Lifting Database


2017 New Hampshire State Championship

Date: 04/29/2017
Sanction #: NH-2017-01
State: New Hampshire
Meet Director: Michael Zawilinski

Results (78 results, 64 lifters)

Placing Name YOB Team State Lot Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested    
Bench press
Male - R-G
-120 1. Kevin Flynn 1961 MA 110.00 142.5 -147.5 142.5 83.86
Male - Raw Open
-74 1. Nicholas Vazzana 1942 NH 73.20 -85 85 -92.5 85 61.62
-93 1. Ethan Kennedy 1988 NH 89.60 70 77.5 -85 77.5 49.58
Female - R-G
-52 1. Patria Jimenez 1985 MA 51.00 62.5 77.5 87.5 40 52.5 60 85 102.5 115 262.5 332.17
-57 1. Briana Duval 1990 MA 56.80 115 122.5 -127.5 67.5 -72.5 -72.5 147.5 152.5 162.5 352.5 410.17
-57 2. Mary Bryant 1985 MA 57.00 120 127.5 130 62.5 67.5 72.5 115 120 125 327.5 380.03
-57 3. Megan Ouellette 1985 ME 55.40 77.5 80 85 -52.5 52.5 -57.5 102.5 105 107.5 245 290.72
-63 1. Raya Al Ageel 1990 MA 59.20 -100 105 -107.5 65 72.5 77.5 115 120 125 307.5 346.43
-63 2. Ruth Lawlor 1992 MA 58.00 85 92.5 100 -42.5 42.5 50 -92.5 -92.5 92.5 242.5 277.59
-72 1. Jannifer Ho 1994 MA 68.00 105 112.5 117.5 70 75 80 127.5 137.5 -142.5 335 340.13
84+ - Kimberly Swett 1970 VT 105.60 -137.5 -147.5 147.5 77.5 87.5 -97.5 -185 -185 -197.5 0 0.00
Female - R-TJ
-63 1. Danielle Oliveri 1993 Squats and science NH 63.00 140 -147.5 -147.5 80 85 90 142.5 152.5 -157.5 382.5 410.81
Female - Raw Master
-63 1. Melissa Deprince 1969 NH 60.40 62.5 77.5 82.5 52.5 55 -57.5 92.5 102.5 105 242.5 268.98
-72 1. Lauren Arnold 1977 Integrated Fitness NH 70.00 75 80 -97.5 55 -60 -60 107.5 115 122.5 257.5 256.16
-84 1. Susan Martinen 1965 Integrated Fitness NH 84.00 75 77.5 82.5 35 40 -45 80 90 102.5 225 200.63
84+ 1. Kelli Jackson 1972 NH 106.00 125 130 -132.5 57.5 -60 -60 145 147.5 152.5 340 278.73 X
84+ 2. Carol Tock 1947 Integrated Fitness NH 108.00 -62.5 -62.5 62.5 42.5 47.5 -52.5 87.5 100 107.5 217.5 177.55
Female - Raw Open
-52 - Dena Sassu 1989 NH 51.20 -77.5 -82.5 87.5 -52.5 -55 -55 120 127.5 135 0 0.00
-57 1. Mercedes Mello 1992 NH 54.20 112.5 120 -125 55 57.5 60 140 147.5 -150 327.5 395.33 X
-57 2. Christina Ennabe 1987 NH 56.70 92.5 97.5 102.5 45 47.5 50 102.5 107.5 112.5 265 308.78
-63 1. Danielle Oliveri 1993 Squats and science NH 63.00 140 -147.5 -147.5 80 85 90 142.5 152.5 -157.5 382.5 410.81
-63 2. Heather Stover 1987 Integrated Fitness NH 58.40 75 87.5 -95 37.5 42.5 -47.5 115 132.5 140 270 307.42
-63 3. Melissa Deprince 1969 NH 60.40 62.5 77.5 82.5 52.5 55 -57.5 92.5 102.5 105 242.5 268.98
-72 1. Candace Lord 1984 Integrated Fitness NH 64.40 112.5 120 -125 72.5 77.5 82.5 130 -142.5 142.5 345 364.46
-72 2. Lauren Arnold 1977 Integrated Fitness NH 70.00 75 80 -97.5 55 -60 -60 107.5 115 122.5 257.5 256.16
-72 3. Elise Merrill 1990 Integrated Fitness NH 64.60 -70 72.5 85 42.5 -50 -50 82.5 92.5 97.5 225 237.13
-84 1. Susan Martinen 1965 Integrated Fitness NH 84.00 75 77.5 82.5 35 40 -45 80 90 102.5 225 200.63
84+ 1. Kelli Jackson 1972 NH 106.00 125 130 -132.5 57.5 -60 -60 145 147.5 152.5 340 278.73 X
84+ 2. Samantha Puchacz 1986 NH 98.60 92.5 102.5 107.5 -52.5 52.5 -57.5 125 132.5 140 300 250.83
84+ 3. Amy Dumas 1983 Integrated Fitness NH 159.80 85 -92.5 -92.5 52.5 57.5 -62.5 105 112.5 125 267.5 205.73
84+ 4. Carol Tock 1947 Integrated Fitness NH 108.00 -62.5 -62.5 62.5 42.5 47.5 -52.5 87.5 100 107.5 217.5 177.55
Male - G
-105 1. Christopher Vickery 1991 MA 104.40 320 150 275 295 305 775 464.07
-120 1. Daniel Douglas 1992 MA 105.60 302.5 317.5 -325 220 -227.5 237.5 265 -272.5 802.5 478.61
Male - R-G
-59 1. Mark Zaccadelli II 1994 ME 58.60 150 160 170 127.5 135 182.5 190 -195 495 431.49 X
-74 1. Loc Nguyen 1990 ME 66.80 145 157.5 -165 -110 117.5 -125 165 175 -185 450 349.88
-83 1. Jonathan Lavoie 1986 ME 81.60 205 217.5 -227.5 155 165 170 245 260 265 652.5 440.05 X
-83 2. Jack Garreffi 1994 MA 80.20 200 215 -225 -120 130 140 240 260 -275 615 419.18
-83 3. Ryan Dorso 1991 ME 81.40 177.5 187.5 195 132.5 140 145 227.5 240 -250 580 391.73
-83 4. Eugene Lee 1999 MA 78.20 145 152.5 165 -97.5 100 105 182.5 200 210 480 332.50
-83 5. Shawn Honaryar 1997 Dartmouth College CA 77.20 125 135 142.5 85 90 92.5 175 182.5 197.5 432.5 302.19
-83 6. Greg Hodlin 1989 MA 78.80 60 60 60 180 124.07
