Lifting Database

Lifter - Owen King

Birth year: 2007
State: Minnesota

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 205 kg Roseville Rumble 11/10/2024
Bench press 115 kg Roseville Rumble 11/10/2024
Deadlift 207.5 kg Roseville Rumble 11/10/2024
Total 527.5 kg Roseville Rumble 11/10/2024

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
11/10/2024 Roseville Rumble 2. R-T2 -110 105.20 182.5 192.5 205 107.5 115 -117.5 182.5 197.5 207.5 527.5 317.89
12/09/2023 Liftmas Open 2. R-T2 -100 93.35 182.5 192.5 202.5 100 107.5 -112.5 190 200 205 515 327.08
03/30/2023 High School Nationals 9. R-JV -90 88.10 170 177.5 182.5 85 90 -97.5 172.5 180 187.5 460 300.70
02/12/2023 Minnesota State High School Teen and Youth Championships 1. R-JV -90 88.20 167.5 175 177.5 87.5 92.5 -97.5 170 177.5 -185 447.5 292.35
11/05/2022 5th Annual Champions Fall Classic 14. R-T1 -90 89.35 160 165 170 82.5 87.5 92.5 160 167.5 175 437.5 283.93
07/09/2022 Lake Superior Clash 2. R-O -90 87.90 147.5 155 160 77.5 -82.5 85 150 155 162.5 407.5 266.69
02/13/2022 Minnesota State High School, Teen and Youth Championships 3. R-JV -90 87.05 115 122.5 130 67.5 72.5 77.5 137.5 150 -160 357.5 235.16