Lifting Database

Lifter - Anthony Strokach

Birth year: 2002
State: New York

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 250 kg Squats & Science Fall Brawl 10/29/2022
Bench press 137.5 kg Squats & Science Fall Brawl 10/29/2022
Deadlift 280 kg Squats & Science Fall Brawl 10/29/2022
Total 667.5 kg Squats & Science Fall Brawl 10/29/2022

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
04/13/2023 Collegiate Nationals 45. R-C -100 96.84 230 245 -255 125 130 -135 255 275 -282.5 650 405.82
10/29/2022 Squats & Science Fall Brawl 4. R-O -100 94.00 215 235 250 122.5 130 137.5 250 275 280 667.5 422.54
10/29/2022 Squats & Science Fall Brawl 2. R-JR -100 94.00 215 235 250 122.5 130 137.5 250 275 280 667.5 422.54
04/30/2022 Squats and Science Spring Fling 3. R-O -100 90.80 215 230 240 120 127.5 -130 240 260 275 642.5 413.61 X
04/30/2022 Squats and Science Spring Fling 1. R-C -100 90.80 215 230 240 120 127.5 -130 240 260 275 642.5 413.61 X
11/06/2021 Virginia Winter Wrecker - R-T3 -93 89.45 -215 -225 -225 115 122.5 127.5 230 242.5 255 0 0.00
03/20/2021 Northeast Iron Beast Winter Classic VIII 1. R-T3 -93 92.30 220 230 235 110 120 125 240 -250 -250 600 78.78