Lifting Database

Lifter - Mathew Little

Birth year: 1991
State: Texas

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 200 kg The Rise of Species 08/17/2024
Bench press 127.5 kg H-Town Showdown 10/28/2023
Deadlift 217.5 kg The Rise of Species 08/17/2024
Total 542.5 kg The Rise of Species 08/17/2024

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
08/17/2024 The Rise of Species 1. R-O -125 120.80 175 190 200 115 125 -132.5 202.5 217.5 -227.5 542.5 310.88
10/28/2023 H-Town Showdown 3. R-O -125 119.63 157.5 170 180 115 125 127.5 182.5 195 205 512.5 294.64
02/11/2023 StrengthBuilt Rookie Meet 2. R-O -100 98.30 140 150 -165 100 107.5 115 145 160 -182.5 425 263.57