Lifting Database

Lifter - Emilio Diaz

Birth year: 1973
State: New Hampshire


Type Division Discipline Weight Date
New Hampshire State Raw Records Raw Open -100 Squat 280 kg 03/25/2023
New Hampshire State Raw Records Raw Master 1a -100 Squat 280 kg 03/25/2023
New Hampshire State Raw Records Raw Master 1a -100 Deadlift 300 kg 12/05/2020
New Hampshire State Raw Records Raw Master 1a -110 Squat 275 kg 04/10/2021
New Hampshire State Raw Records Raw Master 1a -110 Total 715 kg 04/10/2021
New Hampshire State Raw Records Raw Master 1b -100 Squat 280 kg 03/25/2023
New Hampshire State Raw Records Raw Master 1b -100 Deadlift 300 kg 12/05/2020
New Hampshire State Raw Records Raw Master 1b -110 Squat 275 kg 04/10/2021
New Hampshire State Raw Records Raw Master 1b -110 Total 715 kg 04/10/2021
New Hampshire State Raw Records Raw Master 2a -100 Squat 280 kg 03/25/2023
New Hampshire State Raw Records Raw Master 2a -100 Deadlift 275 kg 03/25/2023
New Hampshire State Raw Records Raw Master 2a -100 Total 710 kg 03/25/2023
New Hampshire State Raw Records Raw Master 2a -100 Total push-pull 430 kg 03/25/2023

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 280 kg New Hampshire State Championships 03/25/2023
Bench press 155 kg New Hampshire State Championships 04/10/2021
Deadlift 300 kg Granite State Grand Prix IV 12/05/2020
Total 715 kg New Hampshire State Championships 04/10/2021

kgkgClick and drag to zoomSquatBench pressDeadliftTotalJan '21Mar '21May '21Jul '21Sep '21Nov '21Jan '22Mar '22May '22Jul '22Sep '22Nov '22Jan '23Mar '231502002503003502004006008001,000
Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
03/25/2023 New Hampshire State Championships 1. R-M2A -100 98.80 260 275 280 150 155 -160 -275 275 -305 710 439.33
03/25/2023 New Hampshire State Championships 1. R-O -100 98.80 260 275 280 150 155 -160 -275 275 -305 710 439.33
04/10/2021 New Hampshire State Championships 1. R-O -105 102.70 245 260 275 140 150 155 285 715 89.20
04/10/2021 New Hampshire State Championships 1. R-M -105 102.70 245 260 275 140 150 155 285 715 89.20
12/05/2020 Granite State Grand Prix IV 1. R-M1B -105 98.50 225 240 255 130 140 -150 265 285 300 695 88.43