-75 1. Adrian Joy 2002 WI 115 72.75 180 -190 197.5 120 127.5 135 207.5 220 230 562.5 411.63
-75 2. Ethan Nguyen 2000 WI 140 73.90 185 200 -215 95 100 105 220 -245 245 550 398.36
-75 3. Hayden Block 2002 WI 124 73.25 160 165 -175 115 -120 120 180 192.5 202.5 487.5 355.14
-75 4. Ian Clyne 2003 WI 129 73.50 145 157.5 175 85 102.5 -112.5 145 152.5 -167.5 430 312.55
-75 - Beau Bonnell 2002 WI 132 73.00 -165 -165 -172.5 105 110 -120 145 152.5 157.5 0 0.00
-90 1. Liam Rott 2003 WI 248 88.65 220 235 245 135 140 -142.5 225 240 250 635 413.76
-90 2. Logan Hayman 2001 WI 231 83.45 205 217.5 230 117.5 -127.5 -127.5 227.5 -237.5 575 387.00
-90 3. Andrew Wochner 2003 IL 233 88.55 137.5 145 150 77.5 82.5 -87.5 172.5 185 -190 417.5 272.20
-100 1. Sebastian Masotti 2001 University of North Dakota Powerlifting ND 311 94.45 237.5 252.5 265 137.5 145 -152.5 -247.5 250 265 675 426.32 X
-100 2. Carter Newman 2002 MN 324 97.45 190 205 207.5 127.5 132.5 -140 230 240 252.5 592.5 368.87
-110 1. Jaden Bilal 2002 NC 334 107.25 205 215 -227.5 115 120 125 -245 -255 257.5 597.5 357.33
-125 1. Benjamin Muhr 2001 UWL Barbell WI 320 116.70 230 240 -250 150 160 -170 255 265 -275 665 385.54 X
-67.5 1. Joshua Prado 2002 WI 142 65.45 145 155 165 105 110 115 190 -205 205 485 382.39
-82.5 1. Trenten Payne 2003 WI 214 81.95 215 230 -237.5 155 -165 -165 240 250 -260 635 431.78
-82.5 2. Colton steyer 2001 WI 228 76.95 -185 185 -200 142.5 155 -170 190 205 -220 545 384.73
-82.5 3. Lucas Zastrow 2002 UWL Barbell WI 221 81.05 175 195 -212.5 120 140 -145 205 -220 -220 540 369.53
Male - Raw Master 1a
-100 1. Christopher Huebner 1983 WI 244 96.15 -227.5 237.5 -245 165 175 -182.5 -267.5 277.5 -290 690 432.20 X
-140 - Richard Hilt 1983 WI 312 138.35 -167.5 172.5 185 -105 107.5 -110 -170 -180 -180 0 0.00
Male - Raw Master 3a
-100 1. Barry Charles 1962 WI 332 95.60 90 105 120 90 100 -102.5 140 170 182.5 402.5 252.78
-82.5 1. Richard Keil 1963 WI 243 80.15 -182.5 -182.5 182.5 105 110 -112.5 210 220 -230 512.5 353.00 X
Male - Raw Open
-90 1. Liam Edgar 1998 WI 232 89.60 215 227.5 235 120 127.5 132.5 272.5 282.5 292.5 660 427.72
-90 2. Logan Hayman 2001 WI 231 83.45 205 217.5 230 117.5 -127.5 -127.5 227.5 -237.5 575 387.00
-90 3. Nicholas Stoll 1998 WI 235 84.25 142.5 155 162.5 107.5 112.5 120 150 162.5 -182.5 445 297.93
-100 1. Christopher Huebner 1983 WI 244 96.15 -227.5 237.5 -245 165 175 -182.5 -267.5 277.5 -290 690 432.20 X
-100 2. Alex Stoll 1997 MN 249 97.30 215 227.5 -240 125 137.5 -145 205 227.5 242.5 607.5 378.47
-100 3. Joseph Watkins 1996 WI 313 97.70 175 187.5 197.5 130 137.5 -145 215 232.5 237.5 572.5 356.01
-100 4. Steve Beczkiewicz 1999 WI 310 98.15 172.5 185 -195 125 135 140 190 200 215 540 335.11
