Lifting Database

Lifter - Jordan Love

Birth year: 2003
State: Pennsylvania


Type Division Discipline Weight Date

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 230 kg All Academy 01/28/2024
Deadlift 260 kg All Academy 01/28/2024
Bench press 132.5 kg Strong Island Open 11/09/2024
Total 620 kg All Academy 01/28/2024

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
11/09/2024 Strong Island Open 2. R-O -82.5 81.40 207.5 220 227.5 125 130 132.5 250 -250 250 610 416.39
01/28/2024 All Academy 3. R-C -82.5 81.80 210 220 230 120 130 -137.5 -240 250 260 620 422.03
11/04/2023 Squats & Science Fall Brawl 4. R-O -82.5 81.65 205 -220 227.5 125 -132.5 -132.5 240 257.5 -265 610 415.66
04/13/2023 Collegiate Nationals 47. R-C -75 74.46 -205 205 -220 120 125 -127.5 230 237.5 245 575 414.44
01/21/2023 All-Academy 3. R-C -82.5 81.80 205 217.5 -227.5 115 122.5 -127.5 235 242.5 -250 582.5 396.50
11/06/2022 Ivy League Cup and Collegiate Open 2. R-C -75 74.55 190 210 -217.5 107.5 117.5 -122.5 230 -237.5 -237.5 557.5 401.51
02/20/2022 The Murder Open 2. R-T3 -75 74.55 -187.5 187.5 195 97.5 102.5 105 220 -230 -230 520 374.50
01/15/2022 The Dombrowski All Academy - R-C -75 73.55 185 190 -197.5 -107.5 -110 -110 227.5 -232.5 -232.5 0 0.00