Lifting Database


Backbone Classic

Date: 03/30/2024
Sanction #: FL-2024-13
State: Florida
Meet Director: William Sandoval

Results (35 results, 34 lifters)

Placing Name YOB Team State Lot Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested    
Bench press
Male - Raw Master 4a
-90 1. Harold Bellerive 1951 KS 218 88.60 125 137.5 140 140 91.25
Female - Raw Master 1a
-100 1. Myra Weston 1979 Superhero Athletics FL 112 97.80 115 120 122.5 67.5 72.5 77.5 130 137.5 142.5 342.5 294.85
Female - Raw Master 3b
-100 1. Holly Omundson 1956 FL 110 90.30 -52.5 52.5 57.5 32.5 35 -37.5 85 92.5 185 164.69
Female - Raw Open
-60 1. Samantha Pena 1998 FL 116 57.40 102.5 107.5 -112.5 52.5 57.5 60 117.5 125 -130 292.5 333.59
-60 2. Heather Benton 1994 FL 115 57.70 92.5 97.5 105 47.5 52.5 -60 102.5 112.5 122.5 280 318.25
-75 1. Erin Curran 1993 Superhero Athletics FL 120 74.50 147.5 157.5 160 67.5 -72.5 72.5 177.5 185 190 422.5 412.97
-75 2. Esperanza Otero 1999 FL 121 74.50 137.5 142.5 -150 80 -85 -85 170 -172.5 -172.5 392.5 383.64
100+ 1. Asima Choudhury 1997 FL 122 170.40 -135 135 147.5 65 72.5 77.5 170 185 197.5 422.5 325.64
-67.5 1. Danielle Samuels 1994 Superhero Athletics FL 111 67.20 125 132.5 137.5 80 87.5 -92.5 125 135 145 370 382.97 X
-67.5 2. Katherine Haran 1992 FL 119 65.70 110 117.5 125 57.5 62.5 -67.5 127.5 135 -140 322.5 338.24
-82.5 1. Adrianne Kowalski 1993 FL 114 78.00 95 102.5 115 55 60 62.5 140 152.5 -157.5 330 314.93
Female - Raw Teen 2
-100 - Neha Mandrekar 2007 FL 113 95.60 65 -72.5 72.5 40 -45 -45 75 85 -90 0 0.00 Membership error
Female - Raw with Wraps Master 4a
-90 1. LouAnn Petersen 1953 FL 118 88.50 57.5 -62.5 62.5 -45 45 -47.5 77.5 85 90 197.5 177.40
Male - Master 2a
-110 1. Christopher Hesse 1969 FL 321 107.90 -310 310 -317.5 120 -125 -125 255 265 275 705 420.63 X
Male - Master 3b
-125 1. DANIEL MARTIN 1956 FL 310 113.00 170 -192.5 -192.5 170 99.69
Male - Raw Collegiate
-90 1. Sebastian Guerrero 2003 FL 89.30 185 197.5 205 115 -125 -125 200 -210 210 530 344.06
Male - Raw Junior
-110 1. Devon Hawkins 2003 FL 312 108.80 112.5 122.5 -137.5 72.5 77.5 -80 130 135 150 350 208.16
-125 1. Daniel Padron 2003 FL 315 124.50 225 240 250 145 160 170 230 250 262.5 682.5 387.30
-82.5 1. Andy Quesada 2003 USF Powerlifting FL 215 81.20 190 200 -205 112.5 117.5 -122.5 227.5 240 252.5 570 389.64
Male - Raw Master 2a
-110 1. John Hawkins 1971 FL 317 108.40 135 155 -182.5 102.5 117.5 -122.5 135 147.5 165 437.5 260.57
-140 1. Glenn Oxford 1971 FL 319 139.40 165 -185 185 135 142.5 -155 185 192.5 207.5 535 293.54
Male - Raw Master 4a
-90 1. Harold Bellerive 1951 KS 218 88.60 125 137.5 140 140 91.25
Male - Raw Open
-90 1. Johnny vega 1994 FL 214 86.40 242.5 260 -275 160 175 182.5 260 -275 275 717.5 473.85 X
-90 2. Jacob Tambunan 2000 FL 213 83.40 180 192.5 -195 137.5 142.5 -150 210 217.5 227.5 562.5 378.72 X
-90 3. Matthew Reinhardt 1990 FL 212 83.50 165 170 180 117.5 122.5 130 200 210 -212.5 520 349.87
-100 1. Isaiah Harris 1999 FL 320 99.40 260 275 -290 160 -170 -170 280 715 441.25
-100 2. Youfentis Fleurilus 1991 FL 316 96.00 -205 205 220 147.5 160 -165 237.5 250 257.5 637.5 399.60
-125 1. Joseph Adessa 1992 FL 322 111.60 167.5 172.5 182.5 115 125 137.5 192.5 210 -227.5 530 312.22
Male - Raw Teen 1
-67.5 1. Jacob Morales 2008 FL 216 67.50 135 145 -155 80 85 -90 195 200 212.5 442.5 341.06
Male - Raw Teen 2
-90 1. Marcus Manney 2007 FL 311 89.00 180 -190 -200 130 145 -152.5 230 -250 -250 555 360.90
Male - Raw Teen 3
-110 1. Nicholas Trabulsi 2004 FL 318 107.90 -145 -150 150 75 -85 -85 145 -160 165 390 232.69
-67.5 1. Kelvin Street 2004 FL 211 65.50 150 170 -182.5 70 82.5 -87.5 165 182.5 195 447.5 352.62
Male - Raw with Wraps Teen 1
-100 1. Brock Shands 2008 FL 313 91.70 195 205 -215 137.5 145 150 230 242.5 252.5 607.5 389.17
Male - Raw Youth 3
-90 1. Joseph Middleton 2010 FL 323 89.60 112.5 120 125 125 81.01
Male - Teen 3
-82.5 1. Chase Malec 2004 FL 217 81.90 140 152.5 160 85 -97.5 -97.5 170 182.5 192.5 437.5 297.59


