Lifting Database

Lifter - Cristobal Gonzalez

Birth year: 2001
State: California

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 240 kg Military, Fire and Police National Championship 03/16/2024
Bench press 150 kg Thanksgiving Throwdown 11/09/2024
Deadlift 250 kg Thanksgiving Throwdown 11/09/2024
Total 625 kg Military, Fire and Police National Championship 03/16/2024

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
11/09/2024 Thanksgiving Throwdown 2. R-JR -110 108.95 225 -237.5 -237.5 140 142.5 150 225 237.5 250 625 371.52
03/16/2024 Military, Fire and Police National Championship 2. R-O -110 108.75 225 232.5 240 135 142.5 -145 225 237.5 242.5 625 371.78
03/16/2024 Military, Fire and Police National Championship 1. R-JR -110 108.75 225 232.5 240 135 142.5 -145 225 237.5 242.5 625 371.78
11/11/2023 Strong Enough 2. R-O -110 109.30 210 220 230 132.5 137.5 -145 210 222.5 235 602.5 357.70