Lifting Database

Lifter - William Thomas

Birth year: 1997
State: Maryland

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 162.5 kg Land of the Free Weights - Patriot Showdown 09/11/2022
Bench press 105 kg UBU Orlando Expo 07/02/2022
Deadlift 190 kg Texas Strength Classic 02/26/2022
Total 447.5 kg Texas Strength Classic 02/26/2022

kgkgClick and drag to zoomSquatBench pressDeadliftTotalApr '22Jul '22Oct '22Jan '23Apr '23Jul '23Oct '23Jan '24Apr '24Jul '24Oct '24100125150175200100200300400500
Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
09/28/2024 Maryland State Championships 1. R-O -67.5 62.20 142.5 155 -160 102.5 105 -107.5 165 180 -185 440 360.76
09/11/2022 Land of the Free Weights - Patriot Showdown 1. R-O -60 59.20 147.5 157.5 162.5 97.5 -107.5 -107.5 175 185 -192.5 445 379.79
07/02/2022 UBU Orlando Expo 1. R-O -60 59.10 155 -162.5 -162.5 97.5 105 -107.5 182.5 180 -195 442.5 378.19
02/26/2022 Texas Strength Classic 3. R-O -60 59.40 150 155 160 90 -97.5 97.5 180 185 190 447.5 380.85