Lifting Database

Lifter - Anthony Martinez

Birth year: 2012
State: Colorado


Type Division Discipline Weight Date
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Youth 1 -48 Squat 47.5 kg 05/21/2022
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Youth 1 -48 Bench press 30 kg 05/21/2022
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Youth 1 -48 Bench press single lift 30 kg 05/21/2022
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Youth 1 -48 Deadlift 72.5 kg 05/21/2022
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Youth 1 -48 Deadlift single lift 72.5 kg 05/21/2022
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Youth 1 -48 Total 150 kg 05/21/2022
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Youth 1 -48 Total push-pull 102.5 kg 05/21/2022
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Youth 1 -52 Squat 52.2 kg 12/03/2022
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Youth 1 -52 Bench press 27.2 kg 12/03/2022
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Youth 1 -52 Bench press single lift 27.2 kg 12/03/2022
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Youth 1 -52 Deadlift 83.9 kg 12/03/2022
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Youth 1 -52 Deadlift single lift 83.9 kg 12/03/2022
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Youth 1 -52 Total 163.3 kg 12/03/2022
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Youth 1 -52 Total push-pull 111.1 kg 12/03/2022
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Youth 2 -48 Deadlift single lift 72.5 kg 05/21/2022
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Youth 2 -52 Squat 52.2 kg 12/03/2022
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Youth 2 -52 Bench press 27.2 kg 12/03/2022
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Youth 2 -52 Bench press single lift 27.2 kg 12/03/2022
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Youth 2 -52 Deadlift 83.9 kg 12/03/2022
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Youth 2 -52 Deadlift single lift 83.9 kg 12/03/2022
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Youth 2 -52 Total 163.3 kg 12/03/2022
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Youth 2 -52 Total push-pull 111.1 kg 12/03/2022
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Youth 2 -56 Squat 57.5 kg 04/15/2023
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Youth 2 -56 Bench press 35 kg 04/15/2023
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Youth 2 -56 Bench press single lift 35 kg 04/15/2023
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Youth 2 -56 Deadlift 87.5 kg 04/15/2023
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Youth 2 -56 Deadlift single lift 87.5 kg 04/15/2023
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Youth 2 -56 Total 180 kg 04/15/2023
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Youth 2 -56 Total push-pull 122.5 kg 04/15/2023
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Youth 2 -60 Squat 65 kg 12/02/2023
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Youth 2 -60 Bench press 40 kg 12/02/2023
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Youth 2 -60 Bench press single lift 40 kg 12/02/2023
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Youth 2 -60 Deadlift 92.5 kg 12/02/2023
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Youth 2 -60 Deadlift single lift 92.5 kg 12/02/2023
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Youth 2 -60 Total 197.5 kg 12/02/2023
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Youth 2 -60 Total push-pull 132.5 kg 12/02/2023
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Youth 2 -67.5 Squat 65 kg 04/27/2024
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Youth 2 -67.5 Bench press 37.5 kg 04/27/2024
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Youth 2 -67.5 Bench press single lift 37.5 kg 04/27/2024
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Youth 2 -67.5 Deadlift 95 kg 04/27/2024
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Youth 2 -67.5 Deadlift single lift 95 kg 04/27/2024
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Youth 2 -67.5 Total 197.5 kg 04/27/2024
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Youth 2 -67.5 Total push-pull 132.5 kg 04/27/2024

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 70 kg Krampus is coming to Town Vol. 3 12/14/2024
Bench press 42.5 kg Krampus is coming to Town Vol. 3 12/14/2024
Deadlift 107.5 kg Krampus is coming to Town Vol. 3 12/14/2024
Total 220 kg Krampus is coming to Town Vol. 3 12/14/2024

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
12/14/2024 Krampus is coming to Town Vol. 3 1. R-Y3 -67.5 67.35 62.5 65 70 35 40 42.5 97.5 105 107.5 220 169.84
04/27/2024 Thunderwolf Open Vol. 2 1. R-Y2 -67.5 63.30 60 62.5 65 35 37.5 -42.5 82.5 90 95 197.5 159.73
12/02/2023 Krampus is Coming to Town V2 1. R-Y2 -60 57.80 55 60 65 32.5 37.5 40 82.5 87.5 92.5 197.5 171.99
04/15/2023 Thunderwolf Open 1. R-Y2 -56 52.25 -50 52.5 57.5 30 32.5 35 77.5 85 87.5 180 171.62
12/03/2022 Krampus is Coming to Town 1. R-Y1 -52 49.58 40.8 45.4 52.2 27.2 -36.3 -36.3 63.5 68 83.9 163.3 163.81
05/21/2022 Pueblo Powerlifting Home of Heroes 1. R-Y1 -48 47.16 35 40 47.5 25 -27.5 30 55 72.5 -75 150 158.32