Lifting Database


Birth year: 2001
State: California


Type Division Discipline Weight Date

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 280 kg Bay Area Barbell Winter Swolestice II 12/16/2023
Bench press 192.5 kg Absolute Flex Appeal - Fall Sizzle 09/10/2022
Deadlift 300 kg Bay Area Barbell Winter Swolestice II 12/16/2023
Total 772.5 kg Bay Area Barbell Winter Swolestice II 12/16/2023

kgkgClick and drag to zoomSquatBench pressDeadliftTotalMar '22May '22Jul '22Sep '22Nov '22Jan '23Mar '23May '23Jul '23Sep '23Nov '231752002252502753003252004006008001,0001,2001,400
Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
12/16/2023 Bay Area Barbell Winter Swolestice II 1. R-O -110 106.33 255 267.5 280 180 187.5 192.5 285 300 -307.5 772.5 463.56
03/18/2023 Make Your Own Luck Open 1. R-JR -100 98.90 245 257.5 265 185 -192.5 -195 270 285 295 745 460.78
03/18/2023 Make Your Own Luck Open 2. R-O -100 98.90 245 257.5 265 185 -192.5 -195 270 285 295 745 460.78
09/10/2022 Absolute Flex Appeal - Fall Sizzle 1. R-JR -100 98.55 230 -242.5 242.5 182.5 187.5 192.5 270 282.5 292.5 727.5 450.66 X
03/26/2022 Collegiate Nationals 16. R-C -100 99.17 230 242.5 250 175 182.5 185 257.5 272.5 -287.5 707.5 437.06
02/05/2022 Spartan Collegiate and High School Open 1. R-JR -100 99.75 230 242.5 250 180 -187.5 -187.5 -250 265 282.5 712.5 439.03 X