Lifting Database


Holiday Hoist

Date: 12/16/2023
Sanction #: ID-2023-03
State: Idaho
Meet Director: Kaylee Mustard

Results (80 results, 71 lifters)

Placing Name YOB Team State Lot Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested    
Bench press
Male - Raw Open
-82.5 1. Nico Watkins 1997 ID 330 78.30 125 -135 -135 125 87.31
Female - Raw Junior
-82.5 1. Adilene Chávez 2002 ID 114 80.90 162.5 165 170 92.5 -97.5 97.5 160 162.5 170 437.5 409.96 X
Female - Raw Master 1a
-60 1. Robin Ray 1979 ID 128 58.30 120 127.5 130 80 85 87.5 140 142.5 150 367.5 414.92
Female - Raw Master 1b
-56 1. Rachel Davis 1978 WA 125 54.10 52.5 -60 60 30 -35 35 65 70 -85 165 195.73
-67.5 1. Roberta Garvin 1975 ID 123 65.50 85 87.5 95 -62.5 62.5 67.5 80 87.5 95 257.5 270.55
Female - Raw Master 2a
-75 1. Chandra Schreck 1972 ID 132 73.60 75 82.5 -92.5 55 60 62.5 102.5 115 127.5 272.5 268.09
Female - Raw Master 2b
-75 1. Jill Singer 1967 ID 130 74.40 65 75 80 50 55 57.5 90 105 117.5 255 249.42
-67.5 1. Julie Machakos 1965 ID 115 63.60 77.5 80 87.5 50 55 -57.5 97.5 105 -110 247.5 264.66
Female - Raw Master 3a
-75 1. Heidi Barker 1960 ID 220 72.90 115 122.5 -127.5 67.5 70 -72.5 147.5 152.5 157.5 350 346.11 X
-75 2. Denise Mills 1962 ID 118 73.10 -87.5 87.5 90 55 57.5 62.5 125 130 -137.5 282.5 278.95
Female - Raw Master 3b
-82.5 1. Brenda Davila 1958 WA 122 77.30 -100 100 -110 50 52.5 57.5 115 117.5 125 282.5 270.85
Female - Raw Open
-56 1. Heather Martorelli 1997 ID 126 54.80 100 107.5 -115 47.5 52.5 55 140 147.5 -155 310 364.56 X
-60 1. Robin Ray 1979 ID 128 58.30 120 127.5 130 80 85 87.5 140 142.5 150 367.5 414.92
-60 2. Emma Adkins 1998 More on the Bar ID 131 57.70 90 97.5 105 55 60 67.5 100 107.5 115 287.5 326.78
-75 1. Asa Tampoya 1996 ID 117 73.80 132.5 142.5 -145 75 -80 -80 145 150 -155 367.5 361.02
-75 2. Nikki Lowery 1995 ID 112 72.50 -82.5 85 90 42.5 45 -50 95 102.5 107.5 242.5 240.52
-100 1. Heidi Juarez 1990 ID 210 91.00 -140 140 145 -72.5 72.5 75 150 155 -165 375 332.70
-67.5 1. Lindsey Wagstaff 1990 ID 113 65.10 92.5 -98 97.5 50 -52.5 -55 130 137.5 -145 285 300.54
-82.5 1. Adilene Chávez 2002 ID 114 80.90 162.5 165 170 92.5 -97.5 97.5 160 162.5 170 437.5 409.96
-82.5 - Natalie Nunez 1995 WA 223 79.70 102.5 110 -115 -50 -50 -50 110 -115 120 0 0.00
Female - Raw Teen 1
-52 1. Laynee Ray 2008 ID 110 50.00 -70 70 75 32.5 37.5 -40 92.5 100 105 217.5 272.53
Female - Raw Teen 2
-56 - Alyssa Gonzalez 2006 ID 121 56.00 62.5 65 70 -35 -37.5 -37.5 87.5 90 95 0 0.00
Female - Raw Teen 3
-75 1. Alexandra Garvin 2005 ID 129 69.10 90 -95 -100 57.5 62.5 67.5 100 105 -110 262.5 267.40
-90 1. Sydney Martin 2004 ID 124 89.40 125 -135 135 47.5 50 -52.5 130 137.5 -142.5 322.5 288.37
-67.5 1. Trista Smith 2005 WA 120 63.20 112.5 117.5 122.5 80 -85 -85 135 142.5 150 352.5 378.39 X
Male - Raw Junior
-75 1. Israel Lopez Nava 2001 ID 221 73.70 147.5 165 170 90 102.5 -110 155 -172.5 172.5 445 322.88
-90 1. Kade Ashby 2003 UT 310 87.10 200 212.5 220 140 150 -160 240 250 257.5 627.5 412.65
-90 2. Justin Arriola 2000 WA 219 88.20 150 175 180 92.5 97.5 -102.5 -222.5 235 -242.5 512.5 334.82
-100 1. Roman Reyes Jr 2000 ID 312 97.40 245 260 272.5 -145 150 -160 255 275 -290 697.5 434.34
-100 2. Isaiah Estrada 2003 More on the Bar ID 420 98.90 200 210 220 135 142.5 -150 225 240 -262.5 602.5 372.64
-125 1. Connor Barley 2001 ID 418 122.10 -120 130 -140 80 87.5 92.5 135 142.5 170 392.5 224.13
Male - Raw Master 1a
-82.5 1. Jared Shelton 1979 ID 321 80.60 175 185 -190 125 -132.5 -132.5 225 235 240 550 377.59
Male - Raw Master 2a
-140 1. Joseph Martin 1971 ID 212 135.10 152.5 160 175 142.5 -147.5 150 190 197.5 205 530 293.41
Male - Raw Master 2b
-100 1. Joey August 1964 WA 222 98.40 182.5 187.5 -192.5 147.5 152.5 -157.5 202.5 210 -217.5 550 340.93
-100 - Crosby Hill 1967 ID 415 99.40 127.5 -150 -150 -120 -120 -120 0 0.00
Male - Raw Master 3a
-110 1. Thomas Ives 1961 ID 419 106.50 -130 135 140 115 120 125 170 180 -190 445 266.86
-140 1. Tim Clare 1961 ID 413 129.50 115 127.5 -132.5 70 -77.5 -82.5 115 130 137.5 335 187.80
Male - Raw Master 4a
-100 - Paul Zambon 1953 WA 414 94.00 55 92.5 100 -125 -125 -125 142.5 147.5 152.5 0 0.00
Male - Raw Open
-75 1. Michael Saveliev 2006 UT 213 74.20 155 -160 162.5 95 100 -105 175 182.5 190 452.5 326.88
