Lifting Database

Lifter - Juan Fernandez

Birth year: 1984
State: Florida


Type Division Discipline Weight Date
Men's Raw with Wraps American Records Raw with Wraps Military Open -100 Deadlift single lift 225 kg 03/20/2021
Men's Raw with Wraps American Records Raw with Wraps Military Open -110 Deadlift single lift 225 kg 03/20/2021

Results - Equipped

Personal bests

Squat 192.5 kg 29th Annual USA Powerlifting Military National Championships 03/20/2021
Bench press 162.5 kg 29th Annual USA Powerlifting Military National Championships 03/20/2021
Deadlift 225 kg 29th Annual USA Powerlifting Military National Championships 03/20/2021
Total 580 kg 29th Annual USA Powerlifting Military National Championships 03/20/2021

kgkgClick and drag to zoomSquatBench pressDeadliftTotal15. Mar16. Mar17. Mar18. Mar19. Mar20. Mar21. Mar22. Mar23. Mar24. Mar25. Mar26. Mar27. Mar28. Mar1601802002202402004006008001,000
Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
03/20/2021 29th Annual USA Powerlifting Military National Championships 1. RW-MO -105 99.35 -175 175 192.5 -132.5 155 162.5 172.5 212.5 225 580 60.84