Lifting Database

Lifter - Harry Hetherington-Welch

Birth year: 1998
State: Australia

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Bench press 182.5 kg Paragon Open II 06/10/2023
Squat 200 kg Paragon Open II 06/10/2023
Deadlift 235 kg Paragon Open II 06/10/2023
Total 617.5 kg Paragon Open II 06/10/2023

kgkgClick and drag to zoomBench pressSquatDeadliftTotal17. Apr24. Apr1. May8. May15. May22. May29. May5. Jun180200220240200400600800
Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
06/10/2023 Paragon Open II 1. R-O -110 108.70 170 190 200 170 177.5 182.5 212.5 235 -247.5 617.5 367.38
04/16/2023 Adonis Athletics Open 1. R-O -110 108.40 170 180 -185 180 107.20