Type Division Weightclass Discipline Lifter Weight
Florida State Equipped Records M1a -110 Deadlift single lift Christopher Hesse 275 kg
Florida State Equipped Records M1a -110 Total Christopher Hesse 705 kg
Florida State Equipped Records M1a -110 Deadlift Christopher Hesse 275 kg
Florida State Equipped Records M1a -110 Bench press Christopher Hesse 120 kg
Florida State Equipped Records M1a -110 Squat Christopher Hesse 310 kg
Florida State Equipped Records M1b -110 Deadlift single lift Christopher Hesse 275 kg
Florida State Equipped Records M1b -110 Total Christopher Hesse 705 kg
Florida State Equipped Records M1b -110 Deadlift Christopher Hesse 275 kg
Florida State Equipped Records M1b -110 Bench press Christopher Hesse 120 kg
Florida State Equipped Records M1b -110 Squat Christopher Hesse 310 kg
Florida State Equipped Records M2a -110 Deadlift single lift Christopher Hesse 275 kg
Florida State Equipped Records M2a -110 Total Christopher Hesse 705 kg
Florida State Equipped Records M2a -110 Deadlift Christopher Hesse 275 kg
Florida State Equipped Records M2a -110 Bench press Christopher Hesse 120 kg
Florida State Equipped Records M2a -110 Squat Christopher Hesse 310 kg
Florida State Equipped Records M2a -125 Bench press single lift DANIEL MARTIN 170 kg
Florida State Equipped Records M2b -125 Bench press single lift DANIEL MARTIN 170 kg
Florida State Equipped Records M3a -125 Bench press single lift DANIEL MARTIN 170 kg
Florida State Equipped Records M3b -125 Bench press single lift DANIEL MARTIN 170 kg
Florida State Equipped Records O -110 Deadlift single lift Christopher Hesse 275 kg
Florida State Equipped Records O -110 Bench press single lift Christopher Hesse 120 kg
Florida State Equipped Records O -110 Total Christopher Hesse 705 kg
Florida State Equipped Records O -110 Deadlift Christopher Hesse 275 kg
Florida State Equipped Records O -110 Bench press Christopher Hesse 120 kg
Florida State Equipped Records O -110 Squat Christopher Hesse 310 kg
Florida State Raw Records R-M1A -140 Deadlift single lift Glenn Oxford 207.5 kg
Florida State Raw Records R-M1A -140 Deadlift Glenn Oxford 207.5 kg
Florida State Raw Records R-M1B -140 Bench press Glenn Oxford 142.5 kg
Florida State Raw Records R-M2A -140 Bench press Glenn Oxford 142.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-M3A -90 Bench press single lift Harold Bellerive 140 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-M3B -90 Bench press single lift Harold Bellerive 140 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-M4A -90 Bench press single lift Harold Bellerive 140 kg
Florida State Raw Records R-T1 -67.5 Deadlift single lift Jacob Morales 212.5 kg
Florida State Raw Records R-T1 -67.5 Deadlift Jacob Morales 212.5 kg
Florida State Raw Records R-T1 -90 Bench press single lift Joseph Middleton 125 kg
Florida State Raw with Wraps Records RW-T1 -100 Total Brock Shands 607.5 kg
Florida State Raw with Wraps Records RW-T1 -100 Deadlift Brock Shands 252.5 kg
Florida State Raw with Wraps Records RW-T1 -100 Bench press Brock Shands 150 kg
Florida State Raw with Wraps Records RW-T2 -100 Deadlift Brock Shands 252.5 kg
Florida State Raw Records R-Y3 -90 Bench press single lift Joseph Middleton 125 kg
Florida State Raw Records R-M1A -100 Deadlift single lift Myra Weston 142.5 kg
Florida State Raw Records R-M1A -100 Total Myra Weston 342.5 kg
Florida State Raw Records R-M1A -100 Deadlift Myra Weston 142.5 kg
Florida State Raw Records R-M3B -100 Total Holly Omundson 185 kg
Florida State Raw Records R-M3B -100 Deadlift Holly Omundson 92.5 kg
Florida State Raw Records R-M3B -100 Squat Holly Omundson 57.5 kg