Lifting Database

Lifter - Cristobal Gonzalez

Birth year: 2001
State: California

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 240 kg Military, Fire and Police National Championship 03/16/2024
Bench press 150 kg Thanksgiving Throwdown 11/09/2024
Deadlift 250 kg Thanksgiving Throwdown 11/09/2024
Total 625 kg Military, Fire and Police National Championship 03/16/2024

kgkgClick and drag to zoomSquatBench pressDeadliftTotalDec '23Jan '24Feb '24Mar '24Apr '24May '24Jun '24Jul '24Aug '24Sep '24Oct '24Nov '241501752002252502752004006008001,0001,200
Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
11/09/2024 Thanksgiving Throwdown 2. R-JR -110 108.95 225 -237.5 -237.5 140 142.5 150 225 237.5 250 625 371.52
03/16/2024 Military, Fire and Police National Championship 1. R-JR -110 108.75 225 232.5 240 135 142.5 -145 225 237.5 242.5 625 371.78
03/16/2024 Military, Fire and Police National Championship 2. R-O -110 108.75 225 232.5 240 135 142.5 -145 225 237.5 242.5 625 371.78
11/11/2023 Strong Enough 2. R-O -110 109.30 210 220 230 132.5 137.5 -145 210 222.5 235 602.5 357.70