Lifting Database

Lifter - Minh Duong

Birth year: 2002
State: Australia


Type Division Discipline Weight Date

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 230 kg Elemental Strength Society Showdown 07/23/2023
Bench press 120 kg Elemental Strength Society Showdown 07/23/2023
Deadlift 257.5 kg Elemental Strength Society Showdown 07/23/2023
Total 607.5 kg Elemental Strength Society Showdown 07/23/2023

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
09/23/2023 Australian Junior Open and Master Nationals 2. R-JR -90 89.20 200 215 225 112.5 117.5 120 225 245 255 600 389.72
07/23/2023 Elemental Strength Society Showdown 1. R-JR -100 95.85 200 217.5 230 112.5 117.5 120 232.5 250 257.5 607.5 381.07
12/03/2022 Australia Nationals & International Open 4. R-JR -90 87.15 195 210 220 110 115 -120 230 250 -260 585 384.58
06/18/2022 The Strength Fortress 5th Birthday Bash 4. R-O -90 88.10 202.5 215 225 105 112.5 -115 227.5 245 255 592.5 387.31