Lifting Database

Lifter - Carter Hoffman

Birth year: 2002
State: South Dakota


Type Division Discipline Weight Date
South Dakota State Raw Records Raw Teen 3 -82.5 Squat 247.5 kg 12/12/2021
South Dakota State Raw Records Raw Teen 3 -82.5 Bench press 152.5 kg 12/12/2021
South Dakota State Raw Records Raw Teen 3 -82.5 Bench press single lift 152.5 kg 12/12/2021
South Dakota State Raw Records Raw Teen 3 -82.5 Total 647.5 kg 12/12/2021
South Dakota State Raw Records Raw Teen 3 -82.5 Total push-pull 400 kg 12/12/2021
South Dakota State Raw Records Raw Junior -82.5 Squat 280 kg 11/18/2023
South Dakota State Raw Records Raw Junior -82.5 Bench press 185 kg 04/11/2024
South Dakota State Raw Records Raw Junior -82.5 Bench press single lift 185 kg 04/11/2024
South Dakota State Raw Records Raw Junior -82.5 Deadlift 285 kg 04/13/2023
South Dakota State Raw Records Raw Junior -82.5 Total 747.5 kg 11/18/2023
South Dakota State Raw Records Raw Junior -82.5 Total push-pull 467.5 kg 11/18/2023
South Dakota State Raw Records Raw Junior -90 Squat 285 kg 07/20/2024
South Dakota State Raw Records Raw Open -82.5 Squat 280 kg 11/18/2023
South Dakota State Raw Records Raw Open -90 Squat 285 kg 07/20/2024
South Dakota State Equipped Records Teen 3 -82.5 Squat 270 kg 03/26/2022
South Dakota State Equipped Records Teen 3 -82.5 Deadlift 292.5 kg 03/26/2022
South Dakota State Equipped Records Teen 3 -82.5 Deadlift single lift 292.5 kg 03/26/2022
South Dakota State Equipped Records Teen 3 -82.5 Total 742.5 kg 03/26/2022
South Dakota State Equipped Records Teen 3 -82.5 Total push-pull 472.5 kg 03/26/2022
South Dakota State Equipped Records Junior -82.5 Squat 270 kg 03/26/2022
South Dakota State Equipped Records Junior -82.5 Deadlift 292.5 kg 03/26/2022
South Dakota State Equipped Records Junior -82.5 Deadlift single lift 292.5 kg 03/26/2022
South Dakota State Equipped Records Junior -82.5 Total 742.5 kg 03/26/2022
South Dakota State Equipped Records Junior -82.5 Total push-pull 472.5 kg 03/26/2022
South Dakota State Equipped Records Open -82.5 Squat 270 kg 03/26/2022
South Dakota State Equipped Records Open -82.5 Deadlift 292.5 kg 03/26/2022
South Dakota State Equipped Records Open -82.5 Deadlift single lift 292.5 kg 03/26/2022
South Dakota State Equipped Records Open -82.5 Total 742.5 kg 03/26/2022
South Dakota State Equipped Records Open -82.5 Total push-pull 472.5 kg 03/26/2022

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 285 kg Cornhusker State Games 07/20/2024
Bench press 190 kg Cornhusker State Games 07/20/2024
Deadlift 295 kg Cornhusker State Games 07/20/2024
Total 770 kg Cornhusker State Games 07/20/2024

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
07/20/2024 Cornhusker State Games 1. R-JR -90 86.05 257.5 272.5 285 -170 180 190 260 280 295 770 509.63 X
07/20/2024 Cornhusker State Games 1. R-O -90 86.05 257.5 272.5 285 -170 180 190 260 280 295 770 509.63 X
04/11/2024 Collegiate Nationals 3. R-C -82.5 81.25 260 272.5 277.5 170 180 185 272.5 -285 -290 735 502.25 X
11/18/2023 Central Collegiate Regionals 2. R-C -82.5 81.80 260 272.5 280 160 172.5 182.5 272.5 285 -295 747.5 508.81
04/13/2023 Collegiate Nationals 4. R-C -82.5 81.15 260 270 277.5 165 172.5 180 272.5 -285 285 742.5 507.74
11/19/2022 Midwest Collegiate Championship 1. R-C -82.5 81.50 255 265 275 162.5 170 -175 255 270 282.5 727.5 496.25
12/12/2021 Midwest Collegiate Regionals 1. R-C -83 81.10 225 237.5 247.5 135 145 152.5 -220 230 247.5 647.5 90.69
10/09/2021 Warrior Collegiate Open 2. R-C -83 81.00 210 222.5 232.5 127.5 132.5 140 215 220 227.5 600 84.09
05/27/2021 High School and Teen National Championship 7. R-V -83 76.75 197.5 205 -215 127.5 135 -137.5 205 217.5 227.5 567.5 81.76 X
05/27/2021 High School and Teen National Championship 6. R-T3 -83 76.75 197.5 205 -215 127.5 135 -137.5 205 217.5 227.5 567.5 81.76 X
02/06/2021 SD High School Nationals Qualifier 1. R-V -83 77.02 142.9 179.2 192.8 102.1 124.7 -133.8 174.6 192.8 204.1 521.6 75.01

Results - Equipped

Personal bests

Squat 270 kg Collegiate Nationals 03/26/2022
Bench press 180 kg Collegiate Nationals 03/26/2022
Deadlift 292.5 kg Collegiate Nationals 03/26/2022
Total 742.5 kg Collegiate Nationals 03/26/2022

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
03/26/2022 Collegiate Nationals 2. C -82.5 81.22 -270 270 -290 -180 180 -190 265 275 292.5 742.5 507.48 X