-75 2. Ashton Smith 1993 ID 227 71.60 87.5 92.5 95 -72.5 75 -77.5 -117.5 117.5 -125 287.5 212.64
-90 1. Collin Gole 1993 ID 313 88.60 205 220 230 125 137.5 147.5 247.5 270 285 662.5 431.81 X
-90 2. Justin Medeiros 1999 ID 318 89.50 212.5 222.5 232.5 127.5 132.5 137.5 257.5 -272.5 272.5 642.5 416.61 X
-90 3. Kade Ashby 2003 UT 310 87.10 200 212.5 220 140 150 -160 240 250 257.5 627.5 412.65
-90 4. Kolby Ashby 2006 UT 230 87.00 167.5 172.5 -182.5 105 110 -112.5 172.5 182.5 190 472.5 310.91
-90 5. Bradley Colvin 1994 WA 316 87.70 115 -130 132.5 -65 67.5 72.5 160 175 -185 380 248.99
-100 1. Jaime Campos 1999 ID 317 99.50 250 260 275 175 187.5 192.5 250 275 282.5 750 462.64
-100 2. Joey August 1964 WA 222 98.40 182.5 187.5 -192.5 147.5 152.5 -157.5 202.5 210 -217.5 550 340.93
-100 3. Cameron White 1993 ID 111 96.50 170 182.5 185 125 -137.5 -140 207.5 222.5 232.5 542.5 339.25
-100 4. Ryan Goldsmith 1984 ID 322 94.90 -135 147.5 155 125 137.5 -145 175 197.5 207.5 500 315.09
-110 1. Alex Mostacero 1995 More on the Bar ID 328 107.60 270 285 -297.5 185 192.5 -197.5 285 300 320 797.5 476.34 X
-125 1. Austin Heathman 1996 ID 314 120.70 215 225 232.5 180 187.5 -192.5 255 262.5 272.5 692.5 396.94
-125 2. Deontae Hardin 1995 More on the Bar ID 410 124.70 182.5 190 197.5 140 147.5 157.5 200 -210 -212.5 555 314.79 X
-125 3. Alexander Don Cook 1995 ID 412 118.50 185 190 197.5 -135 135 -137.5 185 190 200 532.5 307.11
-125 4. Connor Barley 2001 ID 418 122.10 -120 130 -140 80 87.5 92.5 135 142.5 170 392.5 224.13
140+ - Gaton Gilham 1992 ID 215 163.00 275 295 -317.5 162.5 172.5 -182.5 -250 -250 -250 0 0.00
-82.5 1. Makay Ashby 1996 UT 331 81.50 215 -217.5 -217.5 165 170 172.5 272.5 -277.5 -277.5 660 450.20
-82.5 2. Dallas Hamm 1986 ID 324 81.30 242.5 -257.5 -257.5 132.5 140 -142.5 262.5 -277.5 -277.5 645 440.59
-82.5 3. Kalin Ashby 1993 More on the Bar ID 327 78.40 200 210 222.5 132.5 140 145 220 230 240 607.5 423.98
-82.5 4. Garrick Slack 1993 WA 319 82.10 192.5 200 215 145 152.5 -160 197.5 215 -227.5 582.5 395.67
-82.5 5. Jared Shelton 1979 ID 321 80.60 175 185 -190 125 -132.5 -132.5 225 235 240 550 377.59
Male - Raw Teen 1
-110 1. Chase Ambrosek 2008 ID 416 103.70 127.5 130 142.5 90 95 102.5 -167.5 185 200 445 269.74
-67.5 1. Trevin Bentley 2008 More on the Bar ID 231 67.30 130 137.5 -145 85 90 95 140 152.5 170 402.5 310.89
-67.5 2. Cash Sullivan 2008 ID 211 65.80 125 132.5 140 90 95 100 127.5 140 145 385 302.34
-82.5 1. Adam Curtis 2008 ID 329 82.40 -120 120 122.5 82.5 87.5 -92.5 -132.5 132.5 147.5 357.5 242.33
Male - Raw Teen 2
-75 1. Michael Saveliev 2006 UT 213 74.20 155 -160 162.5 95 100 -105 175 182.5 190 452.5 326.88
-75 2. Jake Massey 2006 ID 217 73.00 140 152.5 160 92.5 97.5 -102.5 165 180 190 447.5 326.73
-75 3. Aidan Spencer 2006 ID 224 70.70 140 145 147.5 92.5 -97.5 97.5 165 172.5 -182.5 417.5 311.46
-90 1. Sam Ruegner 2006 More on the Bar ID 228 87.60 175 187.5 205 120 127.5 132.5 220 237.5 250 587.5 385.18
-90 2. Kaelan Davis 2007 WA 325 88.20 165 172.5 -180 -110 115 -120 185 192.5 205 492.5 321.75
-90 3. Kolby Ashby 2006 UT 230 87.00 167.5 172.5 -182.5 105 110 -112.5 172.5 182.5 190 472.5 310.91
-100 1. Easton Tarkalson 2006 ID 311 99.50 130 140 -150 82.5 85 -92.5 152.5 162.5 172.5 397.5 245.20
-110 1. Noah Verduzco 2006 ID 417 109.20 202.5 -217.5 -217.5 112.5 122.5 127.5 217.5 235 245 575 341.50
-82.5 1. Ethan Christensen 2007 ID 226 79.00 162.5 172.5 182.5 100 105 112.5 190 207.5 -220 502.5 349.10
Male - Raw Teen 3
-110 - Preston Hunt 2005 ID 323 106.30 -160 -175 -175 -120 120 130 195 210 220 0 0.00
-67.5 1. Nicholas Kadooka 2005 ID 127 65.80 157.5 162.5 165 100 102.5 105 162.5 172.5 175 445 349.46
-82.5 1. Kaydin Dawson 2004 ID 320 82.50 200 210 215 112.5 120 125 205 -215 -217.5 545 369.18
Push Pull
Female - Raw Master 4b
-60 1. Pamela M Causey 1948 WA 119 59.80 25 -30 -30 60 65 70 95 105.53
Male - Raw Junior
-75 1. Joshua Parker 2001 More on the Bar ID 326 74.00 115 122.5 130 200 217.5 230 360 260.51
Male - Raw Master 4a
-140 1. Robert Scott 1952 ID 411 131.00 97.5 105 110 110 120 135 245 136.87
Male - Raw Open
-75 1. Joshua Parker 2001 More on the Bar ID 326 74.00 115 122.5 130 200 217.5 230 360 260.51


Type Division Weightclass Discipline Lifter Weight
