Lifting Database

Lifter - Brandon Flash

Birth year: 1995
State: Texas

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 227.5 kg 4th Annual Winter War of Waco 11/05/2022
Bench press 147.5 kg Southern Regionals 07/01/2023
Deadlift 255 kg TBS Houston Lift-Off 11/09/2024
Total 622.5 kg 4th Annual Winter War of Waco 11/05/2022

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
11/09/2024 TBS Houston Lift-Off 3. R-O -90 88.00 192.5 205 -215 140 145 -150 230 245 255 605 395.72
01/13/2024 Winter Games of Texas 1. R-O -90 89.35 197.5 210 -215 -132.5 137.5 142.5 222.5 235 245 597.5 387.76
07/01/2023 Southern Regionals 2. R-O -90 87.35 210 -222.5 222.5 137.5 145 147.5 230 245 -255 615 403.82
03/25/2023 3rd Annual Heart of Texas 3. R-O -90 86.00 210 222.5 -230 132.5 140 145 230 -245 -252.5 597.5 395.58
11/05/2022 4th Annual Winter War of Waco 1. R-O -90 89.60 207.5 220 227.5 130 137.5 142.5 230 242.5 252.5 622.5 403.42
05/21/2022 Meet Me at the Bar 2. R-O -90 88.20 210 215 -222.5 135 137.5 140 220 227.5 237.5 592.5 387.08
12/12/2021 MO River Open 10. R-O -93 90.75 212.5 222.5 -227.5 130 137.5 -140 215 225 -227.5 585 77.45 X
08/07/2021 Obtain Strength Open 1. R-O -93 92.60 180 185 192.5 127.5 -135 137.5 210 220 -225 550 72.10
03/13/2021 Sandoval Strength Systems Rookie Meet 4. R-O -93 92.70 185 -195 202.5 110 115 125 190 210 220 547.5 71.74