Lifting Database

Lifter - Andy He

Birth year: 2000
State: California

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 182.5 kg California State Championship 11/02/2024
Bench press 102.5 kg California State Championship 11/02/2024
Deadlift 195 kg California State Championship 11/02/2024
Total 480 kg California State Championship 11/02/2024

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
11/02/2024 California State Championship 4. R-O -75 69.70 160 172.5 182.5 92.5 100 102.5 182.5 195 -205 480 361.63
03/23/2024 SoCal Showdown 3: Revenge of the Lifts 3. R-JR -75 73.05 165 175 180 87.5 97.5 -102.5 165 180 192.5 470 343.00
06/03/2023 Bay Area Barbell Open 7. R-JR -75 70.15 142.5 152.5 162.5 85 90 -105 160 170 180 432.5 324.39
07/23/2022 Bay Area Barbell Summer Sideshow 5. R-JR -67.5 64.60 125 135 140 80 87.5 -95 152.5 165 172.5 400 318.49
02/05/2022 Spartan Collegiate and High School Open 5. R-JR -67.5 61.60 112.5 125 135 70 77.5 -85 150 170 182.5 395 326.37