Lifting Database

Lifter - Sam Han

Birth year: 2004
State: New York

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 192.5 kg New York State Championships 03/16/2024
Bench press 112.5 kg New York State Championships 03/16/2024
Deadlift 217.5 kg Sincere Training Systems Classic III 11/23/2024
Total 520 kg Sincere Training Systems Classic III 11/23/2024

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
11/23/2024 Sincere Training Systems Classic III 4. R-JR -82.5 78.45 182.5 192.5 -197.5 102.5 107.5 110 207.5 217.5 -222.5 520 362.78
03/16/2024 New York State Championships 5. R-JR -82.5 78.85 182.5 192.5 -200 105 110 112.5 182.5 192.5 197.5 502.5 349.49
09/10/2023 War at the Workshop 2. R-T3 -75 73.95 167.5 177.5 185 100 105 107.5 177.5 190 -195 482.5 349.32
04/29/2023 Spring Break Throwdown III 1. R-T3 -75 72.90 160 167.5 175 92.5 100 105 182.5 -192.5 -192.5 462.5 337.99
04/30/2022 Squats and Science Spring Fling 1. R-T3 -75 68.90 120 130 145 70 82.5 -85 160 180 192.5 420 319.00