-100 - Dane Sannes 1994 WI 217 94.50 217.5 230 237.5 -130 -140 -140 232.5 242.5 252.5 0 0.00
-110 1. Zachary Kruger 1991 Transcend Limits Training MN 333 108.95 207.5 217.5 227.5 117.5 125 130 245 257.5 267.5 625 371.52
-110 2. Anthony Polio 1993 MI 316 107.60 205 220 230 140 145 152.5 205 215 222.5 605 361.36
-110 3. John Bussan 1998 WI 330 103.85 175 -182.5 190 130 142.5 -152.5 207.5 225 240 572.5 346.82
-125 1. Benjamin Muhr 2001 UWL Barbell WI 320 116.70 230 240 -250 150 160 -170 255 265 -275 665 385.54 X
-140 - Nicholas Collaer 1991 WI 329 135.75 -235 -235 -235 0 0.00
-67.5 1. Travis Phommaleuth 1996 WI 216 63.90 112.5 122.5 132.5 97.5 102.5 -115 135 147.5 -152.5 382.5 307.10 X
-82.5 1. Teddy Gildersleeve 1997 MN 218 79.25 210 215 227.5 120 127.5 -132.5 270 287.5 -292.5 642.5 445.52
-82.5 2. Trenten Payne 2003 WI 214 81.95 215 230 -237.5 155 -165 -165 240 250 -260 635 431.78
-82.5 3. Alonso Rodriguez 1999 IL 219 77.60 212.5 222.5 -232.5 130 135 -140 230 242.5 -255 600 421.37
Male - Raw Teen 1
-60 1. Grady Quick 2009 WI 144 58.50 70 -77.5 85 50 55 -60 82.5 107.5 247.5 213.35
-75 1. Eden Aguilar 2008 IA 136 70.70 165 -170 -170 92.5 -97.5 -97.5 182.5 187.5 195 452.5 337.57
-110 1. Mason Pheifer 2007 WI 236 102.15 127.5 135 145 82.5 -90 90 142.5 -152.5 155 390 237.88
-82.5 1. AJ Pheifer 2008 WI 246 77.50 135 142.5 -157.5 95 102.5 107.5 142.5 152.5 162.5 412.5 289.92
Male - Raw Teen 2
-52 1. Zachary Mathews 2006 IL 133 50.65 -92.5 97.5 -102.5 67.5 72.5 -75 125 135 -142.5 305 299.60
-60 1. Ethan Lewey 2006 IA 110 58.25 112.5 125 -130 62.5 72.5 -77.5 142.5 155 170 367.5 317.93
-75 1. Philip Clocksin 2006 IA 137 71.80 -167.5 167.5 -175 97.5 -105 -105 165 -172.5 -172.5 430 317.44
-75 2. Robby Murray 2006 WI 130 74.90 -117.5 125 130 62.5 70 -75 160 172.5 -202.5 372.5 267.47
-90 1. Carter Cloe 2006 IA 242 88.95 235 250 -262.5 127.5 135 -140 220 235 242.5 627.5 408.17
-90 2. joe przybyla 2005 IL 223 88.60 195 210 220 110 -117.5 -117.5 200 210 -217.5 540 351.96
-90 3. James Gonzalez 2006 IL 239 87.70 175 180 190 115 125 -132.5 185 -200 210 525 344.00
-90 4. Cale Campbell 2005 WI 118 86.25 175 182.5 190 107.5 112.5 115 192.5 197.5 202.5 507.5 335.47
-90 - Dylan Flack 2005 IA 230 89.85 215 -225 -225 125 132.5 -140 -255 -255 -255 0 0.00
-100 1. Ben Neri 2007 IL 245 99.15 -155 157.5 170 -100 107.5 110 165 177.5 187.5 467.5 288.83
-67.5 1. Jeffrey Dunlap 2007 WI 119 67.00 -107.5 107.5 110 60 70 72.5 115 122.5 127.5 310 240.22
-82.5 1. Luke Lister 2006 IL 134 80.15 157.5 165 167.5 110 -117.5 -117.5 175 185 187.5 465 320.29
-82.5 2. Nolan Schmidt 2005 WI 226 80.15 152.5 157.5 -160 110 115 117.5 172.5 -175 175 450 309.95
-82.5 3. Ben Lundy 2006 IA 212 81.70 102.5 140 170 95 100 -105 60 77.5 102.5 372.5 253.73
