Lifting Database

Lifter - Jacob sanchez

Birth year: 2004
State: California

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 215 kg Collegiate Cup 12/02/2023
Bench press 135 kg Collegiate Cup 12/02/2023
Deadlift 255 kg 4th Annual Hot of Texas 04/13/2024
Total 597.5 kg Collegiate Cup 12/02/2023

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
04/13/2024 4th Annual Hot of Texas 1. R-C -82.5 81.80 185 197.5 -207.5 117.5 125 132.5 217.5 235 255 585 398.20
12/02/2023 Collegiate Cup 8. R-C -82.5 81.30 200 215 -222.5 120 127.5 135 247.5 -267.5 -267.5 597.5 408.15