Idaho State Raw Records R-JR -100 Squat Roman Reyes Jr 272.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-M1A -82.5 Total push-pull Jared Shelton 365 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-M1A -82.5 Total Jared Shelton 550 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-M1A -82.5 Deadlift Jared Shelton 240 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-M1A -140 Total push-pull Joseph Martin 355 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-M1A -140 Bench press single lift Joseph Martin 150 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-M1A -140 Total Joseph Martin 530 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-M1A -140 Deadlift Joseph Martin 205 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-M1A -140 Bench press Joseph Martin 150 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-M1A -140 Squat Joseph Martin 175 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-M1B -140 Total push-pull Joseph Martin 355 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-M1B -140 Bench press single lift Joseph Martin 150 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-M1B -140 Total Joseph Martin 530 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-M1B -140 Deadlift Joseph Martin 205 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-M1B -140 Bench press Joseph Martin 150 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-M1B -140 Squat Joseph Martin 175 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-M2A -110 Total Thomas Ives 445 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-M2A -110 Squat Thomas Ives 140 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-M2A -140 Total push-pull Joseph Martin 355 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-M2A -140 Bench press single lift Joseph Martin 150 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-M2A -140 Total Joseph Martin 530 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-M2A -140 Deadlift Joseph Martin 205 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-M2A -140 Bench press Joseph Martin 150 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-M2A -140 Squat Joseph Martin 175 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-M2B -140 Total push-pull Robert Scott 245 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-M2B -140 Bench press single lift Robert Scott 110 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-M2B -140 Total Tim Clare 335 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-M2B -140 Deadlift Tim Clare 137.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-M2B -140 Bench press Tim Clare 70 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-M2B -140 Squat Tim Clare 127.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-M3A -140 Total push-pull Robert Scott 245 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-M3A -140 Bench press single lift Robert Scott 110 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-M3A -140 Total Tim Clare 335 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-M3A -140 Deadlift Tim Clare 137.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-M3A -140 Bench press Tim Clare 70 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-M3A -140 Squat Tim Clare 127.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-M3B -140 Total push-pull Robert Scott 245 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-M3B -140 Bench press single lift Robert Scott 110 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-M4A -140 Total push-pull Robert Scott 245 kg
Men's Raw American Records R-M4A -140 Bench press single lift Robert Scott 110 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-M4A -140 Bench press single lift Robert Scott 110 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-O -100 Squat Jaime Campos 275 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-O -110 Total Alex Mostacero 797.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-T1 -67.5 Bench press single lift Cash Sullivan 100 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-T1 -67.5 Bench press Cash Sullivan 100 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-T1 -82.5 Total push-pull Adam Curtis 235 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-T1 -82.5 Bench press single lift Adam Curtis 87.