Lifting Database

Lifter - Jennifer Gustin

Birth year: 1978
State: Montana

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 72.5 kg All Valley Raw Championships 10/22/2022
Bench press 45 kg All Valley Raw Championships 10/22/2022
Deadlift 120 kg All Valley Raw Championships 10/22/2022
Total 237.5 kg All Valley Raw Championships 10/22/2022

kgkgClick and drag to zoomSquatBench pressDeadliftTotalDec '21Jan '22Feb '22Mar '22Apr '22May '22Jun '22Jul '22Aug '22Sep '22Oct '22100507512515050100150200250
Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
10/22/2022 All Valley Raw Championships 2. R-M1A -82.5 80.60 65 70 72.5 40 42.5 45 107.5 115 120 237.5 222.96
10/22/2022 All Valley Raw Championships 2. R-M1 -82.5 80.60 65 70 72.5 40 42.5 45 107.5 115 120 237.5 222.96
03/26/2022 Big Iron Classic State Championships 1. R-M1 -82.5 81.10 65 -67.5 67.5 35 37.5 -40 95 100 -112.5 205 191.86
11/06/2021 Montana State Championships 2. R-M1 84+ 92.40 55 57.5 60 35 -40 -40 85 87.5 92.5 187.5 34.23
11/06/2021 Montana State Championships 2. R-M1A 84+ 92.40 55 57.5 60 35 -40 -40 85 87.5 92.5 187.5 34.23