Lifting Database

Lifter - Josue Hernandez

Birth year: 1991
State: Georgia

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 277.5 kg South Georgia Barbell Brawl 11/05/2022
Bench press 187.5 kg South Georgia Barbell Brawl 11/05/2022
Deadlift 300 kg Georgia State Championship 02/23/2024
Total 757.5 kg Southeast Regionals 06/17/2023

kgkgClick and drag to zoomSquatBench pressDeadliftTotalDec '22Jan '23Feb '23Mar '23Apr '23May '23Jun '23Jul '23Aug '23Sep '23Oct '23Nov '23Dec '23Jan '24Feb '242002252502753003252004006008001,0001,200
Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
02/23/2024 Georgia State Championship 1. R-O -100 98.30 257.5 -267.5 272.5 172.5 180 185 282.5 300 -312.5 757.5 469.77
06/17/2023 Southeast Regionals 2. R-O -110 103.30 260 270 277.5 185 -190 -190 280 295 -307.5 757.5 459.90 X
11/05/2022 South Georgia Barbell Brawl 1. R-O -110 104.20 250 260 277.5 177.5 185 187.5 255 272.5 290 755 456.75 X