Male - Raw Teen 3
-60 1. Lee Billings 2004 University of North Dakota Powerlifting ND 112 58.70 132.5 -142.5 -142.5 82.5 -90 -95 142.5 155 170 385 330.92
-75 1. Nathan Duvernell 2004 WI 224 73.80 175 180 -182.5 127.5 135 -140 192.5 200 207.5 522.5 378.77
-75 2. Carter Johnson 2004 University of North Dakota Powerlifting ND 128 74.45 -167.5 182.5 -190 95 -102.5 -102.5 175 185 -192.5 462.5 333.38
-90 1. Dillon Weber 2005 WI 220 82.75 175 182.5 190 130 135 142.5 200 -210 210 542.5 366.86
-90 2. Brett Nimmer 2004 WI 215 85.91 190 200 -210 120 127.5 -135 182.5 197.5 210 537.5 356.06
-90 3. Andrew Rohm 2004 WI 210 87.05 165 175 -182.5 -115 117.5 -122.5 215 222.5 230 522.5 343.70
-90 4. Jackson Koverman 2003 MN 227 88.10 160 175 185 105 110 115 190 200 -210 500 326.84
-100 1. Jonah Klingeisen 2003 WI 323 95.85 205 215 220 120 -127.5 -127.5 235 250 265 605 379.50 X
-100 2. Nik Stefanich 2004 WI 325 98.05 190 200 215 115 122.5 -127.5 220 232.5 -245 570 353.89
-67.5 1. Luke Tompkins 2005 WI 148 64.15 125 -127.5 135 80 -87.5 -87.5 152.5 167.5 175 390 312.19
-67.5 2. Dannel Carbajal Macias 2005 WI 143 62.80 115 -117.5 127.5 70 75 -80 150 -160 -160 352.5 286.85
-67.5 - Christopher Taira 2004 IL 117 66.05 -125 -135 -135 67.5 75 82.5 122.5 135 140 0 0.00
Male - Raw Youth 2
-40 1. Ryan Ward 2011 WI 125 36.80 42.5 47.5 52.5 20 25 27.5 60 62.5 65 145 184.31
Male - Teen 1
-82.5 1. Jason Allen 2008 WI 145 77.70 75 -80 80 65 -70 70 110 120 125 275 192.98


Type Division Weightclass Discipline Lifter Weight
Illinois State Raw Records R-JR -52 Bench press single lift Zachary Mathews 72.5 kg
North Dakota State Raw Records R-JR -60 Total push-pull Lee Billings 252.5 kg
North Dakota State Raw Records R-JR -60 Bench press single lift Lee Billings 82.5 kg
North Dakota State Raw Records R-JR -60 Total Lee Billings 385 kg
North Dakota State Raw Records R-JR -60 Deadlift Lee Billings 170 kg
North Dakota State Raw Records R-JR -60 Bench press Lee Billings 82.5 kg
North Dakota State Raw Records R-JR -60 Squat Lee Billings 132.5 kg
North Dakota State Raw Records R-JR -100 Squat Sebastian Masotti 265 kg
Wisconsin State Raw Records R-M2A -100 Deadlift Barry Charles 182.5 kg
Wisconsin State Raw Records R-M2B -100 Bench press single lift Barry Charles 100 kg
Wisconsin State Raw Records R-M3A -100 Bench press single lift Barry Charles 100 kg
Wisconsin State Raw Records R-M3A -100 Total Barry Charles 402.5 kg
Wisconsin State Raw Records R-M3A -100 Deadlift Barry Charles 182.5 kg
Wisconsin State Raw Records R-M3A -100 Bench press Barry Charles 100 kg
Wisconsin State Raw Records R-M3A -100 Squat Barry Charles 120 kg
Illinois State Raw Records R-O -52 Total push-pull Zachary Mathews 207.5 kg
