Lifting Database

Lifter - Kieran Feeney

Birth year: 2007
State: New Jersey

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 142.5 kg New Jersey High School and Youth State Championship 01/11/2025
Bench press 75 kg New Jersey High School and Youth State Championship 01/11/2025
Deadlift 160 kg New Jersey High School and Youth State Championship 01/11/2025
Total 377.5 kg New Jersey High School and Youth State Championship 01/11/2025

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
01/11/2025 New Jersey High School and Youth State Championship 4. R-V -67.5 66.50 127.5 137.5 142.5 67.5 75 -80 140 150 160 377.5 294.14
01/14/2024 NJ High School and Youth Championship 3. R-JV -67.5 64.80 -100 115 117.5 55 57.5 62.5 120 125 -137.5 305 242.28