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-T1 -82.5 Total Adam Curtis 357.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-T1 -82.5 Deadlift Adam Curtis 147.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-T1 -82.5 Bench press Adam Curtis 87.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-T1 -82.5 Squat Adam Curtis 122.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-T1 -110 Total push-pull Chase Ambrosek 302.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-T1 -110 Bench press single lift Chase Ambrosek 102.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-T1 -110 Total Chase Ambrosek 445 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-T1 -110 Deadlift Chase Ambrosek 200 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-T1 -110 Bench press Chase Ambrosek 102.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-T1 -110 Squat Chase Ambrosek 142.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-T2 -67.5 Bench press single lift Cash Sullivan 100 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-T2 -67.5 Bench press Cash Sullivan 100 kg
Utah State Raw Records R-T2 -75 Total push-pull Michael Saveliev 290 kg
Utah State Raw Records R-T2 -75 Bench press single lift Michael Saveliev 100 kg
Utah State Raw Records R-T2 -75 Total Michael Saveliev 452.5 kg
Utah State Raw Records R-T2 -75 Deadlift Michael Saveliev 190 kg
Utah State Raw Records R-T2 -75 Bench press Michael Saveliev 100 kg
Utah State Raw Records R-T2 -75 Squat Michael Saveliev 162.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-T2 -90 Deadlift Sam Ruegner 250 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-T2 -110 Total push-pull Noah Verduzco 372.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-T2 -110 Bench press single lift Noah Verduzco 127.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-T2 -110 Total Noah Verduzco 575 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-T2 -110 Deadlift Noah Verduzco 245 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-T2 -110 Bench press Noah Verduzco 127.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-T2 -110 Squat Noah Verduzco 202.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-JR -82.5 Total push-pull Adilene Chávez 267.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-JR -82.5 Bench press single lift Adilene Chávez 97.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-JR -82.5 Total Adilene Chávez 437.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-JR -82.5 Bench press Adilene Chávez 97.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-JR -82.5 Squat Adilene Chávez 170 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-M1B -65 Total Julie Machakos 247.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-M1B -65 Squat Julie Machakos 87.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-M1B -67.5 Total Roberta Garvin 257.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-M1B -67.5 Bench press Roberta Garvin 67.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-M1B -67.5 Squat Roberta Garvin 95 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-M2A -65 Total Julie Machakos 247.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-M2A -65 Squat Julie Machakos 87.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-M2A -67.5 Total Julie Machakos 247.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records R-M2B -60 Total push-pull Pamela M Causey 95 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-M2B -65 Total Julie Machakos 247.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-M2B -65 Squat Julie Machakos 87.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-M2B -67.5 Total Julie Machakos 247.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-M2B -67.5 Squat Julie Machakos 87.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-M2B -75 Total push-pull Heidi Barker 227.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-M2B -75 Total Heidi Barker 350 kg
Idaho State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-M2B -75 Deadlift Heidi Barker 157.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-M2B -75 Squat Heidi Barker 122.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records R-M3A -60 Total push-pull Pamela M Causey 95 kg
