Lifting Database

Lifter - John Carraro

Birth year: 1953
State: Florida

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 92.5 kg 3rd Annual USA Powerlifting Jacksonville Open Championships 02/20/2021
Bench press 92.5 kg 3rd Annual USA Powerlifting Jacksonville Open Championships 02/20/2021
Deadlift 142.5 kg 29th Annual USA Powerlifting Police/Firefighter National Championships 03/20/2021
Total 307.5 kg 3rd Annual USA Powerlifting Jacksonville Open Championships 02/20/2021

kgkgClick and drag to zoomSquatBench pressDeadliftTotal14. Dec21. Dec28. Dec4. Jan11. Jan18. Jan25. Jan1. Feb8. Feb15. Feb22. Feb1. Mar8. Mar15. Mar22. Mar5075100125150100200300400500
Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
03/20/2021 29th Annual USA Powerlifting Police/Firefighter National Championships - R-M3 -105 103.54 -85 -95 -95 80 90 -100 117.5 135 142.5 0 0.00
03/20/2021 29th Annual USA Powerlifting Police/Firefighter National Championships 2. R-M3 -105 103.54 80 90 -100 117.5 135 142.5 232.5 28.89
02/20/2021 3rd Annual USA Powerlifting Jacksonville Open Championships 1. R-M3 -105 103.84 -72.5 72.5 92.5 -72.5 72.5 92.5 -110 110 122.5 307.5 38.16
02/20/2021 3rd Annual USA Powerlifting Jacksonville Open Championships 1. R-M3 -105 103.84 -72.5 72.5 92.5 -110 110 122.5 215 26.68
02/20/2021 3rd Annual USA Powerlifting Jacksonville Open Championships 1. R-PF -105 103.84 -72.5 72.5 92.5 -72.5 72.5 92.5 -110 110 122.5 307.5 38.16
02/20/2021 3rd Annual USA Powerlifting Jacksonville Open Championships - R-PF -105 103.84 -72.5 72.5 92.5 -110 110 122.5 215 26.68
12/13/2020 29th Annual USA Powerlifting Florida Senior Games Championship 1. R-M3B -120 106.21 -45 -45 45 70 80 -92.5 102.5 115 132.5 257.5 31.62
12/13/2020 29th Annual USA Powerlifting Florida Senior Games Championship 1. R-M4A -120 106.21 102.5 115 132.5 132.5 16.27
12/13/2020 29th Annual USA Powerlifting Florida Senior Games Championship 1. R-M3B -120 106.21 70 80 -92.5 102.5 115 132.5 212.5 26.10
12/13/2020 29th Annual USA Powerlifting Florida Senior Games Championship 1. R-M3B -120 106.21 70 80 -92.5 80 35.63