Lifting Database

Lifter - Hailey Schewe

Birth year: 2005
State: Minnesota

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 100 kg Dakota High School and Collegiate Championship 07/10/2021
Bench press 42.5 kg South Dakota State Championships 09/18/2021
Deadlift 105 kg Dakota High School and Collegiate Championship 07/10/2021
Total 240 kg Dakota High School and Collegiate Championship 07/10/2021

kgkgClick and drag to zoomSquatBench pressDeadliftTotalJan '21Mar '21May '21Jul '21Sep '21Nov '21Jan '22Mar '22May '22Jul '22Sep '2240608010012014050100150200250300
Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
09/03/2022 Stars And Stripes Open 2. R-O -60 56.80 72.5 -77.5 -82.5 25 32.5 40 85 95 105 217.5 249.76
09/03/2022 Stars And Stripes Open 1. R-T2 -60 56.80 72.5 -77.5 -82.5 25 32.5 40 85 95 105 217.5 249.76
09/18/2021 South Dakota State Championships 1. R-T -63 59.60 87.5 -95 -95 -37.5 42.5 -50 100 -107.5 -110 230 52.23
07/10/2021 Dakota High School and Collegiate Championship 2. R-T -63 59.20 90 95 100 35 -42.5 -45 97.5 105 -130 240 54.76
07/10/2021 Dakota High School and Collegiate Championship 2. R-O -63 59.20 90 95 100 35 -42.5 -45 97.5 105 -130 240 54.76
07/10/2021 Dakota High School and Collegiate Championship 2. R-T2 -63 59.20 90 95 100 35 -42.5 -45 97.5 105 -130 240 54.76
11/21/2020 Sioux Empire Open 1. R-T1 -63 60.70 80 -90 95 -37.5 40 -50 85 95 100 235 52.70