Lifting Database

Lifter - Ian Gaxiola

Birth year: 2001
State: Illinois

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 190 kg Summer Showdown and Team Cup 06/01/2024
Bench press 135 kg Summer Showdown and Team Cup 06/01/2024
Deadlift 190 kg Summer Showdown and Team Cup 06/01/2024
Total 515 kg Summer Showdown and Team Cup 06/01/2024

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
06/01/2024 Summer Showdown and Team Cup 1. R-JR -125 123.85 175 182.5 190 125 130 135 170 177.5 190 515 292.74
12/19/2021 Illinois Collegiates 5. R-C -105 104.20 165 -172.5 -172.5 105 110 -112.5 167.5 180 -182.5 455 56.38
12/19/2021 Illinois Collegiates 4. R-JR -105 104.20 165 -172.5 -172.5 105 110 -112.5 167.5 180 -182.5 455 56.38