Lifting Database

Lifter - Jacob Woods

Birth year: 1999
State: North Carolina

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 235 kg Battle on the Border 03/19/2022
Bench press 132.5 kg Battle on the Border 03/19/2022
Deadlift 262.5 kg Fall Festival of Power 11/06/2021
Total 625 kg Fall Festival of Power 11/06/2021

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
03/19/2022 Battle on the Border 3. R-O -75 74.75 220 225 235 127.5 132.5 -140 242.5 255 -265 622.5 447.55
03/19/2022 Battle on the Border 2. R-JR -75 74.75 220 225 235 127.5 132.5 -140 242.5 255 -265 622.5 447.55
11/06/2021 Fall Festival of Power 1. R-JR -74 73.60 217.5 227.5 232.5 122.5 130 -132.5 250 262.5 -275 625 92.02 X
11/06/2021 Fall Festival of Power 1. R-O -74 73.60 217.5 227.5 232.5 122.5 130 -132.5 250 262.5 -275 625 92.02 X
07/10/2021 North Carolina State Championships 3. R-JR -83 74.80 210 220 230 120 125 130 250 257.5 -265 617.5 90.15 X
07/10/2021 North Carolina State Championships 4. R-O -83 74.80 210 220 230 120 125 130 250 257.5 -265 617.5 90.15 X