Lifting Database

Lifter - Hunter Stevens

Birth year: 2000
State: New Mexico

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 220 kg Battle on the Border 08/05/2023
Deadlift 220 kg Battle on the Border 08/05/2023
Bench press 140 kg Battle on the Border 08/05/2023
Total 580 kg Battle on the Border 08/05/2023

kgkgClick and drag to zoomSquatDeadliftBench pressTotalJan '22Mar '22May '22Jul '22Sep '22Nov '22Jan '23Mar '23May '23Jul '23200150175225200400600800
Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
08/05/2023 Battle on the Border 2. R-JR -100 93.50 220 -227.5 -227.5 140 -150 -150 210 220 -225 580 368.08
12/18/2021 Roswell Winter Classic - R-JR -105 96.65 185 192.5 -200 -127.5 -132.5 -140 185 195 -200 0 0.00
12/18/2021 Roswell Winter Classic - R-O -105 96.65 185 192.5 -200 -127.5 -132.5 -140 185 195 -200 0 0.00