Illinois State Raw Records R-O -52 Bench press single lift Zachary Mathews 72.5 kg
Illinois State Raw Records R-O -52 Bench press Zachary Mathews 72.5 kg
North Dakota State Raw Records R-O -60 Total push-pull Lee Billings 252.5 kg
North Dakota State Raw Records R-O -60 Bench press single lift Lee Billings 82.5 kg
North Dakota State Raw Records R-O -60 Total Lee Billings 385 kg
North Dakota State Raw Records R-O -60 Deadlift Lee Billings 170 kg
North Dakota State Raw Records R-O -60 Bench press Lee Billings 82.5 kg
North Dakota State Raw Records R-O -60 Squat Lee Billings 132.5 kg
Iowa State Raw Records R-O -90 Squat Carter Cloe 250 kg
North Dakota State Raw Records R-O -100 Squat Sebastian Masotti 265 kg
Illinois State Raw Records R-T2 -52 Total push-pull Zachary Mathews 207.5 kg
Illinois State Raw Records R-T2 -52 Bench press single lift Zachary Mathews 72.5 kg
Illinois State Raw Records R-T2 -52 Bench press Zachary Mathews 72.5 kg
Iowa State Raw Records R-T2 -90 Total Carter Cloe 627.5 kg
Iowa State Raw Records R-T2 -90 Squat Carter Cloe 250 kg
Illinois State Raw Records R-T3 -52 Total push-pull Zachary Mathews 207.5 kg
Illinois State Raw Records R-T3 -52 Bench press single lift Zachary Mathews 72.5 kg
Illinois State Raw Records R-T3 -52 Bench press Zachary Mathews 72.5 kg
North Dakota State Raw Records R-T3 -60 Total push-pull Lee Billings 252.5 kg
North Dakota State Raw Records R-T3 -60 Bench press single lift Lee Billings 82.5 kg
North Dakota State Raw Records R-T3 -60 Total Lee Billings 385 kg
North Dakota State Raw Records R-T3 -60 Deadlift Lee Billings 170 kg
North Dakota State Raw Records R-T3 -60 Bench press Lee Billings 82.5 kg
North Dakota State Raw Records R-T3 -60 Squat Lee Billings 132.5 kg
Wisconsin State Raw Records R-Y2 -40 Bench press single lift Ryan Ward 27.5 kg
Wisconsin State Raw Records R-Y2 -40 Total Ryan Ward 145 kg
Wisconsin State Raw Records R-Y2 -40 Deadlift Ryan Ward 65 kg
Wisconsin State Raw Records R-Y2 -40 Bench press Ryan Ward 27.5 kg
Wisconsin State Raw Records R-Y2 -40 Squat Ryan Ward 52.5 kg
Wisconsin State Raw Records R-JR -56 Deadlift Emma Bohman 155 kg
North Dakota State Raw Records R-JR -90 Deadlift Maddie Peterson 182.5 kg
North Dakota State Raw Records R-O -67.5 Total push-pull Gabriel Dryden 200 kg
North Dakota State Raw Records R-O -67.5 Total Gabriel Dryden 307.5 kg
North Dakota State Raw Records R-O -67.5 Deadlift Gabriel Dryden 145 kg
North Dakota State Raw Records R-O -67.5 Squat Gabriel Dryden 107.5 kg
North Dakota State Raw Records R-O -90 Deadlift Maddie Peterson 182.5 kg
Wisconsin State Raw Records R-T3 -56 Deadlift Emma Bohman 155 kg
Wisconsin State Raw Records R-Y2 -40 Total Lillie Brunette 132.5 kg
Wisconsin State Raw Records R-Y2 -40 Squat Lillie Brunette 45 kg