-93 1. Phil Najemy 1980 MA 88.00 200 -215 215 125 -135 250 265 272.5 612.5 395.61
-105 1. Francis Martin 1993 MA 104.00 -220 220 230 -140 140 147.5 -247.5 255 272.5 650 389.74
-105 2. Mert Gould 1986 ME 101.60 197.5 210 -220 145 -155 -155 237.5 -252.5 -252.5 592.5 358.34
-105 3. Brenton Murphy 1996 MA 103.00 190 200 210 130 137.5 145 207.5 222.5 237.5 592.5 356.51
-105 4. Cole Montague 1982 VT 101.40 135 142.5 152.5 -85 -87.5 87.5 175 182.5 187.5 427.5 258.77
-105 5. Jerome Parchinski 1961 Integrated Fitness ME 102.80 75 -85 95 65 75 -85 100 115 -125 285 171.60
-120 1. Hussain Archibald 1984 MA 114.60 -225 227.5 -245 180 190 -200 240 272.5 -295 690 401.30 X
-120 2. Corey Daff 1990 MA 112.60 200 210 225 155 -157.5 -157.5 240 250 -265 630 368.17
-120 3. Mackenzie Corbin 1995 Dartmouth College GA 107.80 -212.5 212.5 135 145 150 235 250 260 622.5 368.71
-120 4. Mark Sheehan 1983 Integrated Fitness MA 108.20 150 -165 175 132.5 -142.5 -145 165 -185 205 512.5 303.20
-120 5. Phillip Walls 1996 MA 107.20 130 145 155 75 82.5 87.5 175 187.5 200 442.5 262.54
Male - R-TJ
-83 1. Nicholas Tobin 1997 NH 81.60 -125 135 -140 80 82.5 87.5 140 145 150 372.5 251.21
-83 2. Alex Jessee 1999 NH 82.00 -110 115 122.5 80 87.5 -92.5 140 147.5 -155 357.5 240.38
-93 1. Chris Sacharuk 1993 NH 90.40 190 200 210 120 125 130 207.5 210 215 555 353.54
-93 2. Nicholas Pappas 1996 NH 90.80 182.5 190 200 135 142.5 -150 187.5 192.5 202.5 545 346.40
-93 3. Zachary Rowen 1998 NH 92.60 152.5 162.5 170 102.5 107.5 110 222.5 237.5 247.5 527.5 332.06
Male - Raw Master
-83 1. Frank Smith 1947 NH 81.20 62.5 72.5 82.5 92.5 97.5 102.5 117.5 127.5 137.5 322.5 218.14
-105 1. Brad Litchfield 1971 NH 103.80 -212.5 212.5 227.5 142.5 -152.5 -152.5 257.5 277.5 647.5 388.50 X
-105 2. Jim Kathios 1961 NH 103.40 195 202.5 210 75 215 240 245 530 318.48
Male - Raw Open
-74 1. Joe Hartnett 1984 NH 73.60 140 160 175 105 120 125 165 185 190 490 353.83
-83 1. Nicholas Tobin 1997 NH 81.60 -125 135 -140 80 82.5 87.5 140 145 150 372.5 251.21
-83 2. Alex Jessee 1999 NH 82.00 -110 115 122.5 80 87.5 -92.5 140 147.5 -155 357.5 240.38
-83 3. Frank Smith 1947 NH 81.20 62.5 72.5 82.5 92.5 97.5 102.5 117.5 127.5 137.5 322.5 218.14
-93 1. Joshua Guion 1991 NH 90.80 210 220 232.5 132.5 140 -150 232.5 242.5 252.5 625 397.25 X
-93 2. Chris Sacharuk 1993 NH 90.40 190 200 210 120 125 130 207.5 210 215 555 353.54
-93 3. Nicholas Pappas 1996 NH 90.80 182.5 190 200 135 142.5 -150 187.5 192.5 202.5 545 346.40
-93 4. Tim Mcgarry 1979 NH 90.80 155 165 172.5 122.5 130 135 205 217.5 230 537.5 341.64
-93 5. Zachary Rowen 1998 NH 92.60 152.5 162.5 170 102.5 107.5 110 222.5 237.5 247.5 527.5 332.06
-93 6. Anthony Levensalor 1978 NH 89.20 -125 125 142.5 -85 92.5 -97.5 185 200 -212.5 435 278.97
-93 7. Robert Bracken 1993 Dartmouth College NH 85.00 105 112.5 117.5 90 95 -102.5 162.5 172.5 -177.5 385 253.45
-105 1. Brad Litchfield 1971 NH 103.80 -212.5 212.5 227.5 142.5 -152.5 -152.5 257.5 277.5 647.5 388.50 X
-105 2. John Kimball 1989 NH 101.00 207.5 -217.5 217.5 127.5 137.5 -145 242.5 260 272.5 627.5 380.39
-105 3. Keith Stlaurent 1986 NH 102.00 207.5 217.5 -222.5 112.5 117.5 122.5 242.5 252.5 260 600 362.34
-105 4. Jim Kathios 1961 NH 103.40 195 202.5 210 75 215 240 245 530 318.48
-105 5. Robert Jaques 1985 NH 103.60 162.5 165 170 100 -102.5 -102.5 165 170 182.5 452.5 271.68
Push Pull
Female - Raw Open
-72 1. Sonja McKinlay 1943 NH 68.20 42.5 47.5 -52.5 65 80 87.5 135 136.77
Male - Raw Youth
-30 1. Damian Bortolotti-Lord 2006 Integrated Fitness NH 28.80 20 22.5 25 42.5 50 55 80 106.83


Type Division Weightclass Discipline Lifter Weight
Massachusetts State Equipped Records (2015-2021) O -105 Deadlift single lift Christopher Vickery 305 kg
Maine State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -59 Total push-pull Mark Zaccadelli II 325 kg
Maine State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -59 Bench press single lift Mark Zaccadelli II 135 kg
Maine State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -59 Total Mark Zaccadelli II 495 kg
Maine State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -59 Deadlift Mark Zaccadelli II 190 kg
Maine State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -59 Bench press Mark Zaccadelli II 135 kg
