Lifting Database

Lifter - Ran Tun

Birth year: 1999
State: New Jersey

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 205 kg Ghost Summer Slam 05/13/2023
Bench press 137.5 kg Ghost Summer Slam 05/13/2023
Deadlift 250 kg Ghost Summer Slam 05/13/2023
Total 592.5 kg Ghost Summer Slam 05/13/2023

kgkgClick and drag to zoomSquatBench pressDeadliftTotal8. May9. May10. May11. May12. May13. May14. May15. May16. May17. May18. May19. May20. May21. May1501752002252502752004006008001,0001,200
Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
05/13/2023 Ghost Summer Slam 2. R-JR -82.5 77.45 200 205 -210 130 -137.5 137.5 232.5 240 250 592.5 416.60 X