Lifting Database


Avia Performance Spring Open IV

Date: 11/23/2024
Sanction #: AUS-2024-26
State: Australia
Meet Director: Vinay Srinivasan

Results (42 results, 42 lifters)

Placing Name YOB Team State Lot Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested    
Female - Raw Open
-52 1. Sanduni Balasooriya 1997 VA STRENGTH AUS 129 50.26 80 90 97.5 37.5 40 42.5 102.5 112.5 120 260 324.58
-56 1. Belinda Vu 2001 Elemental Strength Society AUS 127 53.28 95 100 -105 -42.5 42.5 -45 105 110 115 257.5 308.65
-60 1. Yufei Wu 2004 AUS 123 59.78 105 -115 -122.5 40 45 50 135 150 157.5 312.5 347.23
-60 2. Jerelyn Zerafa 1988 AUS 124 58.76 100 107.5 112.5 52.5 55 -57.5 117.5 125 132.5 300 337.01
-60 3. Sarah Pike 2002 AUS 115 57.74 82.5 87.5 92.5 45 47.5 50 85 92.5 -100 235 266.99
-60 4. Melissa Barrett 1996 Power Up Strength & Performance AUS 128 56.28 65 70 75 37.5 40 -45 97.5 102.5 110 225 259.94
-75 1. Natalia Zivcic 1996 Elemental Strength Society AUS 214 73.85 112.5 122.5 130 70 75 -77.5 132.5 145 150 355 348.62
-75 2. Georgia Ramacciotti 1996 AUS 226 70.70 107.5 115 120 67.5 70 75 132.5 142.5 152.5 347.5 349.47
-75 3. Lucy Jones 1986 AUS 211 74.45 110 120 -125 50 55 -57.5 130 145 160 335 327.56
-75 4. Julie-Anne Faulds 1991 The Strength Fortress AUS 225 74.95 110 117.5 122.5 57.5 -60 60 115 125 132.5 315 306.91
-90 1. Shaneen Sagrado 1999 VA STRENGTH AUS 223 88.00 142.5 152.5 160 85 87.5 90 147.5 157.5 -162.5 407.5 366.96 X
-90 2. Shae Danilo 1999 AUS 221 89.95 110 117.5 125 50 57.5 -60 130 140 150 332.5 296.50
-100 1. Niki Duckstein 1991 AUS 125 94.20 102.5 110 115 65 67.5 70 130 140 150 335 292.86
100+ 1. Mallory Tyrrell 1993 AUS 119 117.95 127.5 137.5 145 65 70 -75 155 170 175 390 314.48
100+ 2. Elyse Arnel 1987 AUS 116 132.90 122.5 130 137.5 57.5 62.5 -65 155 175 180 380 297.45
100+ 3. Celeste Webbie 1986 AUS 130 127.70 112.5 120 -127.5 60 62.5 65 130 140 -145 325 256.61
100+ 4. Rebecca Johnston-Ryan 1985 AUS 131 138.20 65 72.5 80 42.5 45 47.5 115 120 125 252.5 196.28
-67.5 1. Edwina Vejayaratnam 1992 AUS 118 67.20 140 147.5 152.5 80 85 87.5 155 165 -175 405 419.20
-67.5 2. Michelle Wallbridge 1992 Power Up Strength & Performance AUS 120 67.15 117.5 120 122.5 75 -77.5 77.5 -150 155 157.5 357.5 370.19
-67.5 3. Rebecca Nguyen 2003 Elemental Strength Society AUS 126 65.95 122.5 130 135 62.5 65 67.5 120 127.5 132.5 335 350.56
-67.5 4. Sharni Sykes 2001 AUS 114 66.60 115 125 130 55 -60 -60 125 137.5 145 330 343.35
-67.5 5. Hongran Yu 1998 The Strength Fortress AUS 111 64.35 100 110 115 65 70 72.5 125 132.5 140 327.5 347.75
-67.5 6. Gabriella Macarambon 1997 AUS 112 65.75 100 110 117.5 50 52.5 55 120 127.5 135 307.5 322.36
-82.5 1. Caitlin Ryan 1998 AUS 213 79.10 135 145 150 75 80 82.5 170 185 192.5 425 402.73 X
-82.5 2. Gemma Hocart 1991 AUS 218 75.10 102.5 110 115 65 67.5 70 135 150 157.5 342.5 333.35
-82.5 3. Hannah Daniel 1988 AUS 229 76.20 85 95 102.5 47.5 52.5 57.5 110 127.5 140 300 289.77
-82.5 4. Dimitra Economou 2002 AUS 113 77.15 105 112.5 -120 45 50 52.5 110 120 130 295 283.12
Male - Raw Open
-60 1. Jonathan Agosta 1997 AUS 224 59.76 110 120 125 95 -102.5 102.5 125 137.5 -147.5 365 309.09
-75 1. Ming-Hsiu Tsai 1992 AUS 110 72.40 167.5 180 185 -87.5 92.5 97.5 180 195 207.5 490 359.73
-75 2. Jonathan Fung 1996 AUS 121 73.75 -152.5 162.5 170 105 110 115 175 190 -205 475 344.49 X
-75 3. Matthew Keogh 1997 SR Strength Collective AUS 117 73.15 130 -142.5 142.5 82.5 90 92.5 160 175 -185 410 298.95 X
-90 1. Ashleigh Bowen 1992 Melbourne Strength Culture AUS 227 86.95 192.5 -205 -210 130 135 140 195 207.5 217.5 550 362.01 X
-100 1. Alex Myers 1985 AUS 215 98.60 205 215 220 130 140 -145 210 227.5 -240 587.5 363.85
-100 2. Harshith Macherla 2004 VA STRENGTH AUS 219 99.75 -207.5 215 220 125 130 135 215 225 -230 580 357.39
-100 3. Ronan Beaucasin 2001 Melbourne Strength Culture AUS 222 99.80 192.5 205 215 112.5 117.5 120 195 210 222.5 557.5 343.45
-100 4. Lachlan Barton 1997 AUS 210 94.90 177.5 190 200 112.5 -120 120 210 227.5 -232.5 547.5 345.02
-110 1. Ryan Mitchell 1981 AUS 228 106.00 195 210 220 140 145 150 230 245 615 369.50
-140 1. Jeremy Borzillo 1994 Melbourne Strength Culture AUS 216 126.20 245 255 262.5 132.5 140 145 235 245 -250 652.5 368.70
-67.5 1. Alex Luu 2007 AUS 220 66.30 150 160 167.5 100 105 110 190 -205 210 487.5 380.69
-82.5 1. Thomas D 1997 SR Strength Collective AUS 230 81.15 160 175 185 -102.5 107.5 112.5 -200 205 -210 502.5 343.62
-82.5 2. Francis Nguyen 1993 AUS 212 81.20 157.5 170 -175 115 120 125 180 195 -205 490 334.95
-82.5 3. Japan Patel 1998 SR Strength Collective AUS 122 81.55 145 155 165 70 77.5 82.5 145 160 -165 407.5 277.87