Men's Raw American Records (2015-2021) R-JR -59 Bench press Mark Zaccadelli II 135 kg
Maine State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -59 Squat Mark Zaccadelli II 170 kg
Maine State Raw Records R-JR -60 Total push-pull Mark Zaccadelli II 325 kg
Maine State Raw Records R-JR -60 Bench press single lift Mark Zaccadelli II 135 kg
Maine State Raw Records R-JR -60 Total Mark Zaccadelli II 495 kg
Maine State Raw Records R-JR -60 Deadlift Mark Zaccadelli II 190 kg
Maine State Raw Records R-JR -60 Bench press Mark Zaccadelli II 135 kg
Maine State Raw Records R-JR -60 Squat Mark Zaccadelli II 170 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -93 Bench press single lift Nicholas Pappas 142.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -93 Bench press Nicholas Pappas 142.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1A -105 Total push-pull Brad Litchfield 420 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1A -105 Total Brad Litchfield 647.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1A -105 Deadlift Brad Litchfield 277.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1A -105 Squat Brad Litchfield 227.5 kg
Maine State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1A -105 Total push-pull Jerome Parchinski 190 kg
Maine State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1A -105 Bench press single lift Jerome Parchinski 75 kg
Maine State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1A -105 Total Jerome Parchinski 285 kg
Maine State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1A -105 Bench press Jerome Parchinski 75 kg
Maine State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1A -105 Squat Jerome Parchinski 95 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1B -105 Total push-pull Brad Litchfield 420 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1B -105 Total Brad Litchfield 647.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1B -105 Deadlift Brad Litchfield 277.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1B -105 Squat Brad Litchfield 227.5 kg
Maine State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1B -105 Total push-pull Jerome Parchinski 190 kg
Maine State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1B -105 Bench press single lift Jerome Parchinski 75 kg
Maine State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1B -105 Total Jerome Parchinski 285 kg
Maine State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1B -105 Bench press Jerome Parchinski 75 kg
Maine State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1B -105 Squat Jerome Parchinski 95 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2A -74 Bench press single lift Nicholas Vazzana 85 kg
Maine State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2A -105 Total push-pull Jerome Parchinski 190 kg
Maine State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2A -105 Bench press single lift Jerome Parchinski 75 kg
Maine State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2A -105 Total Jerome Parchinski 285 kg
Maine State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2A -105 Bench press Jerome Parchinski 75 kg
Maine State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2A -105 Squat Jerome Parchinski 95 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2A -105 Deadlift Jim Kathios 245 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2A -105 Squat Jim Kathios 210 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records R-M2A -110 Deadlift Jim Kathios 245 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records R-M2A -110 Squat Jim Kathios 210 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2B -74 Bench press single lift Nicholas Vazzana 85 kg
Maine State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2B -105 Total push-pull Jerome Parchinski 190 kg
Maine State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2B -105 Bench press single lift Jerome Parchinski 75 kg
Maine State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2B -105 Total Jerome Parchinski 285 kg
Maine State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2B -105 Bench press Jerome Parchinski 75 kg
