Lifting Database

Lifter - Ryan Blythe

Birth year: 2004
State: North Carolina

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 192.5 kg Battle On The Border 06/15/2024
Bench press 115 kg Battle On The Border 06/15/2024
Deadlift 235 kg Fall Festival of Power 11/11/2023
Total 527.5 kg Battle On The Border 06/15/2024

kgkgClick and drag to zoomSquatBench pressDeadliftTotalMar '23Apr '23May '23Jun '23Jul '23Aug '23Sep '23Oct '23Nov '23Dec '23Jan '24Feb '24Mar '24Apr '24May '24Jun '24100150200250300350100200300400500600
Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
06/15/2024 Battle On The Border 3. R-T3 -90 84.10 175 182.5 192.5 -110 110 115 220 -240 -240 527.5 353.51
11/11/2023 Fall Festival of Power 3. R-T3 -90 83.45 -170 175 180 100 105 110 215 230 235 525 353.35
06/17/2023 Southeast Regionals 2. R-T3 -82.5 80.80 160 167.5 177.5 95 100 105 212.5 227.5 230 512.5 351.34
02/25/2023 Oak City Open 2. R-T3 -82.5 78.90 160 170 -175 92.5 97.5 100 200 220 230 500 347.62