Lifting Database

Lifter - John Diaz-Decaro

Birth year: 1981
State: California

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 205 kg Underground Showdown 11/19/2023
Bench press 135 kg Underground Showdown 11/19/2023
Deadlift 237.5 kg Underground Showdown 11/19/2023
Total 577.5 kg Underground Showdown 11/19/2023

kgkgClick and drag to zoomSquatBench pressDeadliftTotal7. Aug14. Aug21. Aug28. Aug4. Sep11. Sep18. Sep25. Sep2. Oct9. Oct16. Oct23. Oct30. Oct6. Nov13. Nov20. Nov1251501752002252502004006008001,0001,200
Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
11/19/2023 Underground Showdown 1. R-M1A -100 95.80 185 192.5 205 127.5 135 -140 212.5 225 237.5 577.5 362.34
08/05/2023 STS Sunset Showdown 1. R-O -100 94.00 177.5 192.5 200 120 130 -137.5 207.5 215 225 555 351.32