Washington State Raw Records R-M3A -60 Deadlift single lift Pamela M Causey 70 kg
Washington State Raw Records R-M3A -60 Bench press single lift Pamela M Causey 25 kg
Idaho State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-M3A -75 Total push-pull Heidi Barker 227.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-M3A -75 Total Heidi Barker 350 kg
Idaho State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-M3A -75 Deadlift Heidi Barker 157.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-M3A -75 Squat Heidi Barker 122.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records R-M3A -82.5 Total Brenda Davila 282.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records R-M3A -82.5 Squat Brenda Davila 100 kg
Washington State Raw Records R-M3B -60 Total push-pull Pamela M Causey 95 kg
Washington State Raw Records R-M3B -82.5 Total Brenda Davila 282.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records R-M3B -82.5 Squat Brenda Davila 100 kg
Washington State Raw Records R-M4A -60 Total push-pull Pamela M Causey 95 kg
Washington State Raw Records R-M4A -60 Deadlift single lift Pamela M Causey 70 kg
Washington State Raw Records R-M4A -60 Bench press single lift Pamela M Causey 25 kg
Washington State Raw Records R-M4B -60 Total push-pull Pamela M Causey 95 kg
Washington State Raw Records R-M4B -60 Deadlift single lift Pamela M Causey 70 kg
Washington State Raw Records R-M4B -60 Bench press single lift Pamela M Causey 25 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-O -82.5 Total push-pull Adilene Chávez 267.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-O -82.5 Bench press single lift Adilene Chávez 97.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-O -82.5 Total Adilene Chávez 437.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-O -82.5 Bench press Adilene Chávez 97.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-O -82.5 Squat Adilene Chávez 170 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-T1 -52 Total push-pull Laynee Ray 142.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-T1 -52 Bench press single lift Laynee Ray 37.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-T1 -52 Total Laynee Ray 217.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-T1 -52 Deadlift Laynee Ray 105 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-T1 -52 Bench press Laynee Ray 37.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-T1 -52 Squat Laynee Ray 75 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-T2 -52 Total push-pull Laynee Ray 142.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-T2 -52 Bench press single lift Laynee Ray 37.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-T2 -52 Total Laynee Ray 217.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-T2 -52 Deadlift Laynee Ray 105 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-T2 -52 Bench press Laynee Ray 37.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-T2 -52 Squat Laynee Ray 75 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-T3 -52 Total push-pull Laynee Ray 142.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-T3 -52 Total Laynee Ray 217.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-T3 -52 Deadlift Laynee Ray 105 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-T3 -52 Bench press Laynee Ray 37.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-T3 -52 Squat Laynee Ray 75 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-T3 -67.5 Bench press single lift Trista Smith 80 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-T3 -67.5 Total Trista Smith 352.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-T3 -67.5 Bench press Trista Smith 80 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-T3 -67.5 Squat Trista Smith 122.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-T3 -70 Total push-pull Alexandra Garvin 172.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-T3 -70 Bench press single lift Alexandra Garvin 67.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-T3 -70 Bench press Alexandra Garvin 67.5 kg
Idaho State Raw Records R-T3 -90 Total Sydney Martin 322.5 kg