Lifting Database

Lifter - Eduardo Santos

Birth year: 2002
State: Georgia

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 182.5 kg Georgia State Championship 02/23/2024
Bench press 112.5 kg Georgia State Championships 02/17/2023
Deadlift 190 kg Georgia State Championships 02/17/2023
Total 477.5 kg Georgia State Championship 02/23/2024

kgkgClick and drag to zoomSquatBench pressDeadliftTotalDec '22Jan '23Feb '23Mar '23Apr '23May '23Jun '23Jul '23Aug '23Sep '23Oct '23Nov '23Dec '23Jan '24Feb '24100200125150175225100200300400500600
Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
02/23/2024 Georgia State Championship 1. R-JR -125 118.05 162.5 170 182.5 102.5 110 -125 162.5 185 -207.5 477.5 275.75
02/17/2023 Georgia State Championships 2. R-JR -125 117.00 165 170 172.5 100 107.5 112.5 160 182.5 190 475 275.14
11/05/2022 South Georgia Barbell Brawl 1. R-JR -125 111.65 155 165 -172.5 87.5 95 102.5 160 170 182.5 450 265.05