Lifting Database

Lifter - Anthony Thaxton

Birth year: 1998
State: Virginia

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 165 kg Fall Festival of Power 11/11/2023
Bench press 102.5 kg Virginia Mega Novice Open 04/30/2023
Deadlift 172.5 kg Fall Festival of Power 11/11/2023
Total 430 kg Fall Festival of Power 11/11/2023

kgkgClick and drag to zoomSquatBench pressDeadliftTotal8. May22. May5. Jun19. Jun3. Jul17. Jul31. Jul14. Aug28. Aug11. Sep25. Sep9. Oct23. Oct6. Nov100125150175200100200300400500
Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
11/11/2023 Fall Festival of Power 6. R-O -100 90.50 130 145 165 82.5 92.5 -102.5 130 150 172.5 430 277.27
04/30/2023 Virginia Mega Novice Open 12. R-O -100 91.30 112.5 130 147.5 80 90 102.5 115 132.5 152.5 402.5 258.40