Lifting Database

Lifter - Nicolas Valene

Birth year: 2003
State: Illinois

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 215 kg Surge Classic 11/16/2024
Bench press 120 kg Central And Midwest Regionals 06/01/2024
Deadlift 272.5 kg Surge Classic 11/16/2024
Total 605 kg Surge Classic 11/16/2024

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
11/16/2024 Surge Classic 3. R-JR -100 97.90 197.5 207.5 215 105 117.5 -125 255 272.5 -277.5 605 375.88
06/01/2024 Central And Midwest Regionals 12. R-JR -100 96.45 195 205 -210 100 115 120 -235 245 255 580 362.78
07/22/2023 Barbells and Barbecue 4. R-JR -82.5 81.50 152.5 162.5 175 87.5 95 -100 192.5 205 -220 475 324.01