Maine State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2B -105 Squat Jerome Parchinski 95 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2B -105 Deadlift Jim Kathios 245 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2B -105 Squat Jim Kathios 210 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records R-M2B -110 Deadlift Jim Kathios 245 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records R-M2B -110 Squat Jim Kathios 210 kg
Massachusetts Raw State Records R-M2B -110 Bench press single lift Kevin Flynn 142.5 kg
Massachusetts Raw State Records (2015-2021) R-M2B -120 Bench press single lift Kevin Flynn 142.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M3A -74 Bench press single lift Nicholas Vazzana 85 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M3B -74 Bench press single lift Nicholas Vazzana 85 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M3B -83 Total push-pull Frank Smith 240 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M3B -83 Total Frank Smith 322.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M3B -83 Deadlift Frank Smith 137.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M3B -83 Bench press Frank Smith 102.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M3B -83 Squat Frank Smith 82.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M4A -74 Bench press single lift Nicholas Vazzana 85 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M4A -83 Total push-pull Frank Smith 240 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M4A -83 Total Frank Smith 322.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M4A -83 Squat Frank Smith 82.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M4B -74 Bench press single lift Nicholas Vazzana 85 kg
Maine State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -59 Total push-pull Mark Zaccadelli II 325 kg
Maine State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -59 Bench press single lift Mark Zaccadelli II 135 kg
Maine State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -59 Total Mark Zaccadelli II 495 kg
Maine State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -59 Deadlift Mark Zaccadelli II 190 kg
Maine State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -59 Bench press Mark Zaccadelli II 135 kg
Maine State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -59 Squat Mark Zaccadelli II 170 kg
Maine State Raw Records R-O -60 Total push-pull Mark Zaccadelli II 325 kg
Maine State Raw Records R-O -60 Bench press single lift Mark Zaccadelli II 135 kg
Maine State Raw Records R-O -60 Total Mark Zaccadelli II 495 kg
Maine State Raw Records R-O -60 Deadlift Mark Zaccadelli II 190 kg
Maine State Raw Records R-O -60 Bench press Mark Zaccadelli II 135 kg
Maine State Raw Records R-O -60 Squat Mark Zaccadelli II 170 kg
Maine State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -74 Bench press single lift Loc Nguyen 117.5 kg
Maine State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -74 Bench press Loc Nguyen 117.5 kg
Maine State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -83 Total push-pull Jonathan Lavoie 435 kg
Maine State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -83 Bench press single lift Jonathan Lavoie 170 kg
Maine State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -83 Total Jonathan Lavoie 652.5 kg
Maine State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -83 Deadlift Jonathan Lavoie 265 kg
Maine State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -83 Bench press Jonathan Lavoie 170 kg
Maine State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -83 Squat Jonathan Lavoie 217.5 kg
Maine State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -105 Bench press single lift Mert Gould 145 kg
Maine State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -105 Bench press Mert Gould 145 kg
Vermont State Raw Records - Retired R-O -110 Total push-pull Cole Montague 275 kg
Vermont State Raw Records - Retired R-O -110 Bench press single lift Cole Montague 87.5 kg
Vermont State Raw Records - Retired R-O -110 Total Cole Montague 427.5 kg
Vermont State Raw Records - Retired R-O -110 Deadlift Cole Montague 187.5 kg
Vermont State Raw Records - Retired R-O -110 Bench press Cole Montague 87.5 kg
Vermont State Raw Records - Retired R-O -110 Squat Cole Montague 152.5 kg
Massachusetts Raw State Records (2015-2021) R-O -120 Bench press single lift Hussain Archibald 190 kg
Massachusetts Raw State Records (2015-2021) R-O -120 Bench press Hussain Archibald 190 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T3 -93 Total push-pull Zachary Rowen 357.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T3 -93 Deadlift Zachary Rowen 247.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y2 -30 Total push-pull Damian Bortolotti-Lord 80 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y2 -30 Bench press single lift Damian Bortolotti-Lord 25 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records R-Y2 -30 Bench press single lift Damian Bortolotti-Lord 25 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y3 -30 Total push-pull Damian Bortolotti-Lord 80 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y3 -30 Bench press single lift Damian Bortolotti-Lord 25 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records R-Y3 -30 Bench press single lift Damian Bortolotti-Lord 25 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -63 Total push-pull Danielle Oliveri 242.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -63 Bench press single lift Danielle Oliveri 90 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -63 Total Danielle Oliveri 382.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -63 Deadlift Danielle Oliveri 152.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -63 Bench press Danielle Oliveri 90 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -63 Squat Danielle Oliveri 140 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records R-JR -65 Total push-pull Danielle Oliveri 242.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records R-JR -65 Bench press single lift Danielle Oliveri 90 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records R-JR -65 Total Danielle Oliveri 382.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records R-JR -65 Bench press Danielle Oliveri 90 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records R-JR -65 Squat Danielle Oliveri 140 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-JR -67.5 Total push-pull Danielle Oliveri 242.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-JR -67.5 Bench press single lift Danielle Oliveri 90 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-JR -67.5 Total Danielle Oliveri 382.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-JR -67.5 Deadlift Danielle Oliveri 152.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-JR -67.5 Bench press Danielle Oliveri 90 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1A -72 Total push-pull Lauren Arnold 177.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2A -72 Bench press single lift Sonja McKinlay 47.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2A 84+ Total push-pull Carol Tock 155 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2A 84+ Bench press single lift Carol Tock 47.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2A 84+ Deadlift Carol Tock 107.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2A 84+ Bench press Carol Tock 47.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2B -72 Bench press single lift Sonja McKinlay 47.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2B 84+ Total push-pull Carol Tock 155 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records R-M2B 100+ Total push-pull Carol Tock 155 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2B 84+ Bench press single lift Carol Tock 47.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records R-M2B 100+ Deadlift Carol Tock 107.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2B 84+ Deadlift Carol Tock 107.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2B 84+ Bench press Carol Tock 47.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M3A -69 Bench press single lift Sonja McKinlay 47.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records R-M3A -70 Bench press single lift Sonja McKinlay 47.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M3A -72 Bench press single lift Sonja McKinlay 47.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M3A 84+ Total push-pull Carol Tock 155 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records R-M3A 100+ Total push-pull Carol Tock 155 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M3A 84+ Bench press single lift Carol Tock 47.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records R-M3A 100+ Deadlift Carol Tock 107.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M3A 84+ Deadlift Carol Tock 107.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M3A 84+ Bench press Carol Tock 47.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M3B -69 Bench press single lift Sonja McKinlay 47.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records R-M3B -70 Bench press single lift Sonja McKinlay 47.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M3B -72 Bench press single lift Sonja McKinlay 47.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M3B 84+ Total push-pull Carol Tock 155 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records R-M3B 100+ Total push-pull Carol Tock 155 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records R-M3B 100+ Deadlift Carol Tock 107.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M3B 84+ Deadlift Carol Tock 107.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M4A -69 Bench press single lift Sonja McKinlay 47.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records R-M4A -70 Total push-pull Sonja McKinlay 135 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records R-M4A -70 Bench press single lift Sonja McKinlay 47.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M4A -72 Total push-pull Sonja McKinlay 135 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M4A -72 Bench press single lift Sonja McKinlay 47.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M4A 84+ Total push-pull Carol Tock 155 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records R-M4A 100+ Total push-pull Carol Tock 155 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M4A 84+ Bench press single lift Carol Tock 47.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records R-M4A 100+ Bench press single lift Carol Tock 47.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records R-M4A 100+ Deadlift Carol Tock 107.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M4A 84+ Deadlift Carol Tock 107.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M4A 84+ Bench press Carol Tock 47.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records R-M4A 100+ Bench press Carol Tock 47.5 kg
Maine State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -57 Total push-pull Megan Ouellette 160 kg
Maine State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -57 Bench press single lift Megan Ouellette 52.5 kg
Maine State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -57 Total Megan Ouellette 245 kg
Maine State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -57 Deadlift Megan Ouellette 107.5 kg
Maine State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -57 Bench press Megan Ouellette 52.5 kg
Maine State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -57 Squat Megan Ouellette 85 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -63 Total push-pull Danielle Oliveri 242.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -63 Bench press single lift Danielle Oliveri 90 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -63 Total Danielle Oliveri 382.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -63 Deadlift Danielle Oliveri 152.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -63 Bench press Danielle Oliveri 90 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -63 Squat Danielle Oliveri 140 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -72 Total push-pull Candace Lord 225 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -72 Bench press single lift Candace Lord 82.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -72 Total Candace Lord 345 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -72 Deadlift Candace Lord 142.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -72 Bench press Candace Lord 82.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -72 Squat